Monday (Last day of Republican rule)


To the left, to the left, to the right to the righ
'05/'06 NBA Record: 122-95 (56%)

06'/07' NBA Record: 6-2

Get out to the booths tomorrow and vote every fucking right-winger out of office. Tomorrow is a very important day. I want to see a Democratic Revolution, similar to the GOP in '94. We need 15 in the House and 6 in the Senate. The House is automatic, the Senate can be done. This Congress is looked at as a joke, both inside the country and internationally. Time for the Dems to grab the ball and run with it. Tomorrow, we'll be saying "Speaker Pelosi." The Senate will be tougher, but tomorrow will be a day of infamy for the GOP. On to the hoops........

Milwaukee Fucks +6
Check Fondy's thread.
Republicans will serve for another couple months regardless of the outcome of the election. transition occurs beginning of next year.

If the democrats had a position that wasn't simply George Bush Sucks, I might get behind them. But I don't want socialized healthcare. I don't want amnesty for illegal immigrants. I don't want judges who legislate from the bench because the issue could never survive either a popular or representative vote....and for the love of God, as bad as .gov growth has been, it could only get worse if the democrats controlled the ways and means committee and the finance committee.

GL with MILK, but fuck the democrats.:shake:
redbearde said:
Republicans will serve for another couple months regardless of the outcome of the election. transition occurs beginning of next year.

If the democrats had a position that wasn't simply George Bush Sucks, I might get behind them. But I don't want socialized healthcare. I don't want amnesty for illegal immigrants. I don't want judges who legislate from the bench because the issue could never survive either a popular or representative vote....and for the love of God, as bad as .gov growth has been, it could only get worse if the democrats controlled the ways and means committee and the finance committee.

GL with MILK, but fuck the democrats.:shake:

I agree 100%
I like your picks but your confused politically.. it's alright though.. all Democrats are and don't understand the basics of economics, moral dignity and foreign policy.

Luckily Democrats are lazy and while 80% of the country is liberal in their mentality, less than half of them make it out to vote. I think we hold on to the house... besides a controversial decision with Iraq the economy has remained solid when a recession was predicted... and since 9/11 you can't deny the job our gov't has done in taking the fight off our soils.

This board aint for politics but I counter-encourage all to get our and vote with your mind, not your heart.

Picks look good aside from the others stuff.
Inspekdah said:
I like your picks but your confused politically.. it's alright though.. all Democrats are and don't understand the basics of economics, moral dignity and foreign policy.

Luckily Democrats are lazy and while 80% of the country is liberal in their mentality, less than half of them make it out to vote. I think we hold on to the house... besides a controversial decision with Iraq the economy has remained solid when a recession was predicted... and since 9/11 you can't deny the job our gov't has done in taking the fight off our soils.

This board aint for politics but I counter-encourage all to get our and vote with your mind, not your heart.

Picks look good aside from the others stuff.


Moral dignity? What is moral dignity? Not letting Yag people get married? Not funding stem-cell research that can cure diseases? Not giving a woman control over her own body? Not alllowing gambling on the internet?

I guess "God" determines what moral dignity is, for the Christian Republicans. I think you're the one confused man, because it sounds like you are in that group.
I have to say all polticians suck and the problem is that no one attempts to do any good for our country. The all bicker about the negatives of there opponents but never emphasis the positives they can do. Why? cause they dont care about the country. its a popularity contest and pissing contest. For all the shortcomings George Bush has and we know there are many answer this? Who had a tougher presidency in recent memory? People complain about Iraq? What was the right thing tod do? We had incompotent intelligence and you have to retailate somewhere...in theory making Iraq in democrarcy is a great idea but unfortunately its not that simple. Is that Bush's fault or his miltary leadership? I am sorry Clinton could have done more about terrorism which was becoming widespread in his second term..instead he was busy defending his shady lifestyleand not focusing on the important things. As a WTC employee at the time of 9/11 everyone KNEW itw as a matter of time before it was attacked again..

Democrats should be the most humbliest of politicans after talking up Mr.Clinton who wasted time and money on his extramartial affairs and real estate dealings. the democratic party is a joke thats why the republicans continue to win by default. The DEMS simply have nothing to offer. Everyone credits Clinton for economic prosperity it was all tech stock related and he handed Bush an economic disaster in waiting and we made it through..whether it was directly or indirectly Bush was setup to fail and he has hasnt. Losing soldiers in Iraq is a shame but you cant just walk away now you have to fight for change. Our American attitudes expecty overnite results. Well most Americans didnt realize what our foreign policies were creating for decades and it will decades to cahneg that sentiment and probably Iraq....3000 solidiers is heartbreaking but 3000 civilians our soil is something taht should never happen. Of course we know now that Iraq wasnt involved directly but hopefully we create more allies there thene enemies. We already had the enemies pre Iraq but no allies...the world is just in a sad state and all anyone wants to do is whip out there dick and say mine's bigger.....
Killa said:

Moral dignity? What is moral dignity? Not letting Yag people get married? Not funding stem-cell research that can cure diseases? Not giving a woman control over her own body? Not alllowing gambling on the internet?

I guess "God" determines what moral dignity is, for the Christian Republicans. I think you're the one confused man, because it sounds like you are in that group.

God absolutely determines morality for Christians.

Im hittin the booths hard in the A.M. Good shot at some democrats winnin here in Wisconsin. I sure hope Fondy can get a ride to the polls...lmao

Oh yeah and Bucks look good. Too much money on Bulls. :shake:
Gambling I have an issue with.. everything else you stated I disagree with.. some things shouldn't be "free" to choose... liberal mentality is that everything should have no rules... no boundaries.. just do it because you can.

Killa- we differ on this political issue... but i didnt mean to incline YOUR confused and dont want to get into an argument.. there's just people who feel as strongly against what you posted as your felt for it...

I'm done arguing politics on CTG.. ill let the outcome of the elections go down and support whoever's there in the end.

then vote to keep a republican majority in congress. Dems have already said they will "roll back the tax cuts for the rich" which is code for, "WE WILL BE RAISING YOUR TAXES"

and you can forget about the death tax being repealed...or better yet actually getting something like the fairtax.
Inspekdah- That's kinda why I lashed back at you, b/c I don't like being told that I'm "confused." If you disagree with me, ok, but calling someone confused is implying that they don't know what they're talking about. If I took it the wrong way, I'm sorry I lashed back so sharply.
Thanks Inspekdah . I know one thing I dont have a firm grasp on is politics cause truthfully as soon a s apolitician opens his mouth I am turned off. I definetly think Bush needs a better seperation of church and state but I also dont think he is representative of the views of Christians. First thing is most people dont vote...I included...so thats the first problem. Second is being Catholic and all going to Catholic school what does that mean? I dont know any person who says my Christian views make me believe such and such....just waht part of America does that take place in? Not NY or NJ...so I am into buying this moral issue. Yag marriage is an issue cause of money more then morality. Its about health care , social security and the other benefits that married people share that committed gays cannot have...there is a significant financial impact to allowing gays to marry as well as a new grey area that is created for all these offices to work through. We cant get the benefit aspect of this country correct now what a can of worms it will be when gays are allowed to get marry. People are born Yag just like we are born 'straight' and eventually as a country we have to recognize this. Stem-cell research is another great thing and over time it will be embraced by the American people. However right now it probably does feel like something out of Sci-Fi novel. It again opens up a can of worms we probably arent able to handle. Main problem is the world revolves around money and all decisions have to be made with that in mind. For all the good stem-cell will do it is scary what the wrong person can do...the movie the Island isnt definetly something that is problematic.

Problem with all of us is we want to think our opinion is right rather then find the solution...Yag marriage , stem cell and all the other topics are money related not morality related...just like its was never a good decision to be so oil dependent it didnt matter as long as the politicans reaped the benefits....

Good Luck however in you guys chose. My advice is start with yourself and figure out how you can make the country a better place and go from there. We need to start somewhere but just ike Iraq its not happening overnite...doenst mean you shouldnt try
No I did say your confused.. didnt realize I wrote it that way so Im pulling back on that comment.. to me politics are more fun to debate than an actual serious issue... guess thats just me... didnt mean to start n e thing... to all their own i say
But Killa, if we don't vote republican, they said we won't have any protection from the terrorists! Doesn't this scare you??

These right ring right of God asswipes make me sick. Go vote and get control of our country back. BTW, did Iraq attack the US??? Are they the terrorists???? Didn't think so!

Good luck with your play!

BTW, did Iraq attack the US??? Are they the terrorists???? Didn't think so!

The question is would they or did they harbor terrorists? Anyone who is involved in terrorism should be an enemy of ours...plain and simple. Also thats alot clearer answer 5 years later isnt it. The world is not black and white simply shades of grey. Terrorism or terrorists dont have a face , dont have a home and dont have a nation. Unfortunately anti_Bush backers dont realize that. So there is no easy answer, there is no place to clearly attack. I am not saying our plan was to convert Iraq into an ally but now that should be the goal. Saddam not in power is a good thing and thats all that matters in Iraq. It's what we make of the situation. Only idiots believe we created more terrorists by invading Iraq then previoulsy . We were doing much in the Middle East on 9/11 yet there was still a longterm plan backed by a strong terrorist organization to destroy our lives (going back to the 1st attack), to kill our civilians for the simple fact they were American...imagine if a bunch of white people killed a bunch of black people here the uproar it would create . Well the way I see it this is the samething. There was a strong Anti-American sentiment before we invaded Iraq w/o us to defend our image at least now we get a chance to create allies....more terrorists were being created anyway...no new allies though...if you dont support the war like Mr.kerry just show your true colors and turn your back on them and make them feel unapprecaited. Americans want everything the easy way...well we didnt start this but hopefully we finish it even if its the year 2175...cause if terrorism had a face, had a nation this world probably be over...

It sad soldiers give there lives for our way of life....if you werent in NY on 9/11 you dont understand the impact of it. I wake up everyday not believing how different my life is but theres no reason to feel sorry ...
Give me hard proof (that hasn't been discredited by fact, a hard think for you right wing guys to grasp) that Iraq was harboring terrorists. Afghanistan was, for sure. Pakistan it was proven they were, the same with Saudi Arabia. Allies my ass. This is why anyone with an R next to their name or supported said War on Terror need to be examined. In a hurry.
Scud4 said:
Give me hard proof (that hasn't been discredited by fact, a hard think for you right wing guys to grasp) that Iraq was harboring terrorists. Afghanistan was, for sure. Pakistan it was proven they were, the same with Saudi Arabia. Allies my ass. This is why anyone with an R next to their name or supported said War on Terror need to be examined. In a hurry.

Saddam was sending money to the families of suicide bombers who were blowing up Israeli cafes.

That's supporting terrorism.
With you on the Bucks and also leaning towards the Democrats
(can't vote however...Canadian).

GL tonight Killa.

(btw.. add me on msn if you have it)
barmoycm said:
the democrats for 2 UNITS>.. like the play

they're on quite the losing streak, though.

And their gameplan has sucked ass in the last few matchups. They don't have nearly the quality stars, they get their asses handed to them in the trenches, and they're all fluff with no substance.


good health on that one, bro.