MLB Thursday


Moderator (Honorary)
MLB Exhibition 2013: 34-21-1 +19.56 units
Regular Season 57-63-4 -7.4 units

Been super busy the last few days, without much time to post. Last posed day was Sunday winning 4.14 units...

Chi/Tex Over 8 -110 two units

Lot of wind blowing out to right should hurt both of these righties tonight.
Padres +111 one unit

Cubs have the starter edge, but this game will be won by the pens, where SD has a distinct advantage.
GL doggy, but gonna did deeper on total in Texas. Not sure the wind as favorable as it looks.
Yeah Smo - I was expecting a line move, but something's up there. Just went to look at the price and the game is off the board for me. Pitching change coming perhaps?

I shoulda bet the ender at Wrigley Blood. Just need to find a way to get into that Cubbies pen....
Cards/Brew over 9 +105

Going on a hunch more than anything. This total shouldn't be this high with the way Stl has been at the plate, and with Westbrook on the hill..... Both bullpens are shit, so maybe that's where we'll hit double digits. I smell some bullshit here, and will take the plus money and give it a go.