

Head of Loggerhead Turtle Society
Well nfl10 was historic for dub. Nfl11 quite forgettable so far..

this one is exactly how I roll in nfl . Keep playing em and it works out but not without the bumps ( last night)

Decided edge in trenches both sides of the ball. Home team. Pats haven't game planned cam yet, nfl doesn't allow belifuck to cheat anymore, panthers Super Bowl, Brady is a Whiney cunt bitch. Think that covers it

Carofuckinglina -2.5, -120; biggish
yes but that whiney cunt bitch is a 3 time champ, bangs a supermodel and is a first ballot HOF'er

yes but that whiney cunt bitch is a 3 time champ, bangs a supermodel and is a first ballot HOF'er

How many Super Bowls would WCB have if he didn't have defensive plays relayed to him before snap? I know for sure one less and most likely wouldn't have even played in another. I am letting my guard down but many know I hate the pats billifuck and Yag guy living down low while married to soon to be ugly super model
I share the hatred for the cheating fucks from New England but I've got them +10. Hopefully a 7 point Carolina win so we can both cash.
holy shit are you serious? that shit is no joke. can get in lungs and reek major havoc
ya, was at docs office all day. On an aggressive steroid cycle for 12 days. It's inside my nose so doc pretty sure some got to lungs. Main goal is to get it cleared up within a week as taking whole family to Bahamas for battle if Atlantis . I fucked up for sure . Hope modern medicine wins. I'll play the money line there for sure. I've had some other skin issues so have really good dermatologist . Thx for concern my man. We are all just renting the planet
How many Super Bowls would WCB have if he didn't have defensive plays relayed to him before snap? I know for sure one less and most likely wouldn't have even played in another. I am letting my guard down but many know I hate the pats billifuck and Yag guy living down low while married to soon to be ugly super model
They could have one less super bowl if not for the tuck rule bullshit... that was a fucking fumble.

ya i'm sure you'll be fine but talk about annoying. that stuff eats me up when i'm near it. hope the meds nip it before your trip
Cog-- ever hear Faulk and Warner talk candidly about XXXVI? 2002 when rams favored by 14. Intriguing stuff to hear a player perspective on the cheating scandal that may have been worst in professional sports history. I'm ver sure an investigative exposé will come out in a decade or so . Amazing how it was forgot so quick. Fucking cheaters. Smh
Cog-- ever hear Faulk and Warner talk candidly about XXXVI? 2002 when rams favored by 14. Intriguing stuff to hear a player perspective on the cheating scandal that may have been worst in professional sports history. I'm ver sure an investigative exposé will come out in a decade or so . Amazing how it was forgot so quick. Fucking cheaters. Smh
Yup. When Ty Law intercepted that sideline rout and took it to the house he knew it was coming. Kurt Warner believes he did. Same with many others. It's a shame Goodell destroyed the tapes, would've been interesting what was on them.