Monday Night In Houston...Your thoughts?


Good evening all! Titans D is pretty stellar all things considered. And...I guess we can say the same about Hou huh?! Though, I'm hoping Titans D gives Double M short fields to work with. Guess depends which Titan team shows up tonight...
I'm not gonna over think this one. Anyone's game.
Titans TT O 19. -115
Good Luck To ALL!
I think the difference will be Tenn good Dline dominating Hou weak O line....I see Watson being pressured and making some bad passes maybe a TO or two...

pre- Not sure I'm a believer in the whole, "Will do it for Johnny man! Do it for Johnny!" (Classic) But we'll see, I just need 20 points from Tenn! Haha. sport. That's what I'm hoping for, short fields for MM, but yeah, I can see a pick or two coming tonight. GL Guys.
Believe this division will ultimately come down to Indy and Ten, not sure where Houston has much advantage here. I expect Ten OL to be plenty serviceable against HOU pass rush, bounceback will show how resilient this team is or isn't.

Doubt players care all that much about playing for deceased owner, more a distraction than anything imo.