MLB Tuesday 6/15


Pretty much a regular
YTD +6175
2-1 last - GS won

Thanks Tim. I appreciate it. GL

This should be interesting to look for. Yesterday the GS opened at 124 1/2. Was bet down to 120 1/2 as people jumped on the under. Then some folks bet the over to let the GS close at 121 1/2. The GS was bumped up for it's initial offering by 8 runs which has been the case for the last 10 days or so. But....... total runs scored yesterday was 96 by all teams in 13 games.

!0 days ago Wise and I, as well as the whole baseball universe, were talking about pitchers doctoring balls and how the league may clamp down on that. Also that's when the GS was bumped by 7 1/2 to 8 1/2 runs every day when in the past it has always been 4 to 5 runs like forever. That is also when scoring skyrocketed in MLB and unreal scores were being posted by even light hitting teams.

Another curious thing was at the beginning of the season they said MLB was using baseballs that didn't go as far. After 6 no hitters early and watching well hit ball after ball being caught as it died on the warning tracks scoring went way down and stayed that way. The funny thing is last night I saw ball after ball hammered yet fall harmlessly to an outfielder. And by the way scoring was lower with 96 runs than it has been in years even though it was only 13 games.

What does all this mean? I don't have any concrete ideas as I am only making an observation. But it does pose some interesting questions that have a huge impact on betting totals. Is the league still going to crack down on doctoring balls which made the scoring go up for the last 10 days and yet reinstalling the balls that don't fly so well to keep scoring down? If in fact they used those balls to begin with. Have they decided to just let the pitchers doctor balls because it did make the games go faster and that above all is what the league wants? Is everything I am talking about here complete conspiracy theory because I did cap all games yesterday and none looked like a safe over to me? So of course scoring was down. I don't know but I will be looking closely to see what is added to all the totals to make the GS today. If it stays at 8 then yesterday was a scoring fluke if it goes over the GS. If it scores overall low today that says something because there are plenty of bad pitchers starting tonight. If it goes down to 5 runs added on a full card GS then someone knows something and the books know it too.

All x50 each

NYY ML -130
ATL ML -110
Miami ML +120

That's odd. No totals bet for the second day in a row. I wonder why?

I will be back with the GS when it comes out. Damn odd it's not out already as it's 11 am when I posted this. Hmmmmmm. GL
GS at 137 1/2 with the totals of all games at 129 1/2. Means the books have added 8 runs again to the GS total. Now do I think the league is using those dead balls again, in which case I go under the GS or was last night low scoring a fluke because of pitchers and the balls are the same, in which case I go over.

I figure the books would know if they were using dead balls and add on less than 8 to the GS. That means.......

Grand Salami over 137 1/2 -110 x 300
