
Moderator (Honorary)
MLB Exhibition YTD 13-14 -2 +7.17 units

Oakland +107 2 units

Wrong team favored in this one. Oakland was playing nearby yesterday and gets Cleveland in the day game after a night game spot. A's bring the lineup I want to see, and I haven't seen the card for Cle yet but there are bound to be a few holes.

Good luck.
Baltimore -135 three units

Rays hit lefties well last year, but they bring a patchwork lineup into this game and the Oriole regulars should get more than their fair share off Lowe who has looked dreadful so far.
I saw it at -170ish earlier today and had no interest with this pitcher for the Cards. I don't ever look at juice like that in the regular season, I damn sure won't do it this time of year. I considered Minny but that lineup made me shudder....
Not for nothing I mention the other day about all the ties now it could be me but these numbers are all over the place. They go from -106 TO -136 in a flash