MLB Wednesday Totals


The Law of Winning
Running Total: 2-2-0
Overall Total: 2-0-0 +2 units

Tampa Bay @ Baltimore Over 9.5 (2.52/2.1) WINNER
Washington/Philly Under 9.5 (2.52/2.1) WINNER

Let's hope to close them both out. :shake:

Fade Strategy: 2-1-0 +2.1 units
(Pitt +116 LOSER and Boston +133 pending (WINNER))
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Too damn easy sometimes.

Closed out BOTH totals on Game 2's......... on two easy victories.....back tomorrow night if there are any games for Friday..... :shake:

Running Total: 4-2-0
Overall Total: 4-0-0 +4 units
Ram nice start to the season love baseball any opinion on the seattle game or the dodgers game thanks and good luck!!!
Mr. Bond -

I don't cap baseball. As a matter of fact, I friggin hate it. I can't even watch it.

That being said, I think it is one of those sports in which certain outcomes are pretty predictable sometimes (totals, imo). I am playing a chase system for totals over specified series, that is explained a couple threads ago, and also on my blog at

GL with whatever you choose.
Okay, looks like Pitt didn't come through, but 1-1 on doggies gives me a little profit on the fades today.....

No totals tomorrow but I'll be looking for a fade or two. Will post Friday's totals tomorrow afternoon/night.

and renew - I really DO despise baseball.