Monday NBA


Paster of Muppets
This one has letdown written all over it. For Golden State that is.

We've seen it in the past as well. Not to this extent, an 8th seed kicking out a 57-15 team, but we've seen it. That series (against DAL) was all about mismatches and team A torturing team B with the way they play, exploiting their weaknesses.

This one won't have as many situations like that me thinks, Sloan won't be tortured by Nellie the way Avery was. Avery's still a young coach and Nellie obviously showed who's the boss (even though he's a known underachiever and couldn't reach the finals with this Mavericks team for a decade, something Avery did in a year(!)).

The Warriors aren't huge underdogs any more. Everyone's hyped up about them (and rightfully so, as their game was TOP NOTCH against Dallas and GSW fans should be proud as hell right now).

Have in mind Utah will guard the perimeter A LOT better than Dallas. If you've seen, for example, game 6, then you saw heck of a lot free shots Warriors took, Dallas were just mentally drained, in some sort of a knockdown, no chemistry, no game whatsoever.
I don't expect Utah to get into same kind of trouble with the Warriors. Of course Golden State have their weapons, they're a rather talented bunch especially in the scoring department, etc.

And Utah could have woes of their own as well, coming off a thriller "one minute-you're-in-next-minute-you're-down-by-8"series with Houston.

One thing I'm counting on here is the Warriors to come back to Earth. They could still win the series, but they're not going to fly around like they did against Dallas and get away with everything.

I will be taking both favs today, after two consecutive days of riding underdogs (in all possible forms).

I won't lay any points here though.
Utah (1.58 @ Pinnacle) 7 units

I'll do it with the Pistons instead. The Bulls are missing inside scoring presence and the way they're playing now, they're having their asses handed to them. Detroit basketball at it's finest. Lay the points.
Pistons (-5) (1.94 @ Pinnacle) 4 units

I'll write more about the Pistons-Bulls game later on.

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GL, I think that makes 4 of us taking the Jazz on this board. I just dont see how GS contains Boozer. I also see the wiley vet (Fisher) doing an admirable job on Davis. I coulda torched Devin Harris and terry in that series.
GL, I think that makes 4 of us taking the Jazz on this board. I just dont see how GS contains Boozer. I also see the wiley vet (Fisher) doing an admirable job on Davis. I coulda torched Devin Harris and terry in that series.

Excellent effort by the Warriors, I gotta say I really didn't expect them to be so good in game 1. Still, it was a good decision not to lay points but to take the ML instead.

Solid night guys! :cheers: :shake: :pillow:
Excellent effort by the Warriors, I gotta say I really didn't expect them to be so good in game 1. Still, it was a good decision not to lay points but to take the ML instead.

Solid night guys! :cheers: :shake: :pillow:

Fisher not playing really hurt the Jazz. Had I known Dee Brown was going to play any minutes I would have watched the game rather than bet on it. Congrats on the ML.
I'm scared to think that I'm 7-0 in last 3 days in the NBA :eek:

May it continue guys. :cheers: