MLB Wednesday 5/16


Pretty much a regular
YTD +201
2-2 last

Thanks 50cent. GL

All for 10 units each.

Phil -110
Pitt -200
AZ +100
SF -160
Cubs -110 (20 units)- Not a big Cubs fan or should I say Maddon fan but I can't pass up this price for this pitching matchup.
Cle/Det over 9
Tor/Mets over 7 -140 (20 units)

I don't mind the Cubs but I am not as much in love with Maddon as everyone else is. If Francona had any idea at all how to handle pitchers the Cubs would still be looking for their world series. Don't get me wrong Maddon is a good coach to be sure but maybe not as great as everyone lets on. But then I feel the same way about Nick Saban so it must be just me. And my wife always tells me I'm full of shit so there you go. GL
I feel like that last line out of nowhere is classic Wire lol

I dont get what you can have against Saban. You dislike Belichek too? Granted his team cheats like in the most recent afc championship fix
No I like Belicheck. Saban showed me in last years championship game he doesn't have any control over his assistants. He had a lead and he was screaming for them to run the ball to protect it and they didn't listen to him. Try that with Bear Bryant and he'd kill you. He also allowed them to start that freshman in the second half and that appeared to work but frankly the kid got shithouse lucky to win. Just saw some things I didn't know were true. He'll start that kid this year and probably get his butt beat. If he wins with that freshman I'll change my mind but for now we'll see. GL
No I like Belicheck. Saban showed me in last years championship game he doesn't have any control over his assistants. He had a lead and he was screaming for them to run the ball to protect it and they didn't listen to him. Try that with Bear Bryant and he'd kill you. He also allowed them to start that freshman in the second half and that appeared to work but frankly the kid got shithouse lucky to win. Just saw some things I didn't know were true. He'll start that kid this year and probably get his butt beat. If he wins with that freshman I'll change my mind but for now we'll see. GL

Oh thats harsh I thought that was a gutsy decision to put in Tua that he had to do because Tua can actually pass. How is coming down from 16-0 luck?!
I think everyone sees it the way you do but the kid threw into double and triple coverage on several occasions and somehow escaped it. He is also as slow as any QB I have seen in many years. By that I mean he decides to run too late and isn't fast enough to outrun the defense. We'll see but I think Tua got his shining moment and escaped. Getting back to Saban I think the assistants said we have to do something and he just went along. I saw the same kind of stuff the year before when he got beat by Clemson. And it wouldn't have been 16-0 if he had run the ball more instead of throwing all the time like he did. Makes it worse if he threw all the first half with a QB that wasn't built to throw as good as Tua. I don't know what team played that first half but it wasn't Alabama. I didn't say Saban was a bad coach. I just don't think he's "best ever" quality like everyone is quick to say. He may be the best recruiter ever and he wins with talent. We'll see. GL