Monday Discussion Thread


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Man, I was hoping to get little plus money on cws, maybe that line gets pushed down around pick by 2marro? They actually put some runs up late in todays game so could be a little life and they get a lhp 2marro which we know helps. Sandoval is well overdue to give up some runs and this seems like a good spot for it. Cease on the other hand pitching better than the results have been. If the line holds might look to play the FF rl to get a little plus., I will most likely be on cws in some form or another, just won’t decide till 2marro.
Another great starting pitcher matchup in Miami 2marro, man it like every day with their good young starters and keep catching other teams as well! Smells like another 1st 5 under to me!
I have to look a lot closer at kc/stl but initial thought is might as well play the Ff under there also, I mean what makes anyone think cards are gonna hit grienke? I certainly don’t expect them to! Any smart veteran pitcher can navigate cards lineup right now, Greinke as crafty it gets he will prob go 6 innings and hold cards to a run (Sad). Have to look closer at matz, daytime splits, few other things, top my head I don’t think kc hitting lhp, Early Monday start just feels like blink your eyes and it 1-1 in the 6th. Again that just top my head, I’ll have to look closer after I get some sleep.
Another thing about the kc/cards game, we have showers forecasted to move in mid afternoon 2marro so it would be in everyone best interest to have a good sized k-zone to get the game in before the rain starts and everyone gets stuck in long rain delay!!
Another great starting pitcher matchup in Miami 2marro, man it like every day with their good young starters and keep catching other teams as well! Smells like another 1st 5 under to me!
Gallen FF under is pretty much an auto-play for me at this point, took Dbacks/Fish FF under 3 (-115). Now, watch the wheels fall of the Gallen FF under cart...
Gallen FF under is pretty much an auto-play for me at this point, took Dbacks/Fish FF under 3 (-115). Now, watch the wheels fall of the Gallen FF under cart...

i mean obviously it might miss today (or any other) but with that putrid offense and as good Gallen can be it def make sense. no secret i play a bunch of them with the fish for pretty much the same reason, good young pitchers and not much thump in lineup. i was hoping to get 3.5, got that with gilbert/alcontera yesterday, still playing it just hate 3 cause both pitchers can be reasonably good and that still end up pushing. i see even money on u3 now, i like that better, really dont like paying juice on 3!!
So throughout his career Matz has been significantly better in day starts but his worst starts this year have been during the day, strangely enough also at Busch which that shouldnt really be the case for anyone as Busch is def pitcher friendly. even more odd one of the bad home day starts was against the pirates! then he had a stinker vs his former team but that isnt as surprising as they should have a pretty good idea what he throws.. He had one start vs this kc team last year and was lights out, i think it far more likely he starts correcting the bad day starts this season as he has proven his whole career to like pitching day games, certainly doesnt hurt that while KC doesnt strike out a ton vs lhp they also not hitting them with a .594 team ops vs lhp this year.. i really dont think either one these pitchers gonna have a lot of problems getting thru 5 innings allowing minimal damage, dunno who ump is as they make it impossible to find the crews for new series but whomever it may be with the forecast calling for rain to move in around 3 it would be in everyone best interest for him to call a lot of strikes and move the game along.. FF u4 -120
dont love Cease daytime numbers or his starts vs laa but i do expect cws to win this game and of course facing a lefty i expect they score some runs, maybe signs of busting out a bit the last few days also, Sandoval has been fantastic but dude aint gonna continue having a 0 era!! wind direction has shifted in chicago, not blowing out hard enough to matter but not blowing in either.. CWS tt ov 3.5
Makeup game originally scheduled for tonight but pushed back to 12:15 local due to incoming storms later this afternoon/evening.

sweet, didnt know that was actually reason, so ump should be totally aware he needs to get this thing over with quickly as possible!
So throughout his career Matz has been significantly better in day starts but his worst starts this year have been during the day, strangely enough also at Busch which that shouldnt really be the case for anyone as Busch is def pitcher friendly. even more odd one of the bad home day starts was against the pirates! then he had a stinker vs his former team but that isnt as surprising as they should have a pretty good idea what he throws.. He had one start vs this kc team last year and was lights out, i think it far more likely he starts correcting the bad day starts this season as he has proven his whole career to like pitching day games, certainly doesnt hurt that while KC doesnt strike out a ton vs lhp they also not hitting them with a .594 team ops vs lhp this year.. i really dont think either one these pitchers gonna have a lot of problems getting thru 5 innings allowing minimal damage, dunno who ump is as they make it impossible to find the crews for new series but whomever it may be with the forecast calling for rain to move in around 3 it would be in everyone best interest for him to call a lot of strikes and move the game along.. FF u4 -120
Tailed. Let’s get it
damn, I know my little bets ain’t moving lines but right after I bet Pablo Lopez ov5.5 k’s thing shot up! Not sure if initial move was mistake but went from 5.5 -140 on over to 7.5 w plus on over, then went down to 6.5 pretty quickly but the over juiced almost as much as 5.5 was when I bet it.
So throughout his career Matz has been significantly better in day starts but his worst starts this year have been during the day, strangely enough also at Busch which that shouldnt really be the case for anyone as Busch is def pitcher friendly. even more odd one of the bad home day starts was against the pirates! then he had a stinker vs his former team but that isnt as surprising as they should have a pretty good idea what he throws.. He had one start vs this kc team last year and was lights out, i think it far more likely he starts correcting the bad day starts this season as he has proven his whole career to like pitching day games, certainly doesnt hurt that while KC doesnt strike out a ton vs lhp they also not hitting them with a .594 team ops vs lhp this year.. i really dont think either one these pitchers gonna have a lot of problems getting thru 5 innings allowing minimal damage, dunno who ump is as they make it impossible to find the crews for new series but whomever it may be with the forecast calling for rain to move in around 3 it would be in everyone best interest for him to call a lot of strikes and move the game along.. FF u4 -120
Nicely capped
Nicely capped

thank you kind sir, unfortunately the cardinals have a tendency to make it almost too easy! i really thought they had a chance to be a top 5-6 offense for a change this year but turning out to be the same old, same old. guys like grienke who have his kind of command and throwing all kinds of junk been giving them problems for the last decade!! Mad bum even did it to them over the weekend and they typically hit lhp, if they couldnt do it vs a over the hill lefty they certainly wernt gonna hit a rhp with a similar approach these days! It sad but as i always say when cards swinging the bats like this, at least it kinda easy to make some money off of them! lol. ive even been right as when to play their overs recently (not often obviously, lol), think i have a really good feel for them at the moment, just took a tad longer to find this year..
every inning that goes by in chicago im getting more annoyed they couldnt get more in the 1st. Sandoval has settled in now and still need 2 more runs!! ball not carrying at all, couple guys made pretty solid contact and drove it to dead center in the 2nd and damn ball died in front of track.. another walk, lets make him pay for it boys!