Monday Plays...two BIG ONES!!


Professional Student
28-21.....+96.7 units
9-0-0 BIG PLAYS!! (*7 or higher)

in a little of a funk right now but no worries....I found two plays that I absolutely love!!....this is going to be a great night once I hit these two plays....especially since they are both BIG PLAYS!!

Clevland ML +110............*10

The slacking Indians are going up against Cole Hamels and are dogs at Jacobs Field with Cliff Lee on the other side of Cole Hamels....Hamels has been lights out lately and Lee has been struggling a lot...but if it's any indication from his last start...Lee is coming around...I look for him to continue his momentum and for Cole to struggle a bit with this Indians lineup....

Atlanta ML +130........*10

Is it just me or is Schilling "struggling" this year??....he is definitely not the Schilling of old and maybe that is why the line is this small on him....but I believe this line regardless just looks to easy with that lineup and going against an NL team even if it is in Atlanta...Chuck James is no slouch and I really like this guy....Braves just took two out of three to the Indians...I can see them picking up right where they left off....these guys have seen Schilling one way or another and no what to expect of him....especially the way he is pitching now....

I fail to see the "momentum" of a pitcher who put 10 men on base in 5 innings last start, and failed to record an out in the 6th.
Schilling is very likely to pitch a good game. A glance at the gamelogs shows he is playing good game bad game regularly now. That does not mean Boston wins. Boston lineup this year is seriously weaker than the past and Curt is 10-10 last 20 on the road. Problem is I do see him as something of a favorite and the pay for the dog seems small so far. Actually toying with a first 5 under bet myself but have done nothing. GL
schilling hasnt been pitching well? you must have missed his outing when he was one out away from a no hitter a couple weeks ago. He has still been mowing people down, but gl with your bet.
actually leaning Atlanta at this price and considering how everyone and their aunt is on the Red Sox, but I can't back the Indians, nor Hamels at this price. Lean Philly though.

GL tonight. :shake:
I am sooooo happy that I didn't have to work today so that I was able to see your plays and cash in. Thanks for all you do.
note to self: start tailing this guy!!!
You are EN FUEGO my friend.

Excellent job. :cheers: