MLB - THURSDAY 7/31 - Enough is Enough already!


Pretty much a regular
REGULAR SEASON 485-417, +56.5935 UNITS

The last two weeks I have received numerous emails regarding my obsessed internet stalker over the past 4 years, who was banned at one website for stalking, has stalked me here and been warned to stop and on another site apparently has made over 500 posts the last 3 months about me. Yes, a grown man, has taken the time out of his day to dedicate 500+ posts about me in three months. The "word” obsessed” is an understatement. If he used all the time he wastes posting about me to spend with his family, he’d be a lot better human being. From what I previously read and from emails I am receiving, he wants the world to think I lie about my accounting and claims he has faded all my plays and is up 100 units fading me all while when I am currently up +56 units this year. He wants the world to think I lost hundreds and thousands of units the past six years when the truth is that people who have followed me know I have won 5 out of the 6 years in MLB since I began posting on the internet. Nothing he says is substantiated by fact.

Over 1000 people seem to visit my thread each day and I enjoy it. Does that make me a bad guy? If anyone visiting my thread feels my accounting is wrong by even 1/10,000th of a unit, please point it out in a respectful manner and I will double and triple check it. I have NO OBLIGATION to update my accounting on a daily basis. Anyone else can do the same accounting by doing the math. If I take a day or two off from doing an accounting, that’s my choice. If I travel for work and take a few days off from accounting, tough luck! If I am pissed off after a losing day and don’t want to do my accounting, that’s my prerogative. If I have a good day and want to do an immediate accounting because I am happy, that’s my right. The bottom line is when I catch up and do the accounting it’s all there in black and white to the 10,000th decimal choice for everyone to review and see. Again, if ANYONE points out they I may have made a math error, please do. I am human and have made minor math mistakes before that have gone both for an against my season total.

I have been asked about a game I posted 2 months ago where I made a typo and listed the Reds for 15 units and corrected it later on to 1.5 units when I noticed it a few hours later when the fact is they were losing. If you have ever viewed my threads, you would have to be a complete moron to think I would play 15 units on any game. I have played almost 900 games this season and I don’t think I have played a game for more than 1.75 units. In my 6 years on the internet, I have played over 5000 baseball games and I don't think there has ever made a play for more than 3 units and 99.95% of games have been less than 2 units. I post a lengthy article on baseball for everyone to read at the beginning of each season and preach money management and about units. How the hell would any person think I was playing 15 units on a game when I didn’t even type a word about the game explaining that it was anything special? I assure you on my life, had the Reds won, the game would’ve been counted as 1.5 units just like it was when I lost. I want an accurate count on my record and I have no reason to post an inaccurate depiction. I gain no benefit by posting an inaccurate record.

The only games I post are games where I make a sizable play. I post each one here and on Twitter in my OWN thread. If on Twitter or here, someone asks me about a game or I voice an opinion about a game, if it’s not listed in MY thread and my OWN direct Twitter post with a unit value, it means it’s an insignificant opinion or minuscule play and win, lose or draw, it’s not counted because it’s so insignificant. There was one occasion this season, where my phone didn’t give me access to this site (which CTG confirmed happens sometimes when roaming through a cell phone) and I was only able to post the game through Twitter on my phone. The game was posted way before it started. I do not keep a separate Twitter record and a separate CTG record. My record is my record. I have NEVER posted a game after it started. I have NEVER posted a line that wasn’t available at the time I posted it. That can be verified by checking the times I posted and cross referencing readily available line services that show lines available and times lines change. There have been three occasions where I forgot to type the exact unit size here next to the game I posted. I assure you it’s not a devious plan to trick anyone rather me rushing to post games in my busy day. If for some reason, I inadvertently post a game and forget to type the value, go with 1.25 units. It’s my most common unit amount.

So, let’s sum it up. I post for free. I do not ask anyone to send me a penny. The only thing I ever did on two occasions, was when I was on a hot streak and people were thanking me, I shared with people it would be nice to donate to a certain children’s charity that I donate to and that is near and dear to my heart and we raised over $4,000 for that charity, which was the best feeling I could’ve ever asked for and makes all this worthwhile. I am not interested in becoming a tout or benefiting from these posts. I have always said that if a person is good enough at picking games, he’d make a lot of money betting and wouldn't need to sell picks. I enjoy helping others and sharing with others and learning and helping each other. Call me selfish and narcissistic. If you follow me and lose, I don’t want to hear about but if you win and say thank you, I like it. LOL

I don’t profess to be the best handicapper in the world. This is a hobby and I enjoy it but I have a full time job and am a family man and try to be the best Dad and husband I can be, So I can’t dedicate 10 hours a day to becoming the best handicapper I can be. Regardless, I think I am a damn good capper. I love the daily discussion thread here and respect there are better cappers than me on this site and I thank them for helping make me better.

Now back to my stalker.

What are the chances that there are two independent posters who don’t know each other on two different message boards, who (i) both obsessively stalk GameHunter and hate on him and make up lie after lie, (ii) both have log in ID’s with New York references (New_York_Bob and Let’s Go Rangers), (iii) both make posts on the morning of July 22nd at the two different sites about the exact same court ruling regarding Obamacare subsidies being determined illegal, (iv) both debate global warming on both sports message boards, (v) both trash Obama ad naseum on both sports message boards and (vi) both discuss Yag marriage on sports message boards? A simple search of both names on both message boards reveals the obvious. Here’s one example:

1. At CTG, at 9:50 am on July 22nd, New_York_Bob posted:

Fed appeals court panel says most Obamacare subsidies illegal

In a potentially crippling blow to Obamacare, a federal appeals court panel declared Tuesday that government subsidies worth billions of dollars that helped 4.7 million people buy insurance on are illegal.

A judicial panel in a 2-1 ruling said such subsidies can be granted only to those people who bought insurance in an Obamacare exchange run by an individual state or the District of Columbia — not on the federally run exchange

"Section 36B plainly makes subsidies available in the Exchanges established by states," wrote Senior Circuit Judge Raymond Randolph in his majority opinion, where he was joined by Judge Thomas Griffith "We reach this conclusion, frankly, with reluctance. At least until states that wish to can set up their own Exchanges, our ruling will likely have significant consequences both for millions of individuals receiving tax credits through federal Exchanges and for health insurance markets more broadly."

On the same morning, at 11:04 at SBR, Let’s Go Rangers posted commentary on the exact same court case:


If I read the decision correctly it only prohibits subsidies for people WHO DID NOT go through state run exchanges.

This will be appealed up the chain and if it goes to a more liberal court they will overule this decision.

You be the judge on who is trying to be a cordial and nice guy and who is the obsessed stalker.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]For the record, years ago I set up an account at SBR, didn’t end up using it and then this April when the hate thread was brought to my attention, not remembering that I had set up an account years earlier, I set up an account, posted a fair and honest post and then SBR said since I have two accounts, I could no longer post. Oh well. So I can’t post there. It would be nice if some of my “internet friends” here could chime into that thread in the Service Plays section of the forum into the thread with my name in the title and to set the record straight and also someone please feel cut and paste this and post it. Enough is enough already![/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Best of luck to everyone.[/FONT]

cubs f5 -1/2 run (-135) (1.2 units)

st. louis -105 (1.5 units)

under cincy/mia 6.5 runs (-115) (0.75 units)
under cincy/mia 5f inns 3.5 runs (-135) (0.7 units)

toronto -150 (1 unit)
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As far as the 15 unit play. Every normal person knew it was a 1.5 unit play. This guy has a HUGE hatred for you it's ridiculous. Put it this way, if that play would've hit, do you think he would've graded you +15 units? Fuck no he wouldn't. I've read that thread and it's pretty embarrassing the way that guy acts. Read some of his shit, it's comical. He's fucking delusional.
Wanted to play the Cubs but after that team hits 2 dollars as a fav---I just went about my business
Wanted to play the Cubs but after that team hits 2 dollars as a fav---I just went about my business

Hey Tuck!

If anyone is interested, Tuck is one of the guys I was thanking.

The only way I could play this was to lay 1/2 run. The line is out of control and the Cubs' pen could always blow it. If this kid for the Rox can go pitch for pitch with Arrietta for 5 innings, I lose but at -135 ands not -200. The value was F5 regardless of what occurs.
As far as the 15 unit play. Every normal person knew it was a 1.5 unit play. This guy has a HUGE hatred for you it's ridiculous. Put it this way, if that play would've hit, do you think he would've graded you +15 units? Fuck no he wouldn't. I've read that thread and it's pretty embarrassing the way that guy acts. Read some of his shit, it's comical. He's fucking delusional.

Thanks AC!

I just don't get why anyone would take what amounts to days out of their life (when you total up the hours he has posted about me) to obsess on someone posting games and opinions for free on a message board.

He must be one depressed and miserable bastard!
As a long-time frequenter of SBR, I can gladly attest that this Rangers character is psycho. I mean, he goes to SBR to argue about politics. Case closed.

BOL and carry on, Game Hunter.
Wow GH! First off...that was entertaining reading right there. Cant believe you go through it...I guess its funny from my view point.

Just out of curiosity, what are the next number? I want to see if you round up or down...
REGULAR SEASON 485-417, +56.5935 UNITS

LOL!!!!! I'm just kidding GH!!!!!
