MonDay Pucks


Sniffing out wins
2-2-1 +0.48 last 23-14-3 +6.26 ytd


1:05 PM NHL Hockey
52 Boston Bruins* -1 -102 vs Colorado Avalanche x half
51 Colorado Avalanche/Boston Bruins* Under 5½ -135 x1

3:05 PM NHL Hockey 54 Buffalo Sabres* +158 vs Anaheim Ducks x half 54 Buffalo Sabres* +1½ -200 vs Anaheim Ducks x half
53 Anaheim Ducks/Buffalo Sabres* Under 5½ -130 x1

back later with others

like the first under in boston with the early start and holiday monday..played over in buffalo....Buffalo isn't playing much defense, netminders are average at best...Ducks finally have two lines that can score and they are lead by bruce who doesn't teach a lick of defense
like the first under in boston with the early start and holiday monday..played over in buffalo....Buffalo isn't playing much defense, netminders are average at best...Ducks finally have two lines that can score and they are lead by bruce who doesn't teach a lick of defense

Thanks for the feedback gsro, Always appreciated and very good points.
nite games
55 Montreal Canadiens* +120 vs Tampa Bay Lightning x half

Montreal Canadiens/Tampa Bay Lightning* Under 6 -175 x half

Ottawa Senators* -115 vs Florida Panthers x1

Ottawa Senators/Florida Panthers* Under 6½ -165 x1
GL hound, enjoy your posts. I been playing quite a bit but haven't posted. Currently on this Boston under 5, and Buffalo under 5.5, lets get off toa good start with Boston under for +140
These fukkin avs, I go with 'em twice and they get blanked. I go against 'em and they stick it to me again...
Good luck again tonight. Don't know how yg got under 5 for +140 seems like I need a better book
gsro, good call on ur part today...Im sure YoungGun post was a typo and his # was -140 as I saw that @ many books today

YesSir,,YoungGun,... Thank U, I'm capping every game,side and total and will try and continue as long as time is available....bad wrong on a few today

Zane, U know, the thought of the Avgs having a good game today never crossed mi mind...but I under stand ur frustration

GL on Tues guys

3-6-0 -1.29 today...26-20-3 +4.97 ytd
I am not kidding I got Avs/Boston under 5 +133 right before game time. I will take a screen shot if need be using 5 dimes reduced juice.
no problem YG, ur word is good enough, nice grab and sorry it dint pay off for either of us, we'll getem today