MLB Wednesday 5/24


Pretty much a regular
YTD +3350
2-2 last -10
1-0 GS +200

Reminder, I am going to Montreal tomm and returning Monday night resuming posting Tuesday.

Today is my last day of work until maybe next year. So there is this friend of mine at school and he is just starting MLB gambling on Draftkings. We have been talking for the last few weeks and he is doing pretty well. He doesn't know who I am. Well, he knows who I am but he doesn't know I am wiretowire online. So some weeks ago I told him there was this great information site online called Cappingthegame and he has been looking at it. I also told him there was this guy wiretowire who does pretty well in MLB and he can get some picks and reasons if he looks him up. He will no doubt figure out who wire is when he reads this. It has been fun referring to wire and discussing his picks.

But with all good jokes there always comes a punchline and maybe not the one you would expect. So I am talking to him yesterday and I said hey how about that wire going 6-0 on Sunday? He said that guy is no good. He always picks losers. I am thinking to myself what the hell is he talking about being up $3,000 for the season? So, in my most diplomatic way I said what the hell are you talking about. He said he told me to take Texas Monday and they lost. I said but he went 2-2 Monday and only lost like $25. Didn't you play them all? He said no he didn't play them all and yesterday wasn't the only time that wire guy has lost. I said you really should play them all.

The moral of this story? If you are going to look at my picks and tail them you should tail them all. If you do that I can promise you will have a winning MLB season by the end of the year. But if you just pick and choose which plays to bet it is quite possible you could pick only the losers because no one can be perfect every day. Now you do what you want because it's your money and I have never advocated that you just bet whatever any capper picks every day. Always use peoples picks as a guide not gospel.

And no I am not going to tell my friend who wiretowire really is because that wire guy sucks.

All x50 each

Texas ML -110 - Going to try Perez again even though he has struggled. Oveida should help this because he walks a lot of batters.
SF/Minn over 7 - Should find 3-3 here
Hou/Minn under 9 1/2 - Both starters solid
STL/Cinn under 11 - High total based on offenses but solid starters should keep it under.
LA/Atl under 9 1/2 - Mistake total based on offenses again. Very solid starters.
Det/KC under 9 1/2 - Want to guess what my GS bet will be today?
Mets/Cubs over 6 - Wind must be in today. I love betting overs with the wind blowing in at Wrigley.
Bost/Ana under 9 1/2 - Starters good enough to keep this under.

Back later when GS comes out. GL

Grand Salami under 138 1/2 -330/+300

I should go bigger on this based on how many unders I capped and how many totals seem inflated but 300 is a good size bet. Actual games added total is 133 so they are padding that by 5 1/2 runs to reach the GS. That is much less than the +8 runs they were adding since the start of the season. I think they are still trying to tempt folks to the over. But 5 1/2 runs was always the padding on a full 15 game card for the GS over the last 15 years or so so it's really a return to normal. I think that is an indication that the books have realized the rule changes haven't really affected the run output for these games. GL
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Seems there are far fewer stolen bases than most of us expected before the season. It started out hot but has cooled for sure. I also see the Brewers have rescinded their extension of beer sales til the middle of the 8th back to the middle of the 7th. Not sure if that has to do with game length or too many people leaving the stadium more tanked than in the past.
As a 15-20 yr follower & friend of Wire I attest to his claim of winning seasons if you follow and play all his plays. We met @ Winners Circle Sports close to 20 yrs ago & I credit Wire for teaching me to be a winner in MLB a sport I always lost at. I will take credit for getting for getting Wire to come to CTG so if there are any royalties due please let me know :cheers6: :moneytoss:Follow, listen and learn from this guy, people like Wire are generational. I only met one other guy as good and that was BloodHound (expert CFB) who is no longer with us, god rest his soul
I think everything is falling off or returning somewhat to normal in MLB KJ. I am interested in length of the games but the last stat I can find is May 1. Thanks GL

Thanks Cash for the kind words but I think you admitting you brought me to CTG is more likely to get you banned than paid. I do miss Blood. GL
As a 15-20 yr follower & friend of Wire I attest to his claim of winning seasons if you follow and play all his plays. We met @ Winners Circle Sports close to 20 yrs ago & I credit Wire for teaching me to be a winner in MLB a sport I always lost at. I will take credit for getting for getting Wire to come to CTG so if there are any royalties due please let me know :cheers6: :moneytoss:Follow, listen and learn from this guy, people like Wire are generational. I only met one other guy as good and that was BloodHound (expert CFB) who is no longer with us, god rest his soul

Blood told me more than once that Wire was the best in capping bases.

Wish I would've listened to him instead of thinking for myself all these years...

Nothing new, degenerates love to have someone validate what they thinking and when it loses they blame said person. Pretty much comes w the territory, doesn’t really matter how well you may do some jackass Is always gonna be mad bout something.
Yea I went to gm5 against tigers so that was def before I got in trouble cause I had the money for it! Lol. I watched the rangers World Series at bar, lol.
Actually I was so fkd up during those years I seriously had no clue the Rangers made the WS lol. Damn, 2011 I can't tell you much about that year in general

All I know is I got out that august so life was pretty uneventful from 08-11, lol. I’m sure I spent the second half ‘11 pretty fucked up! I do remember where I watched gm6, not game 7 tho. Gm6 was one those ones you never really forget.
The tigers one had to be like 05 or 06 I think, year before Red Sox swept cards after coming back from 3-0 vs yanks. I went to couple the nlcs against Astros (Astros were in nl still, lol) but I knew they had no shot vs Red Sox so didn’t waste any money on those. The tigers WS was just as uneventful, I just wanted to go to the last game of WS once so shelled out for that. Again that was back before I got in trouble so I had plenty of cash to waste on dumb shit, lol.