MNF: Redskins @ Eagles


Money Addict
Philadelphia Eagles -6.5 -105 (3 units)
  • Washington squeezed out a victory in OT against the Dolphins last week, while the Eagles lost a game versus an inferior opponent... motivation factor for the Eagles.
  • Home opener for Eagles on MNF, and a miserable place for Jason Campbell & company to play... great homefield advantage for the Eagles.
  • J. Johnson will blitz the hell out of this young QB, Campbell.
  • Redskins safeties, Taylor & Landry, go for the big hit (Joe Public and I discussed this in Forza's thread) which means they will come up for the big hit, and McNabb will go over the top for the big play. In the same token, Westbrook should have a field day with screen passes tonight.
Bottom line,

homefield advantage + McNabb bringing his play up to par = Eagles -6.5

GL, fellas... :cheers:
sounds good ... i was going to stay away from this one, but i beleive I might take philly now ... GOod Luck tonight:cheers:!
They gotta attack Washington's aggressive safeties with play action over the top

Well, we know Reid ain't runnin' the fuckin' ball (or even trying to run), so they're going to have to find something. I agree with you. Washington is susceptible to bigger plays because of their aggressive nature. Big-risk-big-reward-type defense...

I like philly in this situation laying a td and xtra pt.

GL to us...
make it 5. Miami threw 4 INT to a weak Dallas secondary. Wash couldn't force any, what makes others believe they
Even if Campbell sees the blitz coming, he's going to have one hell of a time trying to audible with the noise coming from the crowd.
make it 5. Miami threw 4 INT to a weak Dallas secondary. Wash couldn't force any, what makes others believe they

because fred smoot has no hands

He could have easily picked off a trent green pass right before OT, but old slippery fingers dropped it, and could have won ( and covered) for his team.
Even if Campbell sees the blitz coming, he's going to have one hell of a time trying to audible with the noise coming from the crowd.

He is also trying to throw the ball to two 5'8 receivers, and Brandon Lloyd who isn't even thinking about the game, but the next rap song he wants to make up.

C-Gold, I'm glad to see a VA person talking real about the game tonight instead of just being optimistic about the Redskins chances.
C-Gold, I'm glad to see a VA person talking real about the game tonight instead of just being optimistic about the Redskins chances.

The fans here in washington are irrational.

Let me explain this whole process to people who aren't from northern virginia that has happened every year since 2000.

1. The redskins sign some overpaid free agents in the offseason
2. The fans talk about the redskins " return to glory" and start talking superbowl in march.
3. The team blows out an opponent in preseason, the fans REAALLY start going nuts.

I remember when spurier ran up the score on an exibition game in Japan ( I believe against san fran), and the redskins fans were going nuts and talking about the fun and gun in the superbowl

then the season starts...

the team looks and plays like shit. The redskins fans call into the radio shows and act like the team is still good, they just need to do 1 thing to fix the team. Last year people thought that 1 thing was mark brunell, and that once tony banks came in to play, that the redskins would magically turn into a good team.

the team falls flat on its face again, the fans quit on the team and the only thing redskins fans care about is " beating dallas". They know their team sucks, and they finally admit it. They blame it on injuries or 1 stupid thing, and all they talk about is " dallas". It is pretty pathetic if you ask me.

then they sign a bunch of new free agents, and the process begins again

washington deadskins, you are pathetic. :36_11_6:
Thankfully, they beat Dallas in Washington last year.

Nick Novak, still paying dividends, you are not forgotten.
Thankfully, they beat Dallas in Washington last year.

Nick Novak, still paying dividends, you are not forgotten.

Was it Billy Cuntsniff or Jose Cortez that missed that game winner?...

I think it was Billy kootersniff, somewhere those bums are flipping hamburgers at a wendys.
I'm pretty sure it was Cortez, because as he was walking off the field he got into it with one of their linemen.

You've gotta love that guy, I'm pretty sure his resume starts off:

Jose Cortez: Franchise Scapegoat
You see, I am pretty sure it was Billy Cundiff.

I say that because of all the angry people calling him Billy cuntsniff.

I hate the deadskins, but I had them as the Fools Gold bet that week. I remember because I thought everybody was way too high on Romo then. People thought he was Joe Montana after that fast start. Then people hated him.

but yeah, dallas even deserved to win that game.

Those kickers must go nuts when they get run out of town like that.

The character " Ray Finkle" in ace venture 1 was based on Steve Christie going nuts and leaving society after missing that kick in the Giants/Bills superbowl.

of course. Who did you think that was?

Steve Christie missed the biggest kick ( chip shot) of all-time. He was the anti-vinateri and the character was based on him.

Christie was a good kicker, but I don't think he ever kicked again in the league. He was just... well... gone.
I think that's totally an urban legend, because I'm pretty sure Christie ended up kicking for another team pretty quickly.
My bad. It was scott Norwood but same thing.

I am missing up kickers tonight. Didn't one of them kick for the chiefs for ayear or something.

No, but seriously, Norwood went Awall
Oh shit, Norwood lives in South Riding right here in Northern Virginia...

I might have to pay him a visit :tiphat:
I'm going to jump the gun and put a 0-1 -3 units in my spreadsheet. I am probably going to stay away from NFL, since I told myself i would and this is what I get for breaking my own rule.