MLB Tuesday 9/10


Pretty much a regular
YTD +270
2-0 last

Back from a very nice 10 days in the mountains. I doubt that many of you have ever spent a week without TV or god forbid the internet but it is quite refreshing. Just read, eat, play cards/games and drink. Normally I say fish as well but genius that I am when I was packing, I packed everything but my tackle box and rods. Didn't realize it til I got to NY state. I stood by the lake and shook my fist at the muskie and I'm quite sure I heard them chuckle. I'll get the last laugh though because next year I will leave my gear at the cabin.


CHW +2 1/2 -160
Ana +2 1/2 -180


KC +2 1/2 -350
AZ +2 1/2 -450
LA +2 1/2 -550


I will play the dogs +2 1/2 straight when the books start putting those stupid -300 on the favorites just because one team "must" win to make the playoffs, and the other team is out of the playoffs. That's when you can get +2 1/2 at even or sometimes plus money. By the way, if you are new to my threads then you have never heard me say the one indisputable truth about MLB, it is the only team sport where it is impossible to try and win. There is no such thing as momentum either. You can't try to throw the ball harder or your mechanics break down. You can't try to hit the ball harder because again mechanics break down and more often than not hitting the ball where you want is almost always better than hitting it harder. And you sure as hell can't try to catch the ball harder.
Baseball is ALWAYS reaction to what happened. Emotion in baseball always comes after the fact when the play is over never before. Talking heads say the players are psyched up or have momentum but baseball is played emotionally cold as ice. And if you don't approach it that way you lose.

Also, the "experts" put too much stock in "have to". The reality is that "have to" really means pressure and baseball can only be played and won by relaxing and executing. Also never forget the team that is eliminated is still playing for their jobs next year, so they aren't making those vacation reservations until the last ball is caught in the last game of the year. Playing loose makes the eliminated team really dangerous while the other team is tight because they have to win to make the playoffs. And if the books are foolish enough to give you the relaxed team and plus runs well.......

Welcome back Wire.

Yeah, being out in the woods for a while w/o any distractions is good for the soul.

Good luck today my man...
Loved when I learned this +2.5 angle from you! I even noticed lot of those I can get +1.5 on the 1st 5 innings and ya know how I like those FFs more than full games! Getting 1.5 thru 5 for cheap is pretty crazy! Prob equals out to bout same as the 2.5 for game but lot of times I rather keep the pens out of it. Gl bro
Thanks Inzane. It was really nice. GL

Thanks Bank. I have to look at +1 1/2 first five. Pens have been giving away the store late. Great idea. Thanks.