MLB Tuesday 4/21


Pretty much a regular
YTD -1.7

1-2 -1.2 yesterday

This is a terrible card today in my opinion.

SD/Colorado under 10 -110 (1 unit) This is a bullshit bet but it is all I could find.

Some of you said they wanted a rant and I said I wasn't pissed off enough. I am now.

A rant .....

How in the hell do you lose a game up 3-0 in the bottom of the 9th? With one out and no one on? How bad do you have to suck to make that happen? Fucking Indians. In that circumstance you have to win 100 out of 100 games. Disagree? Anything can happen you say? You've seen it many times? Not against the fucking White Sox. They didn't hit shit all game and suddenly they look like Murderers Row. I saw it coming. A base hit and then they walk the next batter to bring the tying run to the plate. Walk him??!!?? When you are in that situation you pound the strike zone. You never walk batters in the 9th when you're up. You just keep throwing it down the middle and if they hit it fine but to walk a batter is inexcusable. Then a hit. Another walk and I went to bed before they officially fucked me. I guess I was thinking it wouldn't happen if I turned off the TV. Denial is a wonderful thing.

And to the Sox? They suck. In fact they have always sucked. I played in their organization so I should know. The only time they had a decent manager is when they had and fired Ozzie Guillen. Counting before that? The owner even batted a midget trying to get a walk. Try getting respect as a pro player when that horseshit happens in your organization. Seriously, that media circus was embarrassing. And it wasn't enough years after that when I played for anyone to forget about it. "Why don't you bend over there rook. Maybe you can get a walk." That shit started more fights and beanings in the minors than fucking someone elses girlfriend.

And to think I actually picked this piece of shit Indians team to go somewhere in the playoffs. Their hitting sucks. Their bullpen sucks. The only place these motherfuckers are going during the playoffs is fucking Florida to golf. Fuck Cleveland and all it holds sacred.

Sorry. Had to be said.

YTD -1.7

1-2 -1.2 yesterday

This is a terrible card today in my opinion.

SD/Colorado under 10 -110 (1 unit) This is a bullshit bet but it is all I could find.

Some of you said they wanted a rant and I said I wasn't pissed off enough. I am now.

A rant .....

How in the hell do you lose a game up 3-0 in the bottom of the 9th? With one out and no one on? How bad do you have to suck to make that happen? Fucking Indians. In that circumstance you have to win 100 out of 100 games. Disagree? Anything can happen you say? You've seen it many times? Not against the fucking White Sox. They didn't hit shit all game and suddenly they look like Murderers Row. I saw it coming. A base hit and then they walk the next batter to bring the tying run to the plate. Walk him??!!?? When you are in that situation you pound the strike zone. You never walk batters in the 9th when you're up. You just keep throwing it down the middle and if they hit it fine but to walk a batter is inexcusable. Then a hit. Another walk and I went to bed before they officially fucked me. I guess I was thinking it wouldn't happen if I turned off the TV. Denial is a wonderful thing.

And to the Sox? They suck. In fact they have always sucked. I played in their organization so I should know. The only time they had a decent manager is when they had and fired Ozzie Guillen. Counting before that? The owner even batted a midget trying to get a walk. Try getting respect as a pro player when that horseshit happens in your organization. Seriously, that media circus was embarrassing. And it wasn't enough years after that when I played for anyone to forget about it. "Why don't you bend over there rook. Maybe you can get a walk." That shit started more fights and beanings in the minors than fucking someone elses girlfriend.

And to think I actually picked this piece of shit Indians team to go somewhere in the playoffs. Their hitting sucks. Their bullpen sucks. The only place these motherfuckers are going during the playoffs is fucking Florida to golf. Fuck Cleveland and all it holds sacred.

Sorry. Had to be said.


Great rant, the Indians wrecked me also....
Thanks Hesnot. I actually bet the shit out of Cleveland to win over 85 games this year. It's early but I don't think these guys will win 70. GL

Thanks Egg. I agree. I have no idea who any of them are. GL
Thought the Indians game was in the bag; woke up this morning and saw they'd lost !
They deserve that rant.

Good luck, today !
:rofl: LMAO..... You are the best, Blood & I knew a rant was long over due ony wish it was not about a team imploding & costing us $$$. Today is a new day, get the mlb $$ my friend:shake: