MLB Thursday 8/23


Pretty much a regular
YTD -447

Thanks Lloyd. GL

Thanks Cash. GL

Thanks 50cent GL

Thanks Bee. GL

Cavs, there should have been no penalty because no head coach anywhere in the country is responsible for what his asst coaches do in their home with their wife. I repeat, the wife is perfectly capable of calling 911 and letting the police deal with it. The reason the university did this penalty is simply because they were terrified to stand up to the media if they had done nothing. There is this false push to end domestic violence anywhere associated with football. It is bullshit when a husband and wife are the only ones involved. GL

All for 20 units each

Phil/Wash over 7
SF/Mets over 6 -140
KC/TB over 7
Atl/Miami over 8
SD/Colo under 10 1/2 -130
Cinn/Cubs under 9 1/2 -130
Boston -200


Edm/Ham over 56 (80 units)


Phil/Cle over 41 (40 units)


Phil/Wash over 7
SF/Mets over 6 -140
KC/TB over 7
Atl/Miami over 8

Round robin groups of 4 and 3 for 6 units each

SD/Colo under 10 1/2 -130
Cinn/Cubs under 9 1/2 -130


SF/Mets over 6 -140
KC/TB over 7


Edm/Ham over 56
Phil/Cle over 41


Key Edm/Ham over 56 with each of the following in two teamers for 10 units each

Phil/Wash over 7
SF/Mets over 6 -140
KC/TB over 7
Atl/Miami over 8
SD/Colo under 10 1/2 -130
Cinn/Cubs under 9 1/2 -130
Boston -200

100% share the same view with you wire. Sick of the blame the famous coach game while the unnammed elude all scrutiny. BOL man
Thanks bee. GL

Thanks Inzane. GL

Thanks Indy. GL

Thanks Cavs. GL


CFL over (60 units)

CFL/NFL parlay (20 units)
