Mondays Probable Pitchers


Pretty much a regular
Bos at Pit

Red Sox - Jon Lester, Takashi Saito, Hideki Okajima, Manny Delcarmen, Ramon Ramirez, Wes Littleton

'09 spring stats

Lester - 4ip ~ 2 hits/1HBP ~ 0ER ~ 3k's
Saito - 3ip ~ 2 hits/1BB/1HBP ~ 0ER ~ 4k's
Okajima - 4ip ~ 2 hits/2BB ~ 2ER ~ 2k's
Delcarmen - 4ip ~ 4 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 4k's
Ramirez - 4ip ~ 6 hits/0BB ~ 5R/4ER ~ 3k's
Littleton - 3.2ip ~ 5 hits/3BB/3HBP ~ 7ER ~ 3k's

Pirates - Tom Gorzelanny, Sean Burnett, Craig Hansen, Tyler Yates, Brian Slocum, Chris Bootcheck

'09 spring stats

Gorzelanny - 4ip ~ 1 hit/4BB/1HBP ~ 1ER ~ 1k
Burnett - 5ip ~ 2 hits/2BB ~ 1ER ~ 2k's
Hansen - 5ip ~ 1 hit/2BB/1HBP ~ 0ER ~ 6k's
Yates - 4ip ~ 3 hits/3BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Bootcheck - 6ip ~ 3 hits/2BB ~ 0ER ~ 5k's
Cin at Phi

Reds - Bronson Arroyo, Mike Lincoln, Josh Roenicke, Ben Jukich, Sam LeCure, Daniel Ray Herrera

'09 spring stats

Arroyo - 2ip ~ 2 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 0k's
Lincoln - 3ip ~ 2 hits/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 2k's
Roenicke - 3.1ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 2ER ~ 1k
Jukich - 3ip ~ 4 hits/2BB ~ 3R/2ER ~ 1k
LeCure - 3ip ~ 7 hits/1BB ~ 4ER ~ 1k
Herrera - 2ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's

Phillies - Cole Hamels, Andrew Carpenter, Antonio Bastardo, Robert Mosebach

'09 spring stats

Carpenter - 0.0ip ~ 3 hits/3BB ~ 4ER ~ 0k's
Bastardo - 2ip ~ 1 hit/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 2k's
Min at Tb

Twins - Kevin Slowey, Matt Guerrier, Craig Breslow, Jason Jones, Jose Mijares, Brian Duensing

'09 spring stats

Slowey - 2ip ~ 0 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Guerrier - 4ip ~ 5 hits/3BB ~ 3ER ~ 1k
Breslow - 4ip ~ 2 hits/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 5k's
Jones - 5ip ~ 5 hits/2BB ~ 1ER ~ 4k's
Mijares - 4ip ~ 3 hits/5BB ~ 1ER ~ 3k's
Duensing - 3ip ~ 3 hits/2BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's

Rays - Scott Kazmir, Jeff Niemann, Dan Wheeler, Joe Nelson, Randy Choate

'09 spring stats

Niemann - 5ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 7k's
Choate - 3ip ~ 5 hits/1BB ~ 5R/4ER ~ 1k
Bal at Nym

Orioles - Koji Uehara, George Sherrill, Jamie Walker, Chris Ray, Dennis Sarfate

Uehara - 2ip ~ 1 hit/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 3k's
Sherrill - 1ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Walker - 1ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Ray - 3ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Sarfate - 1ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's

Mets - Brandon Knight, Adam Bostick, Rocky Cherry, Duaner Sanchez, Brian Stokes, Casey Fossum, Matt DeSalvo

'09 spring stats

Knight - 1ip ~ 4 hits/1BB ~ 3ER ~ 2k's
Bostick - 2ip ~ 2 hits/4BB ~ 2ER ~ 0k's
Cherry - 3ip ~ 5 hits/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 1k
Sanchez - 4ip ~ 2 hits/5BB ~ 1ER ~ 2k's
Stokes - 4ip ~ 4 hits/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 3k's
Fossum - 4ip ~ 4 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 3k's
DeSalvo - 4ip ~ 2 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 2k's
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Tor at Nyy

Blue Jays - Brad Mills, Casey Jansen, Brian Burres, Rick Bauer

'09 spring stats

Mills - 2ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
Burres - 3ip ~ 4 hits/2BB/1HBP ~ 2ER ~ 4k's
Bauer - 2.1ip ~ 4 hits/2BB ~ 2ER ~ 3k's

Yankees - Andy Pettitte, Ian Kennedy, Dan Giese

'09 spring stats

Kennedy - 5ip ~ 4 hits/2BB ~ 2ER ~ 3k's
Giese - 6ip ~ 7 hits/2BB ~ 5ER ~ 4k's
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Det at Fla

Tigers - Rick Porcello, Brandon Lyon, Bobby Seay, Freddy Dolsi

'09 spring stats

Porcello - 1ip ~ 2 hits/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 2k's
Lyon - 3.2ip ~ 6 hits/1BB ~ 4R/1ER ~ 1k
Seay - 2.2ip ~ 2 hits/2BB ~ 0ER ~ 3k's
Dolsi - 2.2ip ~ 4 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's

Marlins - Josh Johnson, Taylor Tankersley, Renyel Pinto, Dan Meyer, Kiko Calero, Carlos Martinez

'09 spring stats

Johnson - 3ip ~ 3 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Tankersley - 2.2ip ~ 6 hits/2BB ~ 4ER ~ 3k's
Pinto - 1ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Meyer - 2ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
Calero - 2ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Martinez - 3ip ~ 4 hits/1HBP ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Hou at Was

Astros - Felipe Paulino, Jose Capellan, Sergio Perez, Danny Graves, Alberto Arias, Neal Musser

'09 spring stats

Paulino - 2ip ~ 2 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 0k's
Capellan - 2ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Perez - 0.0ip ~ 4 hits/1BB ~ 4R/2ER ~ 0k's
Graves - 4ip ~ 6 hits/1BB ~ 3R/2ER ~ 2k's
Arias - 1ip ~ 0 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's

Nationals - Colin Balester, Ross Detwiler, Terrell Young, Justin Jones, Steven Shell

'09 spring stats

Balester - 5ip ~ 5 hits/2BB ~ 4ER ~ 3k's
Detwiler - 1ip ~ 4 hits/5BB ~ 4ER ~ 0k's
Young - 5ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 1k
Jones - 1.2ip ~ 1 hit/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 3k's
Shell - 4ip ~ 7 hits/2BB ~ 4ER ~ 3k's
Kc at Chc

Royals - Brian Bannister, Luke Hochevar, Kyle Farnsworth, Joel Peralta

'09 spring stats

Bannister - 5ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 2ER ~ 2k's
Hochevar - 5ip ~ 4 hits/1BB/1HBP ~ 2ER ~ 3k's
Farnsworth - 2ip ~ 3 hits/0BB ~ 2ER ~ 3k's
Peralta - 4ip ~ 3 hits/2BB ~ 2ER ~ 6k's

Cubs - Chad Gaudin, Jeff Samardzija, Kevin Gregg, Kevin Hart, Randy Wells

'09 spring stats

Gaudin - 5ip ~ 7 hits/1BB/1HBP ~ 4ER ~ 4k's
Samardzija - 5ip ~ 8 hits/2BB/2HBP ~ 5ER ~ 3k's
Gregg - 3ip ~ 2 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 3k's
Hart - 3ip ~ 3 hits/2HBP ~ 1ER ~ 3k's
Wells - 1.1ip ~ 0 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
Laa at Oak

Angels -
Joe Saunders, Darren Oliver, Jose Arredondo, Rafael Rodriguez, Daniel Davidson, David Herndon, Alex Torres

'09 spring stats

Oliver - 1ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
Arredondo - 3ip ~ 0 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 4k's
Rodriguez - 5.2ip ~ 6 hits/2BB ~ 1ER ~ 3k's
Davidson - 3.1ip ~ 3 hits/2BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Herndon - 6ip ~ 4 hits/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 2k's
Torres - 2ip ~ 0 hits/5BB ~ 2R/1ER ~ 2k's

A's -
Dallas Braden

'09 spring stats

Braden - 2ip ~ 0 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
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Cle at Cws

- Fausto Carmona, Anthony Reyes, Matt Herges, Vinny Chulk, Greg Aquino, Juan Salas

'09 spring stats

Carmona - 4ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Reyes - 2ip ~ 3 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Herges - 4ip ~ 6 hits/3BB ~ 5R/4ER ~ 3k's
Chulk - 6ip ~ 3 hits/2BB/1HBP ~ 3ER ~ 3k's
Aquino - 3ip ~ 3 hits/1BB/1HBP ~ 1ER ~ 4k's
Salas - 3ip ~ 1 hit/2BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k

White Sox - John Danks

'09 spring stats

Danks - 5ip ~ 4 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 6k's
Sd at Ari

Padres -
Cha Seunk Baek, Greg Burke, Jae Kuk Ryu, Justin Hampson, Joe Thatcher, Arturo Lopez, Edwin Moreno

'09 spring stats

Baek - 3ip ~ 4 hits/0BB ~ 3ER ~ 2k's
Burke - 3ip ~ 2 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 4k's
Ryu - 3ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 1R/0ER ~ 2k's
Hampson - 3.2ip ~ 6 hits/0BB ~ 3R/2ER ~ 4k's
Thatcher - 3.1ip ~ 4 hits/1BB/1HBP ~ 1ER ~ 3k's
Lopez - 3ip ~ 2 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Moreno - 3ip ~ 2 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 4k's

Diamondbacks -
Jon Garland, Jose Marte, Leyson Septimo, Jon Coutlungus, Brooks Brown, Kyler Newby, Julien Peguero

'09 spring stats

Garland - 2ip ~ 1 hit/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 0k's
Marte - 2.2ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Septimo - 1ip ~ 1 hit/2BB ~ 2ER ~ 0k's
Coutlungus - 2ip ~ 4 hits/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 2k's
Brown - 1.1ip ~ 5 hits/1BB ~ 5ER ~ 1k
Newby - 2ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 3k's
Peguero - 3ip ~ 6 hits/0BB ~ 6R/4ER ~ 3k's
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Mil at Sf

Brewers -
Manny Parra, Mitch Stetter, Omar Aguilar, Eduardo Morlan, Nick Green

'09 spring stats

Parra - 2ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Stetter - 3ip ~ 4 hits/1BB ~ 2ER ~ 3k's
Aguilar - 4ip ~ 4 hits/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 4k's
Morlan - 5ip ~ 5 hits/3BB ~ 2ER ~ 3k's
Green - 3ip ~ 1 hit/2BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's

Giants -
Barry Zito, Merkin Valdez, Ramon Ortiz, Bob Howry, Waldis Joaquin

'09 spring stats

Zito - 4.2ip ~ 4 hits/2BB ~ 3ER ~ 4k's
Valdez - 1ip ~ 0 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
Ortiz - 4.2ip ~ 13 hits/2BB/2HBP ~ 11R/10ER ~ 4k's
Howry - 4ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Joaquin - 3ip ~ 1 hit/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 3k's
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Lad at Tex

Dodgers - Claudio Vargas, Jason Schmidt, Eric Milton, Tanyon Sturtz, Eric Threets, Charlie Haeger

'09 spring stats

Vargas - 6ip ~ 7 hits/1BB ~ 2ER ~ 6k's
Milton - 5.2ip ~ 10 hits/2BB ~ 3ER ~ 6k's
Sturtze - 2.1ip ~ 5 hits/0BB ~ 3R/1ER ~ 2k's
Threets - 2.2ip ~ 2 hits/2BB ~ 1ER ~ 5k's
Haeger - 1ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's

Rangers - Kevin Millwood, Kris Benson, Derrick Turnbow, Josh Rupe, CJ Wilson

Millwood - 5ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 5k's
Benson - 4ip ~ 3 hits/2BB ~ 1ER ~ 1k
Turnbow - 2ip ~ 1 hit/3BB/1HBP ~ 1ER ~ 3k's
Rupe - 3ip ~ 1 hit/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Wilson - 1.1ip ~ 1 hit/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
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The Astros will lose big today (and on all road games) - Cecil Cooper doesn't make veterans travel on road trips - They are terrible and these pitchers listed for today suck too -
thanks luol. You save us a lot of time with this thread.

I still can't get over this "Antonio Bastardo" guy in the philly pen...cracks me up everytime.
thanks luol. You save us a lot of time with this thread.

I still can't get over this "Antonio Bastardo" guy in the philly pen...cracks me up everytime.

No problem. I do it to help myself anyway and figured there's no reason not to share it with the rest of you.