MLB Tuesday 5/5


Pretty much a regular
YTD +.4

0-1 = -1.1 Last post

Had a great time in NYC. I truly believe that the people in New York are the nicest of any in the country. Rode about 40 miles in the 5Boro Bike Tour. They actually shut off traffic in the city Sunday morning (first Sunday in May) for 6 hours and you ride your bikes on the streets through all 5 boroughs of NY. Unreal. Also unreal was the fact that it was me, my wife, and only 32,000 other bikers. Great trip but it is very crowded in most places with long waits of up to 1/2 hour to cross the bridges of which there are 5 and the last (the beast) the Verrazano Bridge. Beautiful in their setup and organization. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed it and I didn't think I would survive much less consider it one of my life's best events.

I have had a stroke and a quadruple bypass but I completed the tour and if this old man can do it you can too. Check it out. $90 entry fee and all it all goes to charity in NYC. GL

All for 1 unit.

Toronto +2 1/2 -180

Detroit/VHW over 8

Cle/KC over 7 1/2

Forgot to mention, you may be in good enough cardio shape now to wrestle the Hound.......