MLB Tuesday 9/5


Pretty much a regular
YTD +2315

Thanks to all who have been patient with me and my absence. I appreciate it. Unless something unforeseen happens, I should be here for at least the end of MLB before going back north. The wife and I are going this weekend to a resort in Ft Myers Florida to recover some but after that I should be posting for the final weeks of the season.

The following is just me blowing off steam about governments. Just skip down to the picks.

My father-in-law died in July. Everything my wife and her mother tries to do revolves around getting his death certificate like banks and stuff. I got one for my mom and dad years ago and it took 1 week each. The bureaucracy in Montreal, and all of Canada for all I know, is such that we still haven't received his death certificate after almost 2 months and these fuckers are saying they normally aren't issued for 3 months. What the holy fuck is that all about? Of course, you are supposed to notify the government immediately so they can stop paying his pension and their version of social security, but then would you please sit around with your thumb up your ass while we smoke cigarettes and issue his death certificate "later". If you are reading this and live in Quebec move the fuck out today.

All x50 each

Detroit +2 1/2 -170 - Cole pitching better but Tigers should stay close.
Balt/Ana over 7 - I think I can get this over home safely.

I had a buddy who had a wife that was always threatening to leave him. She was as lazy as a pet job of her own, yet demanded a nanny and a housekeeper and an Amex black card and a big house and exotic vacations and snazzy vehicles. We all assumed that she must've been able to suck a golfball through a garden hose...why else would he put up with her bullshit? When he finally called her bluff and she left, he admitted that they hadn't been sleeping together for the last few years.

The rest of Canada is my buddy and Quebec is his ex-wife. They're a millstone around our necks. They've never pulled their weight in this outfit and the sooner we cut ties with those arrogant frogs, the better.

In my neck of the woods, we flip the bird to any vehicle with a license plate bearing the fleur de lis. Fuck Quebec and the horse they rode in on..we bought them the fucking horse anyway.