MLB Tuesday 10/31


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YTD +2315
0-1 last

Cash, I could not agree more. What the hell was the third base coach thinking to send that sloth home against the number one outfield assist arm in all of baseball? Complete turning point in the game. That would have put runners on first and third with no outs and the heart of the order coming up. Bad decision frankly didn't just save Max it saved Texas in that game and maybe in the series although I still think AZ pitching is better overall. GL

AZ +2 1/2 -130/+50 - This is the dumbest shit I have ever seen in the history of baseball. They are both throwing "starters" in this game. God forbid these fucking regular starting pussies should go on 3 days rest like they always did for 100 years. Texas I understand because this is a free game for them but for AZ to do this is basically giving away the series to Texas as in a slugfest the Rangers have the upper hand. I think the AZ manager just fucked my Snake series bet with this dumb move. Neither Heaney nor Mantiply is worth a shit and the books know it setting 9 1/2 as a total. And that number is still too high to go over despite the bad pitching. Go watch college football.

Is it a secret to MLB players that 3rd base coaches get deep into the 3rd base line to have more time to make a decision while allowing the runner to remain in full stride going into 3rd?
As a MLB player you have to know this and keep your vision and awareness. He completely lost sight of a stop sign that was well in front of him.
could there be a bigger indictment on the quality of a WS than the fact there only 5 legit starters combined and woulda only been 4 if snakes didn’t accidentally find a 3rd in these playoffs!! I barely been able to follow this thing, I can think of a few where one team was clearly not that great but man, last night I tried to think of a WS that had 2 worse teams than these and I sure as shit couldn’t do it!! The year Red Sox won it all for 1st time in ever that cardinals team was pretty freaking bad, they had to win like 18 straight in sept to get in playoffs, the pitching was not anything to brag about, I had no interest watching the WS cause anyone w half a brain knew Red Sox were gonna crush them but that Red Sox team was good (swept cards in Ass kicking fashion). I dunno, I guess rangers were at least crushing teams in the 1st half the season! Lol. This WS at least has a argument as couple the worst teams to play this thing!
I blame it all on Phillies jerkoff manager, that clown inexplicably handed snakes game 3 and 4 which at the time I didn’t think would really matter till that freaking pfaddt kid went to Philly and mowed them down in gm7!! Still can’t believe snakes got 6 and 7 in Philly but shouldn’t have came to that!!
I didn't catch he ran through the stop sign. Figures. Thanks Wise. GL

I agree Bank. This is a sad WS to me. Just no excitement. 3-1 game last night could have been great but it just kind of passed along. I was also stunned Phillies went kind of quietly. Managing problem there no doubt. GL

By the way, has anyone noticed MLB no longer lists time of game length in their box score? All these playoff games are going well over 3 hours. A couple of them close to 4 hours. Where is Bryan Cranston telling me how quick and great these games are now? GL
I put a series bet on az after g1 at +250. Oh well. Yeah i turned on right when they were showing replay of out at home. Smoltz was saying runner has to pick up 3rd base coach so think he ran through stop. Then for good measure with 2 outs batter drills line drive off max back right to 3rd basemen for 3rd out vs a run. Knew right then it was likely over and switched to mnf.

That bonehead play cost em potential big inning and gave all positive energy to Texas. Especially with that young pitcher az had going. Agree 1 play could cost em series. Also agree boring as hell. If its not the lowest rated ws in history ill be surprised.
i heard tv guy say he ran thru stop sign but on replay I sure the hell thought I saw the dumb shit 3rd base coach frantically waving his arm in a circle! Unless that was a player on deck? Someone sure as hell was waving him home before he was half way to 3rd! Somebody lying or like I said I guess it coulda been a player but someone damn sure eas half way between 3rd and home waiving him in like crazy. I have no clue why anyone would wave, why he would even think bout going, I don’t care if a kid in a wheelchair eas playing right, with a washed up pitcher they were just preying to get some outs from you don’t starry inning off w double then another hit and run into a fucking out!! We could argue a bit if Eovaldi on the mound even tho you still shouldn’t make 1st out on bases but to give scherzer any outs was just stupid
I agree Mike. Seriously was upset when I saw that as I have AZ in the series for ton. Still alive but should have at least held at third and see what happened next. GL

It really was Bank. Runner should have thought before the play what he was going to do and the first thought is no one is out and we are behind so we could use a big inning. Base hit and if I'm not sure I hold. He also should have thought "Fuck I'm slow too so I better not take any chances!" GL
I agree Mike. Seriously was upset when I saw that as I have AZ in the series for ton. Still alive but should have at least held at third and see what happened next. GL

It really was Bank. Runner should have thought before the play what he was going to do and the first thought is no one is out and we are behind so we could use a big inning. Base hit and if I'm not sure I hold. He also should have thought "Fuck I'm slow too so I better not take any chances!" GL
Yeah it was the type of play that costs u a world series. Its like a great QB in football. What made Brady great? I'd say decision making and accuracy. Your the 4 hitter, strong but slow. Cant make 1st out at home on tag out. Just cant. Put pressure on max, hopefully get a few runs and give your young talented pitcher some cushion and confidence.

No idea what 3rd coach did. Should've been yelling waving like hell to hold up. Such an easy call. But stupidity reigns supreme in sports now.
Certainly reigns in MLB. I barely recognize the game anymore. Do you have any idea what your teammates would have done to you swinging at a pitch so far out of the strike zone the catcher had to dive to get it when I played? And it is the norm for 99% of the players. Those that never do that hit .300. I guess that's a coincidence. GL
Certainly reigns in MLB. I barely recognize the game anymore. Do you have any idea what your teammates would have done to you swinging at a pitch so far out of the strike zone the catcher had to dive to get it when I played? And it is the norm for 99% of the players. Those that never do that hit .300. I guess that's a coincidence. GL
Yeah u rail on this alot and i watch a little come playoffs. Cant tell u how many times hitter comes up with men on base in important situation and then flail at 1st pitch wildly out of the strike zone. Its amazing to see since you've pointed out. Still hoping az comes back. Maybe Garcia is out for good. Obliques dont usually heal too quick.