MLB Thursday 8/1


Pretty much a regular
YTD +550
3-3 last - That didn't turn out to be much fun.

Thanks for the responses, KJ, Cash, Pirate, Bank, and Sunshine. I appreciate it. I was a mod at Covers long ago and it was the wild west back then. I averaged banning 5 posters a day and I won't count the aliases I repeat banned. Their stats used to be good but now it's hard to find what I need. As I said they are all about the controversy and always have been because they used to tell me banning wasn't the way to go. Folks would come on there with attitude and trying to make a name for themselves just by being a disruptor so I would give them two chances to settle down and after the 3rd time they told me to go fuck myself I banned them. Rizzo and I were actually friends but he got pissed at me because their clientele wasn't about sports or gambling. That sites sole appeal was to be the Jerry Springer show. I think it still is today. But at the time there were some really good cappers there. I think most of them ended up here. GL

KC/Det over 8 -70/+50

I wish more forums would ban the instigators after 1 warning. It's gotten ridiculous at some places so I agree.
Also agree on the over, hit them with KC on the ML as well. GL tonight.
back in day SBR would pretty much let ya get away with anything, so i just took it upon myself to talk as crazy to trolls as possible and i never got so much as a warning, lol. i did get banned 3 days once for something. they also had this point system and you could bet the points in their book, then buy stuff like sportsbook cash or even bitcoin with the points, forget exactly how it went down but somebody figured out a big point scam and let me in on it, not my proudest moment but made 1000s in bitcoin as you could buy that with the poiints, i got a lifetime ban for that! i was such a popular poster tho they gave me a pardon after like 6 months cause everyone wanted me back! lol. i drove quite a bit of traffic to that site, my threads would get in the 100s of thousands of views so guess i felt like they kinda owed me those points!! lmao., i even won "poster of the year" one year (huge accomplishment i know! lol)., they had toms of traffic which i liked cause it gave me chance to meet more ppl, of course that also came with way more trolls and shitbags so i had me a nice little hater following that just couldn't wait for me to lose a few plays so they could tell me how awful i was! lol. it got so tiring, shit took up way to much time in my life plus i really couldn't stand the idea of ppl making bets just cause what i said or bet, i always tried to encourage ppl to try and learn feom
me and others and cap games themselves, after all it their money, i could never imagine doing this simply tailing others cause capping it the fun part for me!! lot of ppl just want a easy buck tho, then if you lose while they betting over their heads then you a terrible piece of shit and they hate you for life!! lol.

i always liked liked this place so much better! i signed up for both right around same time after i got out of prison, this place seemed like a more tight nit group tho so for year or 2 i just lurked here and read all the great info from the guys i've grown to respect. learned a lot,, eventually i started posting and talking w guys here and it was best thing i coulda done. didnt take long and i totally abandoned sbr and only posted here wtb bunch of much sharper guys ive actually learned things from! none the trolling/hating bull shit. i told several the good guys i met over at sbr they should come over here as this where they find me going forward i was done w the sbr bull shit,, handful of good dudes came over here w me. i do wish we had more traffic but getting that while keeping pretty much every poster a quality one im sure a difficult balance. pound for pound this place has sharper much better posters than anyone with very little the garbage!
Thanks Pirate. I can see getting into a disagreement with folks. What I could never see was just coming into someone's thread and laying into them like you are the only person in the world that knows anything about gambling or sports. Actually, happened in here not too long ago this MLB season and I know the CTG gods don't put up with that shit. Can't remember the posters name but he was all over me and the way I bet for no apparent reason. Saying I was out to just make a name for myself. Crazy shit. (Not making much of a name for myself up only $500 for the MLB season but I'm old and senile so that actually could be considered not bad) Not sure that poster was banned but I know the folks here take you to task and tell you to knock it off. They run a good clean forum here and that's probably the last time I ever say anything nice about them because they will accuse me of going soft in my old age but it's true. The fact of the matter is you either run a site that's about controversy and imagined fame, or like here, it's about discussion and sharing ideas in an effort to become more informed gamblers. This is also a great place to just get into general discussions about other things as well. It should never be only about arguments. There's no value in that.

Don't get me wrong. I know there are one or two members in here that truly don't like me, well, actually hate my guts, and that's fine. But even though we don't agree about almost everything we are adult enough to stay out of each others way. I just hope more people see this site for the truly valuable place it is. Aw hell, I did it again. Please ignore that last sentence.
Thanks Bank. I am not familiar with SBR. I went from Covers to Winnerscirclesports to here. It was actually Cashflowmatters that talked me and Bloodhound into coming here so you can all blame him. These sites can be fun, friendly, and informative or they can be a free for all. I prefer the former like this place is. GL
i never liked covers so pretty much stayed away from that forum, there were a couple others but forget the names. Sbr or "sportsbookreview" used to be very popular but i think they changed ownership and went way down hill., the great thing bout this place, besides the fact most everyone treats ppl with respect, 80% the guys posting actually have a brain which a super high number for forum world! i've learned more from posters at this place than all the other combined! plus none the bull shit. every now and then one my hater fan club would make their way over here and start w the same bull shit, every time a mod would message me and ask me the story, after that wouldn't be 2 post from said clown and they be banned!! gotta love it., i don't understand the trolls and haters, none of us getting paid, we all just trying to help each other out yet still some pathetic losers can't help themselves but to act like interweb tough guys! so nice they don't allow any that garbage here!!
Thanks Pirate. I can see getting into a disagreement with folks. What I could never see was just coming into someone's thread and laying into them like you are the only person in the world that knows anything about gambling or sports. Actually, happened in here not too long ago this MLB season and I know the CTG gods don't put up with that shit. Can't remember the posters name but he was all over me and the way I bet for no apparent reason. Saying I was out to just make a name for myself. Crazy shit. (Not making much of a name for myself up only $500 for the MLB season but I'm old and senile so that actually could be considered not bad) Not sure that poster was banned but I know the folks here take you to task and tell you to knock it off. They run a good clean forum here and that's probably the last time I ever say anything nice about them because they will accuse me of going soft in my old age but it's true. The fact of the matter is you either run a site that's about controversy and imagined fame, or like here, it's about discussion and sharing ideas in an effort to become more informed gamblers. This is also a great place to just get into general discussions about other things as well. It should never be only about arguments. There's no value in that.

Don't get me wrong. I know there are one or two members in here that truly don't like me, well, actually hate my guts, and that's fine. But even though we don't agree about almost everything we are adult enough to stay out of each others way. I just hope more people see this site for the truly valuable place it is. Aw hell, I did it again. Please ignore that last sentence.

the same happened to me here probably by the same clown or 2. I dont post my picks here bc of it but still do at BMR and others. Some of these guys create many aliases and have followed me from rx, here, bmr, etc and still do to troll and harrass on a losing day. Like your story about "making a name"...Some even lied and said i went tout (ha!) and that i started charging (nope, never). Several even kept a running scoreboard of my daily games and results like a 2nd grade glue monitor... I do enjoy your posts, and a couple others so I stop in to say hey and wish good luck, and usually put out some of my main plays in the daily discussion thread here. With us both having a love of baseball and catching, we seem to look at the games similarly. Keep up the great work, Good luck.
the same happened to me here probably by the same clown or 2. I dont post my picks here bc of it but still do at BMR and others. Some of these guys create many aliases and have followed me from rx, here, bmr, etc and still do to troll and harrass on a losing day. Like your story about "making a name"...Some even lied and said i went tout (ha!) and that i started charging (nope, never). I do enjoy your posts, and a couple others so I stop in to say hey and wish good luck. With us both having a love of baseball and catching, we seem to look at the games similarly. Keep up the great work, Good luck.

oh nothing more pathetic than alias guy!! i've actually seen guys who create aliases to give themselves prop to try and get more attention! lot of these guys goal is to get hot and go tout so they make new names every season! imagine life being so bad your dream is to be a tout!! lmfao! if you actually won money at this then why would you go thru the trouble of trying to charge unsuspecting degens for your plays? lol. never once i ever consider charging for plays. i've had friends tell me i should but they just don't get get it! lol
Thanks inzane. Hope it hits. GL

Thanks Pirate. We do seem to see things the same way in MLB. I never understood those that just disrupt. It makes no sense to me. And for the record you don't have to post picks to make a contribution to the forum. GL

Bank who's to say I wasn't including you when I said there was a member or two who hates me? 😆 🙃😆

Actually, there is only one guy in here I know who isn't fond of me and as I said we stay away from each other but then again, he is probably right, and I am as usual wrong. My wife often calls me an asshole, so I am sure he is right.

I would think that as soon as you decide to create an alias something in your head should be telling you what's the point? Seriously if that is your life you need to get a new hobby.

I once had a guy I knew very well ask me to be a tout for him and I said you can copy my picks and any writeups (I actually used to do those) I make and use them but I'm not going to do it at his site. I also asked that he not use wiretowire as who made the picks. He made up a name and did use my stuff for a while and it happened to be during a really good MLB month but then the guy he had doing college foots had a terrible month and his site tanked. He should have asked Bloodhound to pick those. I had told Blood he was using some of my picks and I'm sure he would have allowed the guy to use his football picks. Truth be told who is to say some tout isn't doing that without permission for some of the capper's sports posts at this site? I don't mind if they ask me but if they don't ask, I hope they are using my July MLB this season which pretty much has stunk. GL :)
all joking aside you def one my fav baseball posters brother! i've picked up more than one trick from you i now incorporate in my capping, that bout nicest compliment i can give! but i could be jelly you get attention there in lies the hate!! lmfao!! keep doing you bro, your thread and rants a must read!! i like assholes, prob cause i am
one!! i have a few guys i know don't like me around here but i don't care, im not here to please everyone, i wouldn't feel right if everyone liked me! i just hope some the good guys get something out my post, cause im such a asshole i enjoy helping ppl!
Oh, and for the record, so no one misinterprets who I am talking about when I say there is a member here who doesn't like me, he is an extremely well known member that has been posting for 20 years and he and I even go back to the old Covers days. And make no mistake I greatly respect him, and he has been a tremendous contributor to every site he has been on. Just because he doesn't like me doesn't make him a bad person. There will be people in your life that you won't like but that doesn't mean you can't respect them.

And that's all I have to say about that. GL
Thanks Bank. Same back at you brother. GL

Tim even your wife calls me an asshole. Don't forget we all had dinner together in Las Vegas and I had been drinking........ GL :)
Oh, and for the record, so no one misinterprets who I am talking about when I say there is a member here who doesn't like me, he is an extremely well known member that has been posting for 20 years and he and I even go back to the old Covers days. And make no mistake I greatly respect him, and he has been a tremendous contributor to every site he has been on. Just because he doesn't like me doesn't make him a bad person. There will be people in your life that you won't like but that doesn't mean you can't respect them.

And that's all I have to say about that. GL

while i agree with the premise for the most part the ones who don't like me suck and i have no respect for!! lmfao. you a better man than me!!
the same happened to me here probably by the same clown or 2. I dont post my picks here bc of it but still do at BMR and others. Some of these guys create many aliases and have followed me from rx, here, bmr, etc and still do to troll and harrass on a losing day. Like your story about "making a name"...Some even lied and said i went tout (ha!) and that i started charging (nope, never). Several even kept a running scoreboard of my daily games and results like a 2nd grade glue monitor... I do enjoy your posts, and a couple others so I stop in to say hey and wish good luck, and usually put out some of my main plays in the daily discussion thread here. With us both having a love of baseball and catching, we seem to look at the games similarly. Keep up the great work, Good luck.
Not the truth at all. Not trying to hijack Wires thread but your non transparency created alot of drama and some of the negative things you brought on yourself. Take it as a bit of an insult but I graded your plays as accurate as possible which was not easy but pretty accurate I may add. Basically you got down over 45 units and walked, only to add your plays in the daily discussion thread to avoid any grading of such. No more insults about a 2nd grade glue monitor. TIA
^Feeling guilty? I didnt use your name, i referred to "several people" not added mythical units to the bets, and did this activity even the majority said they didnt care i didnt post units. When I was up over 50 units after the first month, you still didnt wish me luck one time, and I could tell your "tracking" was not done for good purposes esp by inventing units to each bet, and now the trolls at the trash site keep referencing your posts, and once again you disappeared for about 2 weeks then came back and i had caught you making mistakes before but stopped even caring, so I dont trust you're -40 not even close even by your mythical not all factually accurate, and you're kinda describing exactly what Wire was decribing in posters he doesnt like and I above (how many times did other posters tell you to give it up in my threads? I lost count). I put you on ignore for a long time and was alerted by others of more nonsense in my threads so I said I was done and gave warning before. Go live life and worry about your issues and family, not someone else's games, their picks, or record. Good luck to you. Sorry Wire, had to correct a few things, good luck to all.
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^you added mythical units to the bets, and did this activity even the majority said they didnt care i didnt post units. When I was up over 50 units after the first month, you still didnt wish me luck one time, and I could tell your "tracking" was not done for good purposes esp by inventing units to each bet, and now the trolls at the trash site keep referencing your not all factually accurate, and you're kinda describing exactly what Wire and I dont like in posters. Go live live and worry about your issues and family, not someone else's games, their picks, or record. Good luck to you.
Good luck to you as well. In regards to my tracking it was spot on, sorry you think it was was not. In fact someone else here was tracking you as well and my "grading" was in line with his. Not sure what issues I have to worry about but clearly you have many more by banging the drum about this issue again and also posting other life issues you have. I hear about the majority you speak of, let me tell you the majority do no want to hear about your 6 monitors, the famous people you're friends with (which someone did some digging and found all that to be false) and the huge days you had or every day is a good gambling day. If you have gambled for an extended period of time then the reality is, in the end we are all lucky to be above even in our career and towards the end it.
Jesus Christ the vent is over. Please post again and I will gladly solve the transparency problem again.
^Glad to see I rile you and a few up still. I never claimed to be make billions or even millions gambling, But I was able to retire at age 42 and live off what i gamble since January 2023 and done ok. To me, that's a success, it's allowed me to be off the road 300 days a year and with the family more. Success and winners invites haters, comes with the territory, just like the 10+ other stalker trolls i have the follow me like a lost puppy everywhere. It means I've done something right. I take it as a compliment to have haters. Good luck.
^Glad to see I rile you and a few up still. I never claimed to be make billions or even millions gambling, But I was able to retire at age 42 and live off what i gamble since January 2023 and done ok. To me, that's a success, it's allowed me to be off the road 300 days a year and with the family more. Success and winners invites haters, comes with the territory, just like the 10+ other stalker trolls i have the follow me like a lost puppy everywhere. It means I've done something right. I take it as a compliment to have haters. Good luck.
Congrats on you banging your chest again. Remember people here on this forum more than likely have struggles, just saying......Good luck
Congrats on you banging your chest again. Remember people here on this forum more than likely have struggles, just saying......Good luck
I have struggles everyday , more than most dealing with a psycho bipolar ex who likes parental alienation of my 3 oldest kids in nc while using them as props for $. I don’t wish that struggle on anyone and not being able to see your own flesh and blood when you want. GL to you.