Monday Picks


Flying Frenchman
Montreal ML 2.090

Ottawa is a tough opponent theres no doubt, they can beat you in many ways and it seems improbable that Ottawa will lose 2 straight games, but Montreal matches up well against them because as big as the sens are, they play more like they're small, they don't really use their size that much. And in both games that the habs played in Ottawa, both were very close. I even dare say Montreal deserved both victories.
I figured Montreal'd lose against the bruins but they won big, and the first line and the offense finally got off the snide and for that I feel good. Also Huet had a bad game last time out against Buffalo, the man rarely has 2 straight bad outtings. I said earlier that the habs would catch the sens. The hab surge is still on!

Florida ML 2.150

Things aren't going so well in Florida. Olli Jokinen called out his teammates and theres been friction between Olli and Jacques Martin, and apparently Martin has quietly shopped Jokinen around for a trade. Martin's problem though is that the owner loves Jokinen, and Martin will go before Jokinen does I think. Jokinen is one of the best kept secrets in the NHL, and I think we see what he is made of tonight.

New York Islanders ML 2.590

Great value for one of my favourite teams and favourite coaches in Ted Nolan. Heres hoping the rangers are due to lose one. GL Everyone!
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On your Habs as well bro. Just thought I'd let you know. I'll post my thread soon.

GL :cheers:
Great stuff, 2/3 with this plus money it's great. I can't figure out your boys Cat. They seem to screw up whenever we need them to step up...strange.

My boys won 3-0, can't wait on the line v Anaheim. Probably be a pk, I think I'll take the ML on DAL. I think they win one or two more before heading to the East.
Devil, TS, thanks guys.

Satyr, I know what you mean. Montreal did everything right in the first period really, they came out strong but the problem was Ottawa counterattacked and often caught Montreal on odd man rushes. And for the dominating the habs did, you got to credit the sens for not giving many good scoring chances. But still Montreal can't beat the big boys yet and thats what everyone will be talking about which might be good because this might cause a trade. Montreal, much like Toronto, the panic button gets pressed fairly quickly. Montreal is no ordinary place to play in, were talking about a team whose practices were once televised on the sports channel over here lol...We need a big center and a big defenseman. The defense is holding up nicely now but if ever Komisarek or Markov get hurt, it ain't gonna be pretty.
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