MLB Tuesday 5/1


CTG Partner
Staff member
19-22-1...-15.14 ytd

Pushed on Nats team total, I honestly had those fuckers pegged for 5 runs last night.

Loewen and O's +116....1 unit to win 1.16

Sorry, but I will never take Chad Durbin as a fav. even after the way he pitched last week...that was a fluke.

The weather might fuck this one up, but if it doesn't I see the O's roughing Durbin up and the Tigers struggle with Loewen.

unreal renew, and against a damn good pitcher too.

thanks ramble, gl to you too bro.
was looking at that one too Hunt. a very small fav, I could buy it, but not at the current price.
I watched Lowen last week against Boston and was really impressed with his stuff he just has to keep his walks down...Good Luck Hunt
thanks slim and cmoney.

yeah, loewen can be wild, but I think he is a smart pitcher for the most part...hope he has good control, we saw what happened with cabrera when you don't have good control against tigers.
i'm impressed with this Baltimore pitching staff so far this season. I think they are doing a helluva job thus far, and will give teams headaches all season. Think the yanks would like to trade bullpens at this point? :)
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thanks fellas...

it is pouring here, don't think they will get this one in with the weather forecast being shitty.
19-22-1...-15.14 ytd

Pushed on Nats team total, I honestly had those fuckers pegged for 5 runs last night.

Loewen and O's +116....1 unit to win 1.16

Sorry, but I will never take Chad Durbin as a fav. even after the way he pitched last week...that was a fluke.

The weather might fuck this one up, but if it doesn't I see the O's roughing Durbin up and the Tigers struggle with Loewen.


GL we're on the same side in this one :shake:
thanks gman hopefully they play and we can get a winner..

yup, doesn't look like it farm.