Pretty much a regular
YTD: 13-8-9 (+6.9)
gl optimus primetime
MLS: 51-47-32 (+0.59)
May: 22-28-16 (-9.74)
Yest: 2-5-2 (-4.44)
Southern California Seahorses pk 2.35
So Cal Seahorses O2.5 2.05
Rio Grande Valley pk 3.65
Saint Louis O2.5 2.0
MPT22, am I missing something? Are these above MLS plays?
No, they are not. I by mistake entered those into this forum instead of creating a separate forum for those plays as those are the PDL, USL, etc. plays.
No worries, that's what I thought might've been the case. I moved those plays for the PDL / USL into the thread you started for that league, so everything is all together where it should be. :shake: