Monday's picks


The Spurs can suck my manhood
Hitting the Suns bet brought to me so much energy back after a bad run that happened in 24 hourse, it is hard to describe.
Spurs ML and Under are two bets for now, waiting for the line to come.
Spurs are again in B2B against Denver, but Spurs know that a loss tomorrow and they got very little chance finishing first in the West and they just can't afford to lose three games to Denver, especially since the possibility of them facing each other in play off sudenly seems real.
Denver is a great domestic team, but plays poorly on a road and should really lose this one.
Stakes and the Under explanation will be made tomorrow.

Best of luck everybody!!!
Hm... the line was set at 7. Was hoping for 5 points only...
ML is low, but it seems like money in a pocket. Still, hate low odds...

What do you think guys, Spurs will crush Denver in the B2B or this one will be a battle till the bazzer?

I feel this should be a DD win, but I'm really worried about the stamina of the Spurs to play again, their fourth match in five days and afraid that Denver can force a close match or even some back door cover.
Thanks man, still thinking about ML or with the line though...

Dallas and Cleveland will be played as well and Under in Spurs, will explain later.

If there any Israeli users, Clips still got +4 in Israel, I took it, hoping that the public knows what he is doing, Wade or not...
I couldn't make up my mind about the Spurs so it goes like that:

Spurs ML - 8units
Spurs -7 - 2 units
Spurs just can't lose this one. Lakers loss to the Kings gave Spurs golden opportunity to still be tied for the first place despite to losses if they win tonight. Spurs just can't afford themselves to lose three in a row and especially to lose three games to the Nuggets, giving them confidence when there is a good chance they will meet in the first round, just like last year.
Spurs are tired, old, but still champs and good team. Iverson owned them this season, but Smith and Kleiza are two different players playing home and on a road and that is why the Nuggets simply stink the floor on a road.
I swear I could hear Duncan's balls shake when ever he saw Shaq on Sunday and today he should really compensate his teammates by leading them to victory.
Spurs with two straight losses, playing Denver tonight, going to NO on wednesday and than the Pistons on a road. Doubt they will lose five in a row, so this gives me great confidence. Loss tonight and I will be back with 10 stakes bet on the Spurs ML with much better odds against the Hornets.

Under 201 - Actually played 204, but 201 still presents great value I believe. Spurs at home and on a road are very different when it comes to defense and unless Denver allows Spurs to score 110 - 120 points, I just can't see this one going Over. They lost to Denver's offense on Friday and even though the game ended under in Arizona, they lost because Suns managed to outplay them in the offense iin the 4 quarter. Tonight we will see Spurs bounce back and just like the Pistons, they will react with a strong Under to two defeats.
Under 201 - 5 units (played it on 204)

will add the rest of the plays in a few moments...
4th in 5 for san an and you laying 8 units on a hefty ml? i dont quite understand this play but wish you the best.
LeBron is gunning for the MVP and as much as I hope that Kobe will win it and believe he deserves it (fourth place in the East will all due respect just can't be equal to the first place in the West and if Dirk got it simply for that reason, than double or triple the same logic on Kobe).
Cleveland at home are sure money since the trade and Portland are declining barely winning the injured Bucks and Knicks and that is nothing to write home about, since they really should have won both games in a much easier way.
Miles is out the last season and a half and if there is one player that maybe can stop LeBron on Portland's roster, it's only him. Webster or Outlaw simply can't. Don't believe me? Well I guess you didn't see the previous game between the teams.
Black and Jack love to help on penetration/ big guys and West with Wally will get their open looks from three point line as well and all for all, I just can't understand why the line isn't +8 on Portland.
7 units play on Cleveland -5.
4th in 5 for san an and you laying 8 units on a hefty ml? i dont quite understand this play but wish you the best.

I know this is 4th in 5 days and wrote it in number of posts, but that is the only reason I'm not 10 stakes bet on the line as well.
Spurs are the oldest team in the league, but there also have their Texan pride. And, as I said, in case I loose, two more chances to get the money back. It will be +2 for the Spurs in NO I guess if they lose tonight, and that means higher than even odds and if they lose that one as well, I believe we will see 1 to 2 action against the Pistons.
Worst case scenario, I lose. Won't be the first or the last time...
This is one of the bets I hate, going with logic only and not with that feeling that you know you got some value here, but still:

Knicks have more question marks around their players health that Isaiah around his ability to coach even high school teams.
Curry and Marbury are out for sure (Marbury for a while now)
Randolph and Crawford might miss the game as well.
I love Nate Robinson, but his display against the Trailblazers was ones in a while performance and I doubt that tonight, as much as Kidd is poor defender, we will see such action again. So, unless Q Rich will remember his Suns days or Lee huste for a 20 and 15 match, I just don't see Knicks reaching 90 or even 85. Dallas on the other hand, with Kidd on roster, should really go to 100 and higher, even thought that without all those big names, we will see good defenders tonight as Lee, Jefferies, Balkman...
A small play here only, as I just don't feel the bet, but the difference is too big to overlook this one.
Dallas -14 - 4 stakes bet.

That is it for tonight, best of luck everybody!!!
Cleveland - won
Dallas - won
Spurs ML - won
Spurs -7 - loss. 14 seconds left, Bowen shooting free throws, Spurs up by 6. Hits one, missing the second, 7 points lead. Iverson missing the shot, Smith with second on a clock, basket + foul. I sent -6 in the end (bought the point) and still lost by a dumb basket!
Under 201 - loss

+7 units in the end of the day...