MLB Wednesday 8/21


Pretty much a regular
YTD +200
0-1 last

Two questions......

1) Why do they persist in calling some games "interleague" when everyone plays everyone?

2) Could someone on the west coast explain what the thinking is by the Dodgers in batting Ohtani leadoff and Betts second? Notice I asked what the thinking is by the Dodgers because it makes no fucking sense to anyone that knows anything about baseball. Why do I say this? Well, let's see if I can find a reason or two.

a) I would walk Ohtani every time he comes up because I sure as hell would rather face Betts with Ohtani on first than face Ohtani with Betts on first.
b) Betts will intentionally try to take a walk to get on base in front of the 2 and 3 hitters and Ohtani only takes walks when they intentionally walk him.
c) You have basically created a hole between arguably the best 2 and 3 hitters in MLB. They can pitch to Betts and pitch around Ohtani and Freeman. Nice job dickheads.
d) Ohtani is the #3 or #4 hitter on all 29 of the other clubs and you want him to leadoff? I am going to guess these morons think that gives Ohtani more at bats a game when in in the long run he may see 1 additional at bat every 5 games and what's the point of more at bats since they won't give him anything to hit.
e) Betts then Freeman then Ohtani and moon walk into the playoffs.

There's a lot more but I just don't have the time.

SF ML -240 -120/+50


Balt +2 1/2 -350
SF +2 1/2 -800
Phil +2 1/2 -400


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