MNF bet


Pretty much a regular
I changed my mind on this one, was thinking Baltimore, but the more I thought about the more I think Detroit can do it tonight.

Baltimore at Detroit -5.5

Probably the biggest reason I'm taking this is Baltimore's offensive line is gonna struggle to keep the Lions out of the backfield on run plays, and when they throw, Flacco is gonna be getting put on his ass the whole game. Don't know how Baltimore will be able to score much, they will have to get crafty, maybe they can. For the Lions I just gotta hope they do a decent job, and don't turn it over a bunch, that's the main concern with the bet is turnovers. Really though this could be a lot like that Green Bay game where the Lions were sacking Flynn a bunch, but Detroit won't put up 40 not saying that.

After my 1-4 yesterday, maybe you guys should take the Ravens. I was pretty hot in the NFL until Sunday happened.
Thanks sigo, hopefully I can turn it around, NFL was going great. Other sports not so much for me right now. This sucks having Monday as one of my off days. No games on pretty lame having Monday off instead of Sunday.
Found something to do Turf Paradise horse races. Guess I will post my bets in this thread, like anybody cares. Oh well will anyway. 4th race coming up. Ride em and whip em.
race 4 at Turf Paradise

Have $1 tri key 3/1,2,5

Not gonna bet a bunch just six here 12 there. Not gonna put like a 100 bucks to win on a fucking horse.
race 5 at Turf Paradise

The big favorite looks vulnerable the 4 horse had a big layoff and 1 race since, it was a 2nd, but was a slow race leaving him out.

.50 tri box 3,5,6,7

Hope that 4 doesn't run, otherwise I'm down 18 bucks on the day.
Was way off on that 1, got 3rd, 4th, and 5th, and a I don't know with my other horse. Might have to quit soon if I don't win something.
Thanks grind.

Got race 6 at Turf Paradise

$1 tri key 1/3,4,5,6 so its 12 bucks throwing everything underneath, since this 1 is a sure winner I think. Was running with 30k and 40 k claimers in California, these are much easier in Arizona for 5k.
Race 7 at Turf Paradise

$1 tri key 5/2,3,7,8 betting 12 bucks again. The 5 horse is comin in for his 3rd race off a layoff, think he fires big here. He has shown better races before in California.
Got beat again, the 5 got 4th, if I just woulda thrown out the 5, and boxed my other 4 horses, would have won 183 bucks, damn it.
race 8 Turf Paradise

.50 tri box 4,5,6,8 I think the 8 will probably win and then I'm not gonna make much if that's the case, but down 42 bucks now, need to get back to even.

Yeah sigo, I'm trying, don't bet the horses a lot since they are very tough. Just did it cuz I was bored. Problem with the horses is they takeout anywhere from 15-30 percent on your bets. So it is a tough way to make a go of it.
Damn it got 1st, 2nd, and 4th, fuck fuck, the 2 horse which got 3rd was my last horse out of my bet, put in the damn 4 instead of the 2. Would have had 322 bucks. Well time for the last race down 54 bucks, this was a great idea.
Race 9 at Turf Paradise

.50 tri box 1,3,8,10 hopefully the 5 horse doesn't bone me. Also a bit worried about the 9 horse. The 5 and the 9 horses, those are the 2 that could screw me.
1st, 2nd, and 4th again, well not my day so far just cut into my Detroit winnings. The horses were unkind. It wasn't a whole lot though, but still that was stupid. Gonna wait for football now. I guess I could maybe find a dog track to bet, LOL.
Derby lane dogs in 50 minutes. No, I'm not doing that. There is Mountaineer horses in 20 minutes, but I can't seem to find a feed for that. Was gonna do a few races there to see if I could get my money back. If I can't see it live with the odds I'm not bettin it.
Just added on 60 bucks to Detroit to try and cover my horse losses. Gotta have Suh and that d line go off. Think they will, I'm feeling good about this bet. Looked at the hoops, and there is nothing I like. Gonna get back to that tomorrow.
Well I lost this bet, fucking should have stayed with my initial reaction of that's too many points. Well the whole thing is fucking stupid. I should just wait for conference college hoops, this shit now is a crap shoot.
It's not looking good sigo, the chances of a cover are slim and none. Shit, I can't wait for conference play, then I won't have to be like well it could go this way, or it could go that way, it will just be oh yeah that's the side no doubt.
Yea man if you're not feeling it just wait til then or bet real small. You know this already tho. You gonna wreck shop soon enough
Didn't even bet any hoops today cuz I didn't see anything that intrigued me. Detroit the #2 offense in the league, what the hell was that shit. And fucking Calvin catch the damn ball, shit that would have been 1st down Lions inside the 30.
Yeah sigo I lost a shitload, well kind of for 1 game, I added on 60 bucks for my horse losses. Shit, well gonna need to hold up til winning time in late January. Think I'm gonna just bet every underdog in the college bowls. That will give me about a 21-14 record in the bowls. The bowls are always underdog heavy, the favorites never come out ahead. At worst if you take every underdog in the bowls you will be 50/50. With how I have done in college football this year, I am not gonna risk picking the games individually. Just gonna bet every underdog, and hopefully take my 21-14, that's not bad.
There have been quite a few years where the dogs in the bowls have really kicked ass, like 10 games over .500. That could happen as well. I haven't seen a year where the favorites have dominated. The best the favorites do is finish close to .500.
Yea I've heard of people betting all dogs in the bowl games. Will be interesting to see how it does. Just make sure you have enough ammo left for conference play haha