monday bases

Mark's Moneymakers

Pretty much a regular
1* (22-24)(-1.74 units)
2* (5-6)(-0.80 units)
3* (2-4)(-7.16 units)
OVERALL (29-34)(-9.70 units)

1-5 losing 8.42 units on Sunday. I have no idea why but I always lose on Sunday in MLB. I thought maybe this year would be different, but it is not. The rest of this season I am just going to take Sundays off. I am even going to take Saturday off. Betting seven days a week is too much. I need to spend the weekends doing more important things. As much as I love baseball, I like football much more. You get to look forward to the weekend without taking up so much time throughout the week. Sorry for being so long winded, I am just frustrated.

I am skipping that early game as the weather forecast does not look good and I hate rain delays. Back with the picks a later this afternoon.
I wasn’t very good yesterday either, in general I find mondays always been my worst day in Mlb!! Like you I have no idea why? I always thought some of it was the fact it new series and damn near impossible to find out the umps but I don’t cap umps much anymore like I used to and I never struggled on thu/fri when new series stArt so that can’t be it! Maybe I just hate mondays! Strange how we all have a day that seems worse than the others! I guess that lines up with the strangeness/randomness of baseball overall!! Good news is Sunday over so you can get back in the black! I have to fight past 1 more day!!