Monday Discussion Thread

So giants had fo sit around all day thinking they were gonna play the game in Detroit, wish they would have played but still not great spot for them flying to Miami now, plus their lineup is best stacked w lefties and they gotta deal with a filthy lefty in lazardo! His k prop at 7.5 but think it worth it. 1st 5 under a given, giants bats are gonna be hard pressed to be on in a tough matchup for them. Webb should have very little issues holding fish offense down in this park. Or if wood starts I don’t mind either, I’m not sure who it be? I’ve seen both guys on different sites.
Cardinals expensive again. How can ya trust flaherty? Just cause he had a better start at coors doesn’t make me think he now gonna be consistently good?
I didn’t really like May coming into the league but he getting better and better w pitch mix, this seems like another Ff under at dodger stadium ti me.
Gausman should carve up the Stros tonight. I wouldn’t let his unimpressive career numbers vs them worry ya, they mostly stem from a bad outing or 2 way back in ‘16-‘17, more importantly for my purpose he has a redic 9:1 k:bb ratio vs them where he has fanned 19 in last 11 innings, that against the Stros lineup of past 2 years which I think we all agree was much more imposing than the current version. Was hoping for a 5.5 but 6.5 with a little plus money isn’t a bad look either. He has fanned at least 7 in all 3 starts and went at least 6 innings in them all. His out total here is 18.5 which assumes he will pitch past the 6th, if that the case and he able to get 3 cracks at this lineup he shouldn’t have any issues getting to 7k’s.,
I wanna like webb today but I do worry about a pitcher who had to sit around all day yesterday mentally preparing himself to pitch in a game that never happened, now he gotta do it all over again today. I don’t think you can look at him over his career on longer rest and think it translates the same as this situation which fairly unusual. The problem is I just don’t know, he could be totally fine and I’ll feel like a idiot for suggesting it but I do think there a chance he doesn’t have his best stuff or game here, sucks cause I think this would be a dead under if I knew, I think his change up the kind of filth pitch the fish will swing and miss at a bunch to where ov 5.5 k’s would be a no brainer it I could trust he be at his best.

Given the dilemma with webb I find myself focusing on giants batters vs Luzardo who has been fantastic, his already very good swinging strike rate has been elite to begin this season and there nothing flukey about it, the kid has ace stuff and is coming into his own at age 25. Giants lineup is dominated by left handed hitters which you would think be problematic, this season Luzardo has actually been worse against guys hitting from the left side but we talking 16 at bats, nothing to panic about, he never has had drastic splits as he gets righties out w about the same effectiveness as lefty’s. That said I doubt many left handed hitters enjoy seeing his high 90s heat and much like my concern for webb giants hitters also were forced to sit around in the clubhouse all freaking day yesterday wondering if they were gonna play. I really wish they would have got that game in cause not only would I not have to wonder about webb but it be even tougher for giants hitters today, that said I don’t think sitting around all day is conducive for them taking a later flight to Miami and being at their best tonight against a tough marlins pitcher. Luzardo k prop is higher than I like at 7.5 (although all the guys with this number were dominant yesterday so I should maybe stop fearing this number!). What I do like is the giants Ff tt under 1.5 and/or full game total under 3.5. I just don’t expect a inspired effort from the giants tonight and that only gets compounded with the fact they don’t like facing lefties and this one the better lefties in the game right now!!
It feels to me like the scrubbies in for another low scoring west coast game as they take their road show to Oakland to play in front of 15 excited fans!

A’s park has always played pitcher friendly with bigger dimensions and the Oakland air not carrying the ball real well. A’s starting a guy tonight who is actually a legit big leaguer imo, he isn’t a ace by any stretch but he is a long lefty with serviceable stuff. I think this park will be much friendlier to cubs starter Wesneski who has struggled w walks early this season, he has never had a major walk issue in the minors or last year when he got a taste of the bigs so I don’t expect that to continue. Everything about his path to this point says to me he gonna be better than he been his 1st couple starts this year. If there ever a place to get a pitcher right it here in Oakland against a mediocre lineup and a friendly park, with no amount of energy in the stadium as im sure he saw more fans in the minor leagues!! I have no desire to let the A’s pen get involved so the Ff un 4.5 makes the most sense to me. It a really cheap price to back the cubs if you were so inclined, im
Actually tempted, they playing really good ball just taking a series off the “mighty” dodgers and A’s continue to find it difficult to find wins. I honestly don’t understand why they giving such value on the cubs? This the kind of team you guys who like to play the chase game should look at! It doesn’t cost much and cubs will not get swept in Oakland!! Just to show ya’ll I can bet a fav I think I will be on the scrubbies -130!!
Just some funny observations, I'm sitting here watching the ground crew at Fenway with huge shovels, while a guy runs over carrying a 50lb bag of diamond dry, he dumps some in the shovel and the guy flings the shovel to spread it. Can someone explain to me why in 2023 they're using techniques from the 1800s? Why wouldn't they just use a basic ride-on vehicle with a simple spreader? Is this just one of baseball's stupid traditions they can't get away from?
He has been ejected and never allowed to buy a piece of pizzer here at Fenway again
Just some funny observations, I'm sitting here watching the ground crew at Fenway with huge shovels, while a guy runs over carrying a 50lb bag of diamond dry, he dumps some in the shovel and the guy flings the shovel to spread it. Can someone explain to me why in 2023 they're using techniques from the 1800s? Why wouldn't they just use a basic ride-on vehicle with a simple spreader? Is this just one of baseball's stupid traditions they can't get away from?
If it's wet, they don't want to drive heavy machinery over the grass? Idk
I'm guessing they don't want tracks on the field. Honestly don't know.

I'm pretty jacked for this game. I took Boston f5 +140

I didn’t even realize there was day game. It the Boston strong marathon day or something ain’t it? Ballsy fading ohtani-son tho, dude just keeps getting more filthy as a pitcher, I’m scared of him, lol,
Big day in Boston. Marathon, Sox, and Bruins game 1

I freaking hate the bruins! I don’t even care much bout hockey but I know this, lol. I was happy blues beat them but now blues suck and they breaking records! I hope somebody else beats them this year!! Dunno why I just do! Lol
I freaking hate the bruins! I don’t even care much bout hockey but I know this, lol. I was happy blues beat them but now blues suck and they breaking records! I hope somebody else beats them this year!! Dunno why I just do! Lol
Same. I just hate Boston in general.

lol and my under

Bello tough to figure, he has the stuff but he ain’t been super effective in bigs yet. Last year he had a stretch where his k props were fairly low and he was hitting them practically every start, actually helped that he kinda sucked In general. You know what his k prop was today? I didn’t see it.
Fried has to be on some kinda pitch count or something tonight? Anyone know? There no way his k prop at 3.5 is right unless they know he only throwing 60 pitches or some shit? Fuck, that a huge mistake if he is good to go without restrictions!!
This crazy, far as I can tell fried has no restrictions tonight and it was a hammy not his arm, I dunno how they liking him at 3.5? I feel like I’m being set up somehow but there also no way I’m not betting that!!
Not only am I reading no restrictions on fried, he been throwing the whole time on il, im assuming they wouldn’t put him out there if hammy wasn’t ready, Manager said they take it inning by inning but I think it just as likely he pitches 5-6 innings as gets pulled early. He pitches 5+ he damn sure fanning at least 4!!
I’m tempted to play zona but I have no clue what to expect from Flaherty? I have enough plays as is so gonna pass but fading cards really tempting these days as they continue to be priced like a better team than they are.
So giants had fo sit around all day thinking they were gonna play the game in Detroit, wish they would have played but still not great spot for them flying to Miami now, plus their lineup is best stacked w lefties and they gotta deal with a filthy lefty in lazardo! His k prop at 7.5 but think it worth it. 1st 5 under a given, giants bats are gonna be hard pressed to be on in a tough matchup for them. Webb should have very little issues holding fish offense down in this park. Or if wood starts I don’t mind either, I’m not sure who it be? I’ve seen both guys on different sites.
reading Eddings in SF :shake:
Damn: just heard twins signed Pablo Lopez to 4 year deal worth 73 mil or something. That is really cheap considering the talent. He might not quite be a ace but he isn’t far off from a ace either. He the ace on this staff of very good 2s and 3s! Less than 20mil a year is a team friendly deal for a ace!!
Guess I putt too much thought into the giants sitting around all day yesterday till late in the day, webb pitching well and they knocked Luzardo out, that one the things I like bout baseball and don’t about other sports, not a lot of situational angles which i clearly suck at! I’ll never be able to figure out the mental state of “normal ppl”! Lol. Fuck

I really can’t believe that Fried k prop still sitting at 3.5 just with more juice to the over than earlier, I expected it to get bet up to 4.5. Im very worried somebody knows something about him that I do not. All signs I see point to him pitching his normal type gane. 1st off from what I understand it wasn’t a bad injury on opening day, it was simply a chilly crappy day, he had some tightness and they wernt gonna take any chances w their ace. He been throwing lots while he was on the iL, 1st time off a mound just a few days ago but that precautionary more than anything else. Manager says no limitations or a pitch count, also says they will take it inning by inning, to me that means long as all is well he will keep going back out there and I think it safe to assume all will be well. I doubt they push him once his pitch count gets up into the 80s we won’t see him go back out for another inning but that’s ok, he can easily go 5 innings working with that number, 5 innings to get 4 k’s, love those odds even tho pads not a high strikeout team vs lhp. I guess we will see, if we wernt taking about the most random of sports I’d say this a monster play but I think it foolish to bet much more on any one particular play or game cause anything can happen any given game.