MLB Wednesday 6/7


Pretty much a regular
YTD +4600
4-3 last
1-0 GS - Gotcha!

But it got close to going over which I love because it just makes those 90% (probably closer to 95%) that bet over more convinced over is the play. Bank even certified that because he said his friend was excited because it got close. "Due to go over". Mike also said maybe we should lay a little low because it could go over soon. Not a bad idea and I don't disagree but look at how we think about this.

No one wants to bet the GS under. No one. Even though we are making money hand over fist even we are thinking maybe over will come. We have been brainwashed by the books over the years. And I promise you over will win. Eventually. But I also believe in the full faith and failure of today's hitters. Last night my GS was 141. Others had higher. Total runs scored was 137. There were probably a dozen chances and many with the bases loaded to score 5 more runs to bust it. But it didn't. Does that mean it won't happen? Of course not.

But let me tell you what the dynamic is now. Nothing has changed. Not for the over bettors. They are sure it's coming despite how many losses they have each day and even after over finally wins they will keep betting over each day just because. Certainly not for the books who will keep padding the overs. Why? Because they know 9 out of 10 bettors go over and they will be damned if they are going to reduce the padding and maybe allow 90% more winners. I wouldn't do that. Would you if you were a book? No way. Is it possible they will make the padding +4 1/2 runs instead of +5 1/2 runs? Yes. I have seen it, but I doubt seriously they will do that because remember they beat all those over bettors last night ..... again. Lowering the total won't make less over bettors it will just give them a better chance to hit the GS over. Have you ever seen a book give a chance to their customers. In over 55 years of betting, I never have.

Back to Mike's idea of going lower for a while. I agree. You should go slower because over is bound to hit. And I will go slower as well. Unless on a 15 game card the books put up a GS total of 140 or higher. If they do that, I am going to go hunt their ass down again.

All x50 each

SD ML -120 - Hate these non hitting Padre assholes but Wacha is more solid than Kirby and you can bet I never thought I would say that.
Detroit +2 1/2 -160 - Wheeler's last says give the Tigers and the new kid a chance to stay close.
Miami ML -170 - Cabrera a lot more solid than Lyles.
TB ML -140 - Even coming in to start from relief Armstrong looks better than Lopez who got shelled in both of his last two starts.
Cinn +2 1/2 -170 - Thor pitching really badly his last two starts. Williamson looks decent enough to keep Reds close. Dodger pen also iffy. This is a classic example of names instead of performance by "Thor" and "LA". Cin really should be a -120 favorite at home in this one. Very solid straight up dog at +140.
STL/Texas under 9 1/2 - Both starters very solid.

As for the GS, the true added total of all games is 135 as of right now. They will add at least 5 1/2 runs and it will go to around 140 1/2. I will use some discretion and only go 300 not another 500 under the GS but I should just go after them because I capped just as many unders as overs today. Let's see if ivmike can turn me into a good money manager instead of a rampaging beast. GL :rofl:
YTD +4600
4-3 last
1-0 GS - Gotcha!

But it got close to going over which I love because it just makes those 90% (probably closer to 95%) that bet over more convinced over is the play. Bank even certified that because he said his friend was excited because it got close. "Due to go over". Mike also said maybe we should lay a little low because it could go over soon. Not a bad idea and I don't disagree but look at how we think about this.

No one wants to bet the GS under. No one. Even though we are making money hand over fist even we are thinking maybe over will come. We have been brainwashed by the books over the years. And I promise you over will win. Eventually. But I also believe in the full faith and failure of today's hitters. Last night my GS was 141. Others had higher. Total runs scored was 137. There were probably a dozen chances and many with the bases loaded to score 5 more runs to bust it. But it didn't. Does that mean it won't happen? Of course not.

But let me tell you what the dynamic is now. Nothing has changed. Not for the over bettors. They are sure it's coming despite how many losses they have each day and even after over finally wins they will keep betting over each day just because. Certainly not for the books who will keep padding the overs. Why? Because they know 9 out of 10 bettors go over and they will be damned if they are going to reduce the padding and maybe allow 90% more winners. I wouldn't do that. Would you if you were a book? No way. Is it possible they will make the padding +4 1/2 runs instead of +5 1/2 runs? Yes. I have seen it, but I doubt seriously they will do that because remember they beat all those over bettors last night ..... again. Lowering the total won't make less over bettors it will just give them a better chance to hit the GS over. Have you ever seen a book give a chance to their customers. In over 55 years of betting, I never have.

Back to Mike's idea of going lower for a while. I agree. You should go slower because over is bound to hit. And I will go slower as well. Unless on a 15 game card the books put up a GS total of 140 or higher. If they do that, I am going to go hunt their ass down again.

All x50 each

SD ML -120 - Hate these non hitting Padre assholes but Wacha is more solid than Kirby and you can bet I never thought I would say that.
Detroit +2 1/2 -160 - Wheeler's last says give the Tigers and the new kid a chance to stay close.
Miami ML -170 - Cabrera a lot more solid than Lyles.
TB ML -140 - Even coming in to start from relief Armstrong looks better than Lopez who got shelled in both of his last two starts.
Cinn +2 1/2 -170 - Thor pitching really badly his last two starts. Williamson looks decent enough to keep Reds close. Dodger pen also iffy. This is a classic example of names instead of performance by "Thor" and "LA". Cin really should be a -120 favorite at home in this one. Very solid straight up dog at +140.
STL/Texas under 9 1/2 - Both starters very solid.

As for the GS, the true added total of all games is 135 as of right now. They will add at least 5 1/2 runs and it will go to around 140 1/2. I will use some discretion and only go 300 not another 500 under the GS but I should just go after them because I capped just as many unders as overs today. Let's see if ivmike can turn me into a good money manager instead of a rampaging beast. GL :rofl:
Thanks Wire. Dont get me wrong i agree with everything you say. They wouldn't do it if they weren't making money hand over fist. The casino/sportsbook industry is one of the most greedy industries in the world. With this they can just keep doing what they're doing padding the over, and ban or limit the few under bettors. So im just saying if you hit them too hard dont be surprised if they take it from you. Ive seen it with a friend who is a pro sports bettor and has had to use offshore accounts under friends names for 10 years now. They will let you win so much. Its all electronic and they can track all kinds of metrics and data. That's their M O. dont tolerate long term winners.

So its figuring out that balance of the $ bet size that they dont really care about and will tolerate and let you win, at least for awhile. Its different with each book.

Anyway thanks again.
Of course it prob lose some days but I really just started betting it this past week, I’ll be damned if I slow down long as they juicing it, up like that! if last nights proved anything it how great this is, it had no business cashing last night, don’t see many nights with that many real high scoring games!
Thanks Wire. Dont get me wrong i agree with everything you say. They wouldn't do it if they weren't making money hand over fist. The casino/sportsbook industry is one of the most greedy industries in the world. With this they can just keep doing what they're doing padding the over, and ban or limit the few under bettors. So im just saying if you hit them too hard dont be surprised if they take it from you. Ive seen it with a friend who is a pro sports bettor and has had to use offshore accounts under friends names for 10 years now. They will let you win so much. Its all electronic and they can track all kinds of metrics and data. That's their M O. dont tolerate long term winners.

So its figuring out that balance of the $ bet size that they dont really care about and will tolerate and let you win, at least for awhile. Its different with each book.

Anyway thanks again.

I’m gonna be betting it way more at the casino than online. Sucks I gotta go across river to bet but awesome draft kings is so close to me!
I see what you guys are saying Mike and Bank. I agree they will stop you sometimes but I used to bet $1000 a game when I still worked and they let it go. But that was 7 years ago and it was all offshore. Probably not now. But I do understand and I want to thank you for looking out for me. I appreciate it.

I was also thinking maybe the good folks that are members and view this forum might want to keep this to themselves until it levels off. It is fun to tell friends you know when something seems to work but it also fun to get as much money as you can from a thing while it still works. This has the built in folks never want to bet under regardless, but the books will change if enough move over with us to the dark under bettor side. GL
Man, some days it just doesn't pay to be stupid. I have 300 riding on a GS at 141 1/2. My wife with her DK account has $10 riding on the GS at 142 1/2. A fucking sharp man would have figured out a way to get the biggest money riding on the biggest total. But not me. No, I'm too fucking smart for that so give me the lower number. Dickhead. GL
I'm not too concerned with the multiple millions of people betting out there that we need to keep anything secret from our friends lol

Actually their reactions tend to tell me a lot more about betting than actual game discussion

Also the fear of getting cut off on US books is a bit out of hand, I know someone who uses DK and bets $500 units in Colorado and he's cashing out more often than not. Been doing it since it became legal in Colorado. Just means he gets more promos. I get that they might limit you at some point but not for those sizes of wagers, they're making money hand over fist as it is. Our little circle in the grand scheme of things isn't going to change a damn thing.
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And BOL today wire, I'll probably just blindly take Salami unders as you mentioned until September call ups, a loss or two in a row won't dissuade me one bit either.
I see what you guys are saying Mike and Bank. I agree they will stop you sometimes but I used to bet $1000 a game when I still worked and they let it go. But that was 7 years ago and it was all offshore. Probably not now. But I do understand and I want to thank you for looking out for me. I appreciate it.

I was also thinking maybe the good folks that are members and view this forum might want to keep this to themselves until it levels off. It is fun to tell friends you know when something seems to work but it also fun to get as much money as you can from a thing while it still works. This has the built in folks never want to bet under regardless, but the books will change if enough move over with us to the dark under bettor side. GL

I figure I share here so it be rude not to tell a friend or 2 stuff, they never listen anyways, too proud for their own good! Lol. I don’t go blabbing all over the internet bout my pitcher props or anything I might get from you or anyone else, not on Twitter, this only place I’ve posted the last few years. There a limit to my niceness, I like most the ppl here tho and have learned plenty from others over the years so I like to share, plus If you hadn’t noticed I talk a lot, it would kill me not to talk bout this shit with anyone!! lol
I'm not too concerned with the multiple millions of people betting out there that we need to keep anything secret from our friends lol

Actually their reactions tend to tell me a lot more about betting than actual game discussion

Also the fear of getting cut off on US books is a bit out of hand, I know someone who uses DK and bets $500 units in Colorada and he's cashing out more often than not. Been doing it since it became legal in Colorado. Just means he gets more promos. I get that they might limit you at some point but not for those sizes of wagers, they're making money hand over fist as it is. Our little circle in the grand scheme of things isn't going to change a damn thing.

You spot on bout the reactions, I can pretty much cut out losers by the handful of my friends I talk this shit with, the ones of mine they cherry pick are usually on the low end of cashing! Lol.

The limiting thing is kinda weird and random. I knew a guy years ago 5dimes limited who was down overall but he was consistently beating closers, I think there certain keys their computers pick up on. i just like cash and the act of holding tickets and cashing them in! Since either way I gotta cross river I just do both, sitting in casino parking lot now, went in and bet Kirby and the salami but I’m sure later today I’ll cross down by my house which little closer than downtown to make other plays online.
You spot on bout the reactions, I can pretty much cut out losers by the handful of my friends I talk this shit with, the ones of mine they cherry pick are usually on the low end of cashing! Lol.

The limiting thing is kinda weird and random. I knew a guy years ago 5dimes limited who was down overall but he was consistently beating closers, I think there certain keys their computers pick up on. i just like cash and the act of holding tickets and cashing them in! Since either way I gotta cross river I just do both, sitting in casino parking lot now, went in and bet Kirby and the salami but I’m sure later today I’ll cross down by my house which little closer than downtown to make other plays online.
I think it will almost always come down to the bettor and book and the situation at that time. I used to think all books wanted equal action on both sides and took the juice as profit - so they didn't care about winners, like casinos with Slots. I'm mainly going off the experiences of my friend who's been making a living from betting for 10 years. He was limited a long time ago at all the major offshore books and has been using friends names to bet (via VPN) for years. Different books let you win different amounts - for example, BM will usually let you win $50K plus before limiting you. Both he and I have known people who were cut off real quick at US Books too. Anyway, the point is you can't hide your winning online. They know it. And it's just up to them whether they will let you keep betting. The State Govts, Books and Leagues are all partners, so the Books really have 100% leeway. Fortunately I think they need some winners too. GL
I hear you KJ. I have never been limited. Also, you can't put something on the internet that, if outrageously successful, it won't get out and that's ok. This is not that successful except recently and I would expect a lot more overs to come in on the GS. I also will not be dissuaded if more overs win. You also make an excellent point that the 3,000 or so folks at or viewing CTG doesn't dent the millions gambling. To be honest I never thought of that in scale. Good stuff. GL

Bank you think you like to talk? Say it ain't so. GL :)

Mike I'm not sure you have to have winners but you sure as hell have to pay off in a timely manner when people do win. I think that's the most important thing for online books. A decent rep. Back in the day when everyone was jumping out there there were cut offs but a lot of those books fell because they had bad reps. GL
I think it will almost always come down to the bettor and book and the situation at that time. I used to think all books wanted equal action on both sides and took the juice as profit - so they didn't care about winners, like casinos with Slots. I'm mainly going off the experiences of my friend who's been making a living from betting for 10 years. He was limited a long time ago at all the major offshore books and has been using friends names to bet (via VPN) for years. Different books let you win different amounts - for example, BM will usually let you win $50K plus before limiting you. Both he and I have known people who were cut off real quick at US Books too. Anyway, the point is you can't hide your winning online. They know it. And it's just up to them whether they will let you keep betting. The State Govts, Books and Leagues are all partners, so the Books really have 100% leeway. Fortunately I think they need some winners too. GL

I do like the anonymity of casino, it just in my nature, lol. Took me till like iPhone 5s to actually get a smart phone, things used to freak me out. I was a criminal back then tho, now it just habit :)
I hear you KJ. I have never been limited. Also, you can't put something on the internet that, if outrageously successful, it won't get out and that's ok. This is not that successful except recently and I would expect a lot more overs to come in on the GS. I also will not be dissuaded if more overs win. You also make an excellent point that the 3,000 or so folks at or viewing CTG doesn't dent the millions gambling. To be honest I never thought of that in scale. Good stuff. GL

Bank you think you like to talk? Say it ain't so. GL :)

Mike I'm not sure you have to have winners but you sure as hell have to pay off in a timely manner when people do win. I think that's the most important thing for online books. A decent rep. Back in the day when everyone was jumping out there there were cut offs but a lot of those books fell because they had bad reps. GL

I got fucked by a offshore once, has made me skeptical to this day! I know places like bol and bm bout as safe it gets but anywhere I can have money and it just disappear freaks me out! Both my brothers took big hits recently with that bull shit Bitcoin exchange that went belly up or whatever happened? Not sure reslly cause of course Bitcoin freaks me out, ever since it got up to 9k or so I’ve always sold the shit bout as quick I get it! Obviously it has cost me some money doing that but saved me bunch of stress! Lol. My general theory is anyplace that can fuck you might not but they can and will if they have to, from my experiences in life you could be dealing with great friends, family, random big businesses, if it comes down to you or them
it won’t be them taking it in the ass!
I was somewhat criminal as well back in the day Bank but never convicted which is why I was able to get my teaching license. That should keep the parents awake thinking for a night or two. GL

Wise, college was Blood's domain in baseball and football. I never even look at it. Some of the guys in here might be able to help though. GL
I was somewhat criminal as well back in the day Bank but never convicted which is why I was able to get my teaching license. That should keep the parents awake thinking for a night or two. GL

Wise, college was Blood's domain in baseball and football. I never even look at it. Some of the guys in here might be able to help though. GL

Lmao. That wouldn’t concern me as much as bunch of back in the day drunk ass lounge lizard ho’s we passed around become teachers! It didn’t take long for me to figure out why I was so awful in school when I saw the class of bitches they hired as teachers! I thought I was smarter than my teachers and turns out it wasn’t a high bar! Lol
I hear you KJ. I have never been limited. Also, you can't put something on the internet that, if outrageously successful, it won't get out and that's ok. This is not that successful except recently and I would expect a lot more overs to come in on the GS. I also will not be dissuaded if more overs win. You also make an excellent point that the 3,000 or so folks at or viewing CTG doesn't dent the millions gambling. To be honest I never thought of that in scale. Good stuff. GL

Bank you think you like to talk? Say it ain't so. GL :)

Mike I'm not sure you have to have winners but you sure as hell have to pay off in a timely manner when people do win. I think that's the most important thing for online books. A decent rep. Back in the day when everyone was jumping out there there were cut offs but a lot of those books fell because they had bad reps. GL
Yeah I don't think any of us are breaking the bank here at all Lol. I know I'm taking it very slow. My friend who is the pro estimates BOL clears $1M a day (based on what Tony, who he battled with many times, made at 5Dimes and BOLs much higher betting volume). And they are the dumb book according to him. And it will obviously lose some - this has just been a great run. As Bank said, probably should have lost last night. But it's a solid play and it will take a lot for it to lose, especially if they keep padding it to the Over. I think we'll have a nice consistent winner. And if we do I'll find a way to make money on it. I'm excited to track/bet it thru August and hopefully make some money. Thanks again - between this and the +2 1/2 runs in Sept, this is some great stuff. in debt to you. Still hope to meet you whenever you come to LV.
Geez Bank. Of course teachers are smarter than everyone and if you don't believe me just ask me. GL :)

Thanks Mike. Glad it has worked so far. You try to put a few tricks in your bag so when one fades, and they always do, you have others to draw on. I would love to get together when I next come out there, but it looks like fall before that happens. I still have your number and I will let you know. GL

For those of you on the GS bet 7 runs by Oak in the top of the first without even 1 out was a bit eye opening but they closed out with a total of 14 runs combined where I was expecting 20 so it is possible to absorb 14. You would be amazed how many games that start 5-0 after the first inning never end up over a total of 9. GL
Geez Bank. Of course teachers are smarter than everyone and if you don't believe me just ask me. GL :)

Thanks Mike. Glad it has worked so far. You try to put a few tricks in your bag so when one fades, and they always do, you have others to draw on. I would love to get together when I next come out there, but it looks like fall before that happens. I still have your number and I will let you know. GL

For those of you on the GS bet 7 runs by Oak in the top of the first without even 1 out was a bit eye opening but they closed out with a total of 14 runs combined where I was expecting 20 so it is possible to absorb 14. You would be amazed how many games that start 5-0 after the first inning never end up over a total of 9. GL

I wouldn’t be amazed at all, I feel like I’ve bet half of them where there were 5 in 1st then goose eggs rest the game! We had a 17 run game yesterday and A’s scored 11 or so last night and we made it, more important to get the 4-5 ones that total 5 or less! That seems like the reason the salami so nice, the extra cushion and fact some low scoring games seem almost inevitable.

Im sure there plenty of great teachers out there,! Im just saying I’ve seen some skeezer ass, scam ass, dumb shit chicks I’ve known that end up being teachers! Lol
Geez Bank. Of course teachers are smarter than everyone and if you don't believe me just ask me. GL :)

Thanks Mike. Glad it has worked so far. You try to put a few tricks in your bag so when one fades, and they always do, you have others to draw on. I would love to get together when I next come out there, but it looks like fall before that happens. I still have your number and I will let you know. GL

For those of you on the GS bet 7 runs by Oak in the top of the first without even 1 out was a bit eye opening but they closed out with a total of 14 runs combined where I was expecting 20 so it is possible to absorb 14. You would be amazed how many games that start 5-0 after the first inning never end up over a total of 9. GL
well we know it will lose at some point, even have a losing streak. I'm just doing flat 1u bets - when you are going $500 or > I'll do 2u, like last night. money mgt is still important. I'm now up 3 units since starting (should be 5) so I already can't lose too much should it go South. I'm bankrolling and willing to lose a net of 5 units. It's amazing how it usually holds up despite some really high scoring games - those 2 1 games really make an Over hard. GL
I've actually worked with some of those teachers Bank. GL :)

Thanks Inzane. Always appreciate your responses. Thank you. GL

I think that is a very sensible way to bet the GS Mike. GL

I promise you after that 14 run Pitt game and the rainouts cancelling GS the over bettors are saying "Damn and I was finally going to win the GS over. Just wait until tomorrow I'll get them them!" To which I say we'll see about that. GL :rofl:
I've actually worked with some of those teachers Bank. GL :)

Thanks Inzane. Always appreciate your responses. Thank you. GL

I think that is a very sensible way to bet the GS Mike. GL

I promise you after that 14 run Pitt game and the rainouts cancelling GS the over bettors are saying "Damn and I was finally going to win the GS over. Just wait until tomorrow I'll get them them!" To which I say we'll see about that. GL :rofl:
They weren't rain outs, they were smoke outs eh
I've actually worked with some of those teachers Bank. GL :)

Thanks Inzane. Always appreciate your responses. Thank you. GL

I think that is a very sensible way to bet the GS Mike. GL

I promise you after that 14 run Pitt game and the rainouts cancelling GS the over bettors are saying "Damn and I was finally going to win the GS over. Just wait until tomorrow I'll get them them!" To which I say we'll see about that. GL :rofl:

Yep, I’m so hoping we get bunch of high scoring games tonight so they feel cheated!
fwiw it's best to monitor the East Coast the rest of the week because that smoke isn't going anywhere and there could well be canceled games every day until it passes

Yea, that crazy, I didn’t even realize it was that not rain till I heard on radio. It been weird here but can’t tell in the air, just makes the sky look cloudy when I guess it smoke.
Yea, that crazy, I didn’t even realize it was that not rain till I heard on radio. It been weird here but can’t tell in the air, just makes the sky look cloudy when I guess it smoke.
Just sucks to get worked up over games all day just to have them postpone. Guessing there will be plenty of updates on twitter throughout the day.
Just sucks to get worked up over games all day just to have them postpone. Guessing there will be plenty of updates on twitter throughout the day.

I would think they would know fairly early right? Think it was bout 3ish maybe 4 when lines came down.
There 5 boards for Murray and he 1 bucket from point total. Nugs just gotta hang on and I’ll hit every one my mad max parlays!