MLB Wednesday 11/1


Pretty much a regular
YTD +494
0-2 last

Thanks for the responses. GL

A rant....... The dumbest stat ever created (well ok, strike % is actually dumber than this) and I do mean created by the media is the K/BB ratio. I laugh my ass off every time I see it. What is it supposed to tell you? How much control a pitcher has? How many strikeouts he throws a game? No, it is supposed to tell you how many strikeouts he throws to walks. Who cares? They always have more K's than walks. That's because if you have too many walks and too few strikeouts you aren't in the majors anymore. And think back to the last 5 strikeouts you saw. At least 3 of them were the guessing batter swinging wildly at a pitch that was so far out of the strike zone the catcher had to dive for it. 2, (maybe) 2 were actual pitcher making the batter miss pitches. Maybe. So that means about half of those insightful strikeouts in this stat had nothing to do with the pitcher at all. And as for walks well that tells you nothing at all. It’s not an indicator that he is wild. Some are no doubt intentional or semi intentional pitching around a hitter. And walks don’t score runs. Hits do. And seriously, before you say it, how many times do you see walks with the bases loaded? Where the pitcher walked the bases loaded then another to score a run?

So just for giggles maybe they should throw out a stat that actually means something to the way the guy pitches. Like say strikeouts/hits allowed. But then the ratio would be severely in the hits allowed favor and the media guys can’t tell you something is happening that makes this pitcher great when he really sucks pretty bad. I know they won’t change it but now every time you see that stat and they talk about it you know why I’m on the floor laughing so hard I‘m crying.

Game #7. Well ain't this a fine kettle of fish! For you youngsters that means "What a mess!" For the fans it's great. For the networks it's dreamland. For cappers it's just a damn mess. Here is what I’m talking about.

Take LA they are at home.

Take Houston they are better hitters.

Take LA Houston hitters last night looked like they did in that hitting nothing 3 game stint against the Yankees.

Take LA the Houston closer sucks and the LA closer finally pitched last night after sucking for the entire series.

Take Houston the LA closer went 2 innings last night and of course will be used again but is exhausted and will suck again.

Take LA the ump is 21-11 for the home team. And by the way a homer ump means when the home team is pitching he calls corners strikes and when the home team is batting he won’t call corners. If the ump is at least 2-1 in favor of the home team it doesn’t matter at all how the visiting pitcher did with him behind the plate. We saw that in spades last night.

Take Houston as McCullers pitched well in his last. Wait, no he didn’t. 5 innings 3 runs and 4 walks? WTF? That’s not good at all. Take LA.

Take LA Darvish is pitching……………… Take Houston. What the fuck is Darvish pitching for? Him and Maeda should be on a bus to Pawtucket. Yes, I know everyone will pitch as it’s the last game but why INTENTIONALLY fall behind by putting Darvish out there? Did you think his last start was a fluke? Guy didn’t last 2 fucking innings and allowed 4 runs. But at least he knows you believe in him. Ain’t that sweet. Fucking stupid motherfucker of a coach….

Seriously, if you can find a side out of all this nonsense you are better than I am. Besides, the LA fans are going to bet LA and the Houston fans are going to bet Houston. But the gamblers should bet

Houston +150 (20 units)

Fuck everything else there is no way Darvish or LA staff should be -160 tonight.

Houston/LA over 7 -130 (20 units)

Everyone throws. Everyone hits. Everyone scores.

Thanks for one more good season in the sun. GL
Already have LA for series so no real reason at this point to add money on LA.
Playing Houston would be ...uhhh...basically hoping to Cover myself if LA loses and maybe that's what I do.
Only 6 months until opening day! Great this season Wire, thank you for all you do. Have a safe & healthy off season & keep in touch
Thanks for your insight all year, your hard work has paid off . Liking both plays tonight YU Darvish game 7? Hahhbaba leggggo houston
But Wire, dont you know Darvish had 208 K's this year to on 53 BB! Almost 4:1....lmao

Tough game to cao, Roberts may end up the worse manager ever to win series that I can recall anyways, but game a tossup and I agree juice too high. I got decent series wager pending so will probably just ride it out.

Great series and excellent season all the way. I didn't make any money but I stayed close to snuff and all that entertainment. Cant wait for hoops. For me there's nothing like betting baseball and college hoops...always my favorite.