MNF - Giants/Falcons

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
In short, I like the over here.

Everybody's been able to score on Atlanta. Hell, Tennessee tried to throw the game and still put up 20. Now, you look back at Houston and think, 'well, they only put up 16.'

Right, but in that game they fumbled twice, turned the ball over on downs once inside Falcons' territory and missed a FG.

Frankly, I'm comfortable that, so long as they try, the Giants can get into the mid-to-high 20s tonight.

So that leaves Atlanta.

Well, right now Joey Harrington is playing for his job. There's no way he doesn't know this. So you have a bad Atlanta team, one that I imagine is going to give up over 20 points, which probably suggests they'll be down in this game, with a QB who needs to play for his job. That suggests passing to me, it suggests turnovers to me, and it suggests opportunities for points.

I'll take it.

Over 43.5.

Good luck tonight all.
but the only question is we both know giants are going to get in the high 20's.. so can the falcons score 20? i hope they can joe.. i see a 31-14 type a game. just squelching your over..

on a side note. falcons have allowed 18 sacks so far with their best oline on the field. so you got 3 young players starting for the falcons.oh yea Osi Uemnyiora leads the nfl in sacks with 7. this game might be a defense type of game. but hey.. just speculation.. good luck joe..
i see a 31-14 type a game.

That works for me, that's 45.

I think Atlanta can get to 17, probably 20, and I look for NY at 27 or 28. On its lowest end that barely gets me over, but given the turnovers that I expect, I'm hoping for some free points added in there.
Thanks, Bet.

I don't know if it's just my experience with them, but I feel like Atlanta is a team that tends toward overs at home far more than on the road.
I'm not really sure who I have to blow to win a f**king SNF/MNF play.

It's uncanny, I've never had a run like this in my life. That's 0-8 for the last four weeks.
man i feel for you that was some bull sh*t... unreal really...i thought you were going to cover first quarter..
least you were somewhat close.

I wish that made me feel better about any of this weekend, South Carolina, BC, the overs yesterday that fell half points short, this f**ker.

I'm not trying to come back at you, I'm just frustrated. I've had a lot of really bad beats stack up on me in a really short period of time. It'll turn back, but motherf**ker it p*sses me off.

Sorry you had the Birds, they were right there for a while, then their offense kicked in.
atlanta was so far from the right side its not even laughable. almost as bad as my central florida +12 vs USF on saturday.

im thinking my bears show up vs the eagles but i really have no strong feel at the moment. you have any (on that game)?
im thinking my bears show up vs the eagles but i really have no strong feel at the moment. you have any (on that game)?

Part of me thinks you're right.

This is one of these games that I worry about the Eagles. It's a game they should win.

And they may, it's at home and it would really behoove them to make a statement here. They need to get back to .500 and get it together. And maybe they do.

But something tells me they either win this game by a FG or they lose outright.

Their offense just isn't clicking and you can run on them. That should basically keep everybody in a game with them just as it did with the Jets this week.
I'm not trying to come back at you, I'm just frustrated. I've had a lot of really bad beats stack up on me in a really short period of time. It'll turn back, but motherf**ker it p*sses me off.

American sports have been treating me fine, but the sport I should know better by far (rugby) has turned on me like a crazed bitch.
My remedy? stopped playing it (at least for awhile). Me thinks its not a bad idea.