

To the left, to the left, to the right to the righ
L.A. +8 (-110 @ Greek)
I said after the Phoenix game that Dallas would be a great fade the rest of the way. They proceeded to lose ATS to the Kings, a game I layed off b/c of the injuries and the Kings quitting. They then lost @ Denver, I took the points there (didn't post b/c the site was down). They then lost ATS to Portland. 0-3 last 3. But now we have a spot where they are playing a team that is as hungry as any team in the NBA and fighting for their playoff lives. It goes deeper tho, it doesn't take a genius to know that Dallas wants L.A. in the first round as opposed to Golden State. Well, they can go a long way toward making that happen tonight. And no, I'm not saying Dallas will tank this game. I'm saying no major player will play 40 minutes, Howard won't play at all, and Kevin Willis will fucking play. Clipps will be in this to the end, they have to.

Bought down Orlando to -3, not sure if I'm keeping it. May just wait and hope Milwaukee gets up at halftime, then pound Orlando 2H like I did with Houston last night. We shall see.

Let's get lucky again! :moose:
I think your spot on on the LA game...

I'm coming out of regular season retirement for this one
Like the Clipper very much here. Good luck:cheers:

Another horrible avatar, but as long you don't bring Obama back, haha.
Clippers moneyline Mavs lose this game on purpose to fuck over the Warriors lmao
<table id="wagerTable" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr class="odd" valign="middle"><td colspan="2">THOUGHTS?
</td> <td colspan="7">Mehmet Okur (Jazz) Total Made 3 Point Field Goals</td></tr> <tr class="odd" valign="middle"> <td>04/09/07 </td> <td align="right">148</td> <td>Made 3 Pointers</td> <td align="right">OFF</td> <td> </td> <td align="right">OFF</td> <td> </td> <td align="right">Over 1.5 (Even)</td> <td> <input name="TOTAL_032" value="X2061-148-Made3-MustS-040907,3" onclick="checkPoint(" type="checkbox"> </td> </tr> <tr class="odd" valign="middle"> <td>22:35 ET</td> <td align="right"> </td> <td>Must Start</td> <td align="right">OFF</td> <td> </td> <td align="right">OFF</td> <td> </td> <td align="right">Under 1.5 (-130)</td> <td>
Just saw Obama on TV, they said something about him having 100 000 donators, while Hillary has 50 k.

Since when is buying points in the NBA a good idea? I'm just curious.

I do agree with you regarding the Clippers game tonight. I don't want to bet on it but it won't surprise me one bit if LAC wins this game. It's not secret that Cuban and Don Nelson are at odds over Nellie's contract settlement. A Clippers win tonight would really make it hard for GS to make the playoffs.

One more thing to consider. For all the talk and speculation about Dallas putting this one in the tanker there is still a very decent chance that the Lakers lose their next three games and they could suddenly be on the outside looking in or at least staring in the window.

Good luck
I just hate crude symbolism. Our Christian heritage is not an enemy as such. I think the church generally tries to stay independent of politics.
I think the church generally tries to stay independent of politics.

That's a joke, right? In 2004, the Catholic church handed out flyers telling people that it's a "sin" to vote for someone who's pro-choice. Falwell announced to his legion of followers that "voting for principle means voting for Bush." That's not staying out of politics. Yet, churches retain tax-free status. But that's a debate for another day I guess.
yeah, the churches get all involved in politics over here. I dunno about central europe.

I think it's reasonable for an individual's beliefs to influence his vote. And an enormous number of non-profits try to influence voting...not sure why their tax-free status should be in question.
yeah, the churches get all involved in politics over here. I dunno about central europe.

I think it's reasonable for an individual's beliefs to influence his vote. And an enormous number of non-profits try to influence voting...not sure why their tax-free status should be in question.

Because it is wrong for an institution to be impacting political elections and retaining tax-free status. Tax-free status is ridiculous. Like I heard someone say one time, it's basically assuming that every American believes that churches are a positive aspect to society, which many of us do not. But we still pay for it. That is un-American.
I really expected you to be taking the Pistons tonight. Biggest road fav and I thought you'd be on it. :)

In all seriousness I'm on it as well. GL BDKilla.
lol, BAR should be the object of your road chalk jokes, it's his new middle name
Making it an official play........

Orlando -3 (-120 @ Greek, documented last night when it was still available)
Not sure what I'm gonna do with this though. May buy it back with a tiny middle and drink the juice. May wait until halftime to do something with it. Or may just keep it. Still thinking.
Because it is wrong for an institution to be impacting political elections and retaining tax-free status. Tax-free status is ridiculous. Like I heard someone say one time, it's basically assuming that every American believes that churches are a positive aspect to society, which many of us do not. But we still pay for it. That is un-American.

So you would also be against planned parenthood being funded publicly..because not all Americans believe they are a positive aspect to society?

You aren't funding churches. Churches are simply not taxed. It's different. Most folks recognize that churches do an enormous amount of charity work, and if you revoke their tax-free status, that charity work is going to suffer and likely plummet dramatically. So while you may not like the Lutheran Church, perhaps it's worth them being tax-exempt so they can continue operating the Lutheran Soup Kitchen.

Should the Salvation Army not be tax-exempt either? The United Way?

there's nothing un-American about NOT taxing something.
red- I don't understand. Is every charitable organization that owns property and land in this country not taxed? I speak from a position of ignorance here, so if this is the case, please enlighten me.
Since when is buying points in the NBA a good idea? I'm just curious.

I do agree with you regarding the Clippers game tonight. I don't want to bet on it but it won't surprise me one bit if LAC wins this game. It's not secret that Cuban and Don Nelson are at odds over Nellie's contract settlement. A Clippers win tonight would really make it hard for GS to make the playoffs.

One more thing to consider. For all the talk and speculation about Dallas putting this one in the tanker there is still a very decent chance that the Lakers lose their next three games and they could suddenly be on the outside looking in or at least staring in the window.

Good luck
With the way lakers are playing I would think theres a big possibility
So you would also be against planned parenthood being funded publicly..because not all Americans believe they are a positive aspect to society?

You aren't funding churches. Churches are simply not taxed. It's different. Most folks recognize that churches do an enormous amount of charity work, and if you revoke their tax-free status, that charity work is going to suffer and likely plummet dramatically. So while you may not like the Lutheran Church, perhaps it's worth them being tax-exempt so they can continue operating the Lutheran Soup Kitchen.

Should the Salvation Army not be tax-exempt either? The United Way?

there's nothing un-American about NOT taxing something.

This is a serious question, because I've been curious as to the answer. Is the Westboro Baptist Church tax-exempt? I know that they cater and associate (besides their work and school) exclusively to those that follow their belief system (confirmed by them). So, with that said, would they receive certain tax breaks just for being a "church" or do they have to be recognized as a specific kind?

It seems like a silly question, because I know that I can't just start up a church called Gamblanity and pray to the Gods of Gambling and expect some kind of tax break. But, I just genuinely want to know how the government sees groups such as the Westboro Babtists.

I'd also like to get back to your other points, Red. But, first I'd like this question answered if possible.

(maybe this should be taken to general discussion)
Nah leave it here in this thread. I also wonder about that psychotic Baptist church you're referring to. I'm not sure on the specifics of churches' tax-free status, I'm sure red knows a hell of a lot more than I do on the subject.
By the way, if I wasn't clear, my specific reference to that church has nothing to do with their hate-speech, lack of sanity, or even their minority status as a chruch that hates America. I just know for a fact that nothing they do would be considered serving the interests of others in their community (i.e. charity).
I do know that there are several hoops to jump through, but I'm not exactly a treasurer of my church.

nor do I know about westboro's status. .....I have heard of tax-exempt statuses being questioned and revoked in cases like the Unification Church (the moonies).

If These Folks can get tax-exempt status, then perhaps your church of gambling could too, but you gotta be a non-profit organization.
By the way, if I wasn't clear, my specific reference to that church has nothing to do with their hate-speech, lack of sanity, or even their minority status as a chruch that hates America. I just know for a fact that nothing they do would be considered serving the interests of others in their community (i.e. charity).

The IRS has a sort of litmus test of deciding if an organization is a church. There's an application and approval process, and I don't know the specifics. Were I to render a guess, the westboro folks likely are a tax-exempt church.
The way I've been running, my church would definitely be a non-profit venture.

Well, I imagine there's more to it than that. Are you providing glasses for folks? Walkingsticks for the blind? Are you raising money for AIDs research? Cancer research? Helping kids with down syndrome? If you claim to be a church, are you providing religious education and a place for worship?

That sort of thing. Again, I don't know...these are guesses.
Not dead yet. But I knew I was fucked when my boy over there played it, but my God. Clipps had every fucking opportunity in the world. Dallas has 9 points in the first 9 minutes of the 4Q. Clipps have just had non-stop missed shots and turned the ball over, and then there's the bizarre Brand thing. He was on the BENCH for the first 7 minutes of the quarter, and has yet to take a shot in the 4Q. He scored 20 the first 3 quarters so I have no idea why he was out of the game there. Missed opportunities all around. Thanks to BAR for the extra push I needed on Orlando.
LMAO, right after I type that, Josh Howard, the injured player who was questionable, hits a 3 LMAO

Clipps turnover. Ballgame. As the world turns.
The lead was 8 with 16 seconds left, but Clipps foul and Mobley misses the 3 for the cover. Goodnight.