Monday Discussion Thread

That total in the early kc/o’s game is odd. Early start and wind blowing in but fuck, those 2 pitchers and they hang a 7.5? Something stinks bout that!
That 7 in the Bronx don’t make a hell a lot of sense either. I’m still not completely sold on Cortes, I mean he solid but not sure I buy the early numbers for a starter who relies so heavily on fastball/cutter and not a lot else. His k-rate been insane,, texas has pretty good numbers vs lhp and don’t strike out a lot. I think they can hit this guy. Who knows what gray will give rangers? He hasn’t pitched much as of yet and hasn’t been very good when he has. Another early start with a fairly strong wind in but I dunno if that enough to justify these?
That 7 in the Bronx don’t make a hell a lot of sense either. I’m still not completely sold on Cortes, I mean he solid but not sure I buy the early numbers for a starter who relies so heavily on fastball/cutter and not a lot else. His k-rate been insane,, texas has pretty good numbers vs lhp and don’t strike out a lot. I think they can hit this guy. Who knows what gray will give rangers? He hasn’t pitched much as of yet and hasn’t been very good when he has. Another early start with a fairly strong wind in but I dunno if that enough to justify these?
I got f’ed today by Kuechel and Boston bullpen, entirely possible!
I got f’ed today by Kuechel and Boston bullpen, entirely possible!

Sorry buddy. I hate messing w that dude, I’ve been beaten by him so many times, today just felt like one those days w the early start and sox not scoring much of anything lately. I really wanted to play cws with how goofy lines were in few those games but just left alone. Why the hell were the white Sox such big dogs in 2 of the 3? They been showing signs of playing better while Red Sox continue to look like shit!
I fell for it on the fish/pads total tho, I didn’t understand that one being as low as couple the other games in that series w better pitching matchups. I almost left entire day alone except the buehler props but they got me with that one. Lol
Starting to warm up everywhere this week, I think that could make for some overs on these low numbers but pretty much everywhere 2marro is in midst of the change so not hot yet and strong winds blowing in all over the place. Once that wind blows the hot air in things gonna change a bit I think.
This will prob be the kiss of death but for ya’ll that not allergic to favs as me, all 19 of doyers wins been by at least 2 runs, gotta believe they winning a game or 3 in pitt! RL chase maybe not the worst idea?
been hearing more and more bitching bout the balls from every direction. one day it the pitchers, next day i hear hitting coaches making comments, the bobble heads wont shut up bout them. How damn hard is this to get right? Far as i know mlb even owns the fucking company that makes the balls now!! Like that doesnt lead to some suspicion! i dunno how they can manage to piss off everyone? you would think if pitchers complaining than hitters should be happy or vice versa! Doesnt seem to be the case tho, i even heard someone say they think mlb is using bouncier balls (more tightly wound i guess?) that travel further for nationally televised games!! lol.. Sure as hell cant tell from the hitting stats that the balls been bad for the pitchers!! apparently they having problems gripping some batches? could it be they still annoyed bout losing the sticky stuff and want it back?? Ive heard many hitters say they rather pitchers get the added spin if it gives them more control so balls not coming at their heads!! lmao... It just unfathomable these mfers have all this money and cant figure something so simple out! didnt hear a peep about baseballs for 40 years and now it all they talk about! i have seen many balls that appeared crushed off that bat and just die at the track, i thought it was wind knocking them down but maybe not? You would think if mlb is doing anything out of ordinary to the balls it would be to help create more offense would it? Shouldnt they be able to make them all basically the same outside the occasional outlier? Like this shit not hard enough to cap now we gotta worry bout which batch of balls being used????
ill say one thing.. Buelher had to be having some issues gripping balls last night, there no way he got hitters down 0-2 and proceeded to purposely throw the next 2-3 pitches so far off the plate nobody swinging at it!! obviously he wasnt trying to throw strikes but what the point throwing them 1 foot off the plate?
Did Yanks tt o4.5 +105, day game after two low scoring games in the DH yesterday and Porter is a good friend to hitters...usually.
Did Yanks tt o4.5 +105, day game after two low scoring games in the DH yesterday and Porter is a good friend to hitters...usually.

i think i woulda had to play full game and have rangers involved, i think they can hit Cortes. i just ended up leaving both the day games alone cause i didnt get those totals, when i cant figure out why they so low im probably missing something,. gl
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i think i woulda had to play full game and have rangers involved, i think they can hit Cortes. i just ended up leaving both the day games alone cause i didnt get those totals, when i cant figure out why they so low im probably missing something,. gl
The soccer news today woke me up at 4:45 and my phone is on vibrate. It's basically a holiday, figure I need some early action regardless and thought this was the smartest one so you know it's ending 1-0.
so Urias surface numbers look totally fine, he has had nothing but solid outings, BUT: his velo down 1.5 mph on his fastball, his k's per 9 down, his swing and miss is way down.. i would like to know if his fastball velo was simply low early on and if it has started picking up or is he still only around 92mph? certainly not suggesting he gonna struggle with pirates, it just initially i was looking at his k prop over but not looking so great the more i look, pirates also hit lhp and strike out less vs them than righties.
So i find a new prop (for me) i think i can exploit a bit in the pitcher total outs and today they have one fucking guy total posted?!!?? wtf???
i really was hoping to get a number i liked on Blackburn total outs, taking advantage of the tigers struggles vs rhp again but no such luck,. debating his k prop over 3.5 but i really would prefer a out total around 15!! he has struck out at least 4 in all but one his starts, tigers do whiff around 28% the time vs rhp, i do think he should go 5+ innings, maybe the k prop better anyways as im seeing for some reason A's do not let him throw a whole lot of pitches?
man i hate to say it but i have more over leans tonight! luckily i stayed off the day games but not sure if i be able to on these.. i dont like either pitcher going in the philly/seattle game tonight and another 7.5 total, got that phillies pen that always capable of getting blown up as well!

the other a little different, i like both starting pitchers in the rox/san fran game to a degree but i think both lineups match up really well.. Rox been one the better lhp hitting teams with a ops above .800 and they only striking out 18% of the tine which is how rodon gets his outs. giants havnt hit lefties well this year but i think that something that will change as they have proven capable over much bigger samples. Case and point they crushed tonight's starter Gomber several times at AT&T last season as he gave up 16 runs in 3 starts. i think both teams can get 3 off the starters which would be a push at worst.
man i hate to say it but i have more over leans tonight! luckily i stayed off the day games but not sure if i be able to on these.. i dont like either pitcher going in the philly/seattle game tonight and another 7.5 total, got that phillies pen that always capable of getting blown up as well!

the other a little different, i like both starting pitchers in the rox/san fran game to a degree but i think both lineups match up really well.. Rox been one the better lhp hitting teams with a ops above .800 and they only striking out 18% of the tine which is how rodon gets his outs. giants havnt hit lefties well this year but i think that something that will change as they have proven capable over much bigger samples. Case and point they crushed tonight's starter Gomber several times at AT&T last season as he gave up 16 runs in 3 starts. i think both teams can get 3 off the starters which would be a push at worst.
Rox TT Ovah only 2.5 -110
Rox TT Ovah only 2.5 -110

Damn, I played over 7 even money. Even tho 3 runs a pretty sweet number to cash think I rather have the possibility Gomber gets blown up also since I think he the more likely candidate. I’ll prob regret playing this and the over in Seattle but I couldn’t resist, Rox offense completely different on the road.
looks like Ted barrett, my notes:

Ted Barrett: “low-ball umpire with width if you let him know he throws strikes, not a lot of strikes at the belt” Krukow, “calling those edges” -FSWI, width off the plate away to L and R