MNF Bears @ Vikings 12/17/2007


Youngest guy on the forum
10-4-1 MNF YTD (71%)

Bears @ Vikings - 10 1/2

Wow, how confusing is this? Bears Adrian Peterson or Vikings Adrian Peterson? haha....Well, tonight its going to be Vikings Adrian Peterson all over again. The Bears wont have an answer for him again. Also, Viking's QB Tarvaris Jackson is red hot with almost a 65% completion rate ! The Bears are starting Kyle Orton tonight and although he is actually not a bad QB I dont think he will have enough to against a Viking team that is playing the best football they have played in almost 2 seasons and who need this game desperately to get a wildcard spot. I think the Bears give it up tonight in front of a pumped up Viking home crowd. It would certainly make Brad Childress look like a genius after all the crap he has taken from the Minny fans....Justice sweet justice....Go gettem Brad !

Vikings - 10 1/2
I like the play spanish. Im gonna either play vikings or nothing. Never take those emBEARassments. Good luck to you sir, and just to note...Ill be watching Adrian Peterson (the man, the myth, the legend) not Adrian Peterson (the name stealer)
Honestly, I'd play the vikes to 17...

Good luck...


For some reason I just cant see the vikes blowing out the bears tonight.

  • They will and should remember what AP and the rest of the team did @ there house earlier this year.
  • We usually split the series.
  • They know we need this win bad, to stay ahead of the others for the last wild card spot.
  • I know they are saying D-Smith will play right now....but when, chilly will probably bench him for part of the game.
  • Alot depends on How T-jack comes out...
I think 10.5, might be a bit much for a game that has some revenge factor to it for Chicago, as well as knowing we torched them for 311 yards earlier this year.

I think Chicago lays it all out tonight, and if the Vikings dont do the same, we might be 7-7 after the night is over.
You may be right, Marlo. This is a gut feeling. I think Chicago can lay out all they want to and it won't make a bit of difference tonight.

The queens can run the ball, and chicago has trouble stopping the run. All T-Jack will have to do what he's been doing the last four, and that's manage the game.

Chicago can't run the ball, and the queens defense will be helped out tremendously with a one-dimensional offense featuring Kyle Orton at the point...

The x-factor (at least as to whether Minnesota covers, imo) is special teams and whether Chili & Co. learned their lesson the first go-around.

Funny how Chili has conveniently forgot the whole "accountability" thing he preached when he got here, isn't it? Couldn't have anything to do with the fact that the two back-ups at FS are both hurt and his team's in a playoff hunt, could it? Just another example of the coward and fraud Chili is...
You may be right, Marlo. This is a gut feeling. I think Chicago can lay out all they want to and it won't make a bit of difference tonight.

The queens can run the ball, and chicago has trouble stopping the run. All T-Jack will have to do what he's been doing the last four, and that's manage the game.

Chicago can't run the ball, and the queens defense will be helped out tremendously with a one-dimensional offense featuring Kyle Orton at the point...

The x-factor (at least as to whether Minnesota covers, imo) is special teams and whether Chili & Co. learned their lesson the first go-around.

Funny how Chili has conveniently forgot the whole "accountability" thing he preached when he got here, isn't it? Couldn't have anything to do with the fact that the two back-ups at FS are both hurt and his team's in a playoff hunt, could it? Just another example of the coward and fraud Chili is...

I was listening on the radio and they said the same thing about the "culture of accountability." In the playoff hunt, delpeted at safety, and he doesnt bench his only stud thats healthy becaue he couldnt stay out of a strip club, and not smoke marijauna.

I agree about T-Jack, and I love his confidence right now, I think this is what hampered him earlier in the season.

Completely agree about the Bears being one dimensional, and our special teams coach was quoted in the Star Trib, this week as saying "maybe the right play isnt kicking the ball Out of Bounds" I just hope we have the oppurunity to kick the ball to him besides at the beginning of the game/HT.

After our win last week, I thought Vegas makes Minny a 3-5.5 pt favorite, and when I saw 10, I couldnt believe it. I think we have to blow them out to cover this game, and Im not 100% sold that we do this. I also think the Bears will attack T-Jack with a blitz scheme.

I know we are a great story, but everyone after the blowout loss to GB was calling for Chilly's head on a platter, and had given up on T-Jack.

Our 4 game winning streak has been against Giants(Eli played his worst game as a pro) Oakland, Det(obv Detroit is on the downward spiral) and San Fran (they are terrible as well)

If we beat and cover against Chicago, I might just book my tickets now for Phoenix. :smiley_acbe:

Should be wild at the Dome tonight, and Im really excited for the game!
the bears will upset the vikings tonight. the bears will put eight in the box tonight and shut down the running game. they will make Jackson beat them and i just dont see it happening. orton will lead the bears to a victory tonight. maybe!!!!!!!!!!!!lol gl 2nite shark
Hey spanish, huge vikes fan here. I'm either laying the chalk or staying away. Great to see you on the vikes. Jackson is starting to play smart football. I think he is finally realizing that he doesn't have to win the game for the vikes, only manage it. I think AP goes nuts today after being shut down by the 9'rs, I say 2 TD's and 150 yds rushing. If we can get pressure on Orton it will be a long night for the bears. GO VIKES!!!!
Great discussion guys. Marlo, I dont think the Vikes will blow'em out either so I dont consider a 2 TD lead a blow out. A 3 TD lead or more to me is more of a blow out...hehehe. I understand your concerns and I would agree if the Queens were playing in Chicago but this home crowd is gonna be an advantage tonight IMO. When you talk revenge factor, Im not sure these NFL teams really gain alot on the revenge factor thing. Shit, I thought Atlanta, without a coach and out to have fun with a "lets win it for us" attitude yesterday would have kept it close with the Bucs but fuck, they got BLOWN out. So I'm not buying this revenge thing tonight so much. Like that famous quote now "the Bears are who we thought they were" haha
The playoffs are a longshot at best for the Bears at this point tonight will be the nail in the coffin. When the bears look across the field tonight they will see a team that they used to be great running game & opportunistic defense.

Orton will be playing for his chance to be starter/2nd string next year in camp and hopefully he does not turn the ball over too much, people look to his 10-5 record in 2005 but what they forget is that bears defense was on an entirely different playing field and basically won in spite of Orton.

Could get ugly tonight thinking a 27-10 type game give or take, these bears just do not play with any sense of urgency and the coaching staff is awful in terms of game planning & in game adjustments.

gl shark
Deuce....I appreciate it when a fan such as yourself can see that you dont stop being a fan by betting against your team or even if you dont bet but know that it would be a bad bet. Afterall, we are in this for the money, not to increase the fan club. Dont worry, Im a fan of the worse team in the NFL and bet against them several times this year (Miami) and finally bet them for a win yesterday. Thanks for the honest input :cheers:
Shark....I was pulling for your fins yesterday as well and picked them but will be pulling for them even more next weekend.
The only concern I have is that the bears are going to try to get the ball into Hester's hands as much as possible. I think he will take a lot more snaps on offense and this dude is scary everytime he touches the ball. Thats why a pass rush is gonna be so important in this game for the vikings. Keep the pressure on Orton and he is bound to make a few mistakes and throw a few picks.
The only concern I have is that the bears are going to try to get the ball into Hester's hands as much as possible. I think he will take a lot more snaps on offense and this dude is scary everytime he touches the ball. Thats why a pass rush is gonna be so important in this game for the vikings. Keep the pressure on Orton and he is bound to make a few mistakes and throw a few picks.

I'd rather see the Queens try and defend the run , even with Hester, than to defend the pass. The Queens are not that great against the pass. So yes, getting on Orton tonight is the key. And in the spirit of Christmas, omit "snow" for "run" in the song.....Oh the weather outside is frightful, but this game is so delightful, we wont let them throw the ball, so..Let'em run, let'em run, let'em run...........
Agreed Spanish, if they make the bears run the ball that plays right into the vikes strength. Let them run the ball and the Williams boys will tear shit up all night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cheers:
They can put 8 guys in the box but A Pete (Vikes) is going to run wild against these Bears again. I would have said the Bears had a chance to cover tonight but him running 14 times for 3 yds last week, his is going to be on a mission. And Orton starting is just the nail in the coffin and please, don't give me their record when he starts. That was when they had a defense and this Defense is not nearly the same. Vikes 31-13.:tiphat:
Just another thought guys.... This is AP's first primetime game in the NFL, WATCH OUT. This kid has got skills and he always comes to play when the spotlight is on him. He goes for 150 tonight with atleast 2 TD's.

Playing Vikes -10 (bought the hook), for 1 unit.

Let's get that $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:smiley_acbe:
This is AP's first primetime game in the NFL, WATCH OUT. This kid has got skills and he always comes to play when the spotlight is on him. He goes for 150 tonight with atleast 2 TD's.

Playing Vikes -10 (bought the hook), for 1 unit.

Let's get that $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:smiley_acbe:

If he doesnt I would be very surprised. I am extremely excited to see what he does on Primetime. I can still remember Randy Moss in his first Primetime Game when he played for the Vikes.

All this Vikings talk is taking me of Da Bears....Im scared I might be drinking the Koolaid
If the Vikes arent + in the turnover battle this cover seems unlikely to me.
Everyone knows the Vikes stop the run well that is fine considering the Bears couldnt run on me. We are talking one if not the worst pass defenses in the league against a QB that has nothing to lose and everything to gain. I dont see the Bears winning without the help of Vikes turnovers and I dont see the Vikes covering without Bears turnovers to tip the scale.

The difference in Orton and those other bums is Orton hasnt had multiple chances with multiple personnel to show his worth. The other two guys are just that the other two guys. Orton just cant be worse than Hex and Greasey.
I hear you Marlo, I am a huge Vikings fan and wasn't gonna play tonight, but after looking into this game a little more I can't lay off the vikes in this spot.
I dont think the Viqueens should be favored 10+ point to anyone in the league. AD embarassed the Bears his first go around, I think they will have better success limiting the minnisota running game. Tavaras Jackson has passed well the past couple weeks, but dont let that confuse you that he is a good passer. He is still very raw and will make mistakes.
Here's a few keys/notes to the game...hopes it helps the conversation.

1) I would expect the Bears to play 8 and, at times, 9 in the box, and they may need to because the Bears are not expecting Darwin Walker tonight, and may be playing two players off the street extensively tonight. Israel Idonje will play play a lot inside next to Tommie Harris, who is also playing hurt. Minnesota would be crazy to take a lot of chances through the air considering the Bears defensive line health.

2) The Bears say they are a running team, but they really aren't. Teams don't run the ball vs. Minnesota. With Orton playing for the first time in 2 seasons, and the Bears claiming that they won't shut down the play book, it wil be interesting to see how patient they are with the running game vs. the trust they show Orton.

3) Minnesota blitzes a lot, and they're good at it. The Bears don't block very well. I would expect Minny to go after Orton full throttle. This is a great matchup for the Vikings, and we'll see how composed Orton can remain.

4) Nathan Vasher is expected to play tonight for the Bears. Why ? Their season is over. Get ready for next season, and the same should probably be said for Brian Urlacher and Tommie Harris.

5) Tavaris Jackson has been outstanding of late with a 102.5 passer rating over the last month, and he hasn't been throwing interceptions.

6) Speaking of outstanding, so has the Vikings. They have outscored their opponents 139-56 in the past 4 weeks. I haven't done the research but I doubt any other team in the NFL has scored as much as them. And this game will be played in their backyard.

7) The Bears have only lost one time the season by a margin greater than 11 points, and that was back in Week 3 to the Cowboys, 34-10, and in their matchups vs the Vikings, 7 of the last 8 meetings being decided by 10 points or less.
I've always thought that 10 1/2 is way too much to give up in an NFL game. But the Vikings are at home and Chicago is on a downward spiral. So I'm laying the points and wishing you luck!
GL shark.. I am still debating this one. Vikes are on a roll but 10.5 is not a number I can stomach. Leaning Bears and the over right now.. It will be a small play if I do anything though as I have very little feel for this one.. Good Health:cheers:
Thanks for the inputs guys. Just got back from the gym and I'm ready to watch some foots. Yeah, yeah, I still work out..hehe. Anyways, alot of good points. Im predicting that Orton will get hit ALOT tonight. I mean HIT ALOT tonight. Will he stay composed? Cant wait to find out. Good Luck everyone :cheers:
Well guys, the 4 turnovers cost us the cover. I know that some will say that turnovers are a part of the game but come on... the bears offense did absolutely nothing. Ten of their points came off of turnovers deep in vikings territory. If I had it to do all over again I would still lay the chalk. It was a bummer losing a unit on this game but atleast my vikes pulled out a victory.

One good note....Bowl season is getting closer!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smiley_acbe:
Well guys, the 4 turnovers cost us the cover. I know that some will say that turnovers are a part of the game but come on... the bears offense did absolutely nothing. Ten of their points came off of turnovers deep in vikings territory.

Im pissed. Horrible :moose: