Monday's umps, weather, etc.


Pretty much a regular
Small Monday card but all new series

Umps we're stalking:
DeMuth (NYY/BOS in London; hard to imagine this crew working today, wouldn't be shocked if they get a break after that series)
Cooper (BAL)
T Gibson (TOR)
Blakney (CIN)
Lentz (MIA)
Libka (TB)
Reynolds (DET)
Kulpa (HOU)
Whitson (CWS)
Hamari (MIL)
Randazzo (COL)
Iassogna (SF)
Cuzzi (LAA)
Hoberg (SD)
Everitt (NYM)
Annoying. Clayton has faced him 3 times but I can not see how he did
Sparkman no history
No 15,1 innings 1,76 ERA
Clayton has over a 10 ERA in the day
I really can not bet on him
The fact is Sparkman would be the logical pick, He is better and that ump does not like home teams but I guess I pass