MLB - Wealth Redistribution is for losers and thieves


This claim is disputed
15-12 4.15

Arizona/ATL under 8 -110
Phi/mia under 7.5 -120
Reds 105
Pitt 110
injuns -130
oak 140
angels -125
dodgers 146
boston 112

If I lose, you guys have to give me your money. How anyone who posts on a gambling board can be for wealth redistribution is beyond me.

Let's all play some poker and then when it is over split up the money evenly among us and give a third party a fee for running the game.

Seriously ... apply democratic socialist thought to gambling in any capacity. It is the oddest endeavor for someone to partake in while believing in wealth redistribution.

However, if we are going to do it ... why not apply it to sex? Sex is a basic human need. Why not redistribute that to people? I mean, as long as we are willing to take whatever we want that isn't ours, why stop at property?

Anyway ... simply put the games above are good plays because I played them.
With you under in Miami. And go Tribe! Good luck today, cc.
Odd Mother's Day rant but kick the shit out of the man today CC :beer4:
MLB And maybe see what happens at home last game of series and Margins of victory plus Dodger pitcher has no history on Turf and 4 days is Estrada's best
Blue Jays 5-0 on Sunday's this year in case you care about such things...

Troll much?


The trend of home wins to close a series dates further back than just this year

I throw it in the Nassim Taleb column

And no, I don't think I troll enough
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MLB And maybe see what happens at home last game of series and Margins of victory plus Dodger pitcher has no history on Turf and 4 days is Estrada's best

Dude he pitches off dirt just like every game, not pitching off the turf lol
MLB And maybe see what happens at home last game of series and Margins of victory plus Dodger pitcher has no history on Turf and 4 days is Estrada's best

thanks for clarifying. I wouldn't have noticed or looked for it, other than Estrada on 4
Great call on the Dodgers (and Tribe!), Kylito. Really the upset of the season considering it's Sunday.
19-16 4.48

Push on the ATL under. Zona blowing the three run lead there to force extras and then a two run bomb to get it to the number. Unfortunate. Two of the other losers also blew three run leads, though one got destroyed. Probably would have been better to go first five again. I seem to be bad at the bullpen analysis as I am losing most bets in the second half of games after having most bets go well early. Perhaps overly focused on starting pitching.

Anyway won some chump change.

Saw some others do better today ... pm me so I can get you my paypal and you can send me some of your winnings. You must have cheated me to win more than I did.