MLB Thursday 6/24


Pretty much a regular
YTD +7721
No singles but GS home safely and tucked into bed.

Thanks B.A.R. GL

Wise, you know me well. I didn't have time flor a rant Wednesday morning but I do now. GL

A rant........................

MLB thinks you are stupid. Seriously. They think you and I are the dumbest people on the planet. Well, at least they think anyone that watches baseball is too dumb to realize what's going on. And there are several reasons they think we are stupid. I am going to hit them as they come to mind not necessarily in any kind of order. But then that's how a dumb person like me thinks. All over the damn place.

1. They are checking for sticky substances. Rosin and firm grip. Sticky substances? Why? They say the pitcher gets a better grip and spin rate with sticky. But is that really true? They get a better grip and spin from scuffed balls not sticky. In fact, the old timers used to put a tack in their glove to notch or scar the balls for a better grip. But they throw out any ball that touches the dirt today. Seriously a ball in the dirt is thrown out immediately. Funny thing is when I played pitchers would often throw the first pitch in the dirt intentionally trying to scuff it. And back to sticky...... that's probably why they outlawed the spit ball because it was so sticky. Old guys used to use vasoline, hair grease, (Brylcreem. Oh, never mind you're too young) or snot on the balls. Sticky didn't help. It was slippery that made it spin more but they think you are too naive or stupid to understand that.

2. The league goes on and on about checking for sticky but if you look behind the pitcher's mound (in EVERY ball park) you will see a white sack on the ground next to the cleat cleaner. You know what that sack is? A fucking rosin bag. Let's make the pitcher strip down to his skivvies coming off the field looking for sticky but he can just reach behind him for rosin before he throws every pitch. Seriously, you are supposed to be too stupid to see that but it is really fucking funny when you think about it.

3. Side note about the Girardi/Scherzer incident. Tough luck Max but the managers have ALWAYS been allowed to ask the umps to check a pitcher for a foreign substance. ALWAYS. And yes, even in the middle of an inning. Don't you just hate when a good controversy is overridden by a little thing like a baseball rule book? But of course media is more involved with trying to stir shit up than simply saying he's allowed. Oh. and the penalty for doing that if nothing is found Mr. Kershaw? Um, not a damn thing. But the umps don't have to honor the request if the manager asks more than once in a game.

4. Back to the slippery stuff. I hated catching a pitcher that doctored the ball with slippery shit. By the end of the game, my catchers mitt looked like a used condom. And don't think for one minute the umps didn't know that shit went on in the minors and majors. (take a minute and google Gaylord Perry) But back then hitters could still hit despite the pitching advantage of doctoring the balls. That brings me to my final point.

5. So the league thinks that batting averages are down because of pitchers loading the ball? Then how much impact does a sticky (or slippery for that matter) ball have when the hitter is swinging at a pitch 30 feet out of the strike zone. Or my personal favorite, standing there with two strikes while a fastball down the heart of the plate strikes you out. And you stand there with the bat on your shoulder...... And then just turn and walk away....... While the announcers are trying to cover for you by saying "He was looking for something else." Really? With two strikes on you what the fuck could you possibly be looking for as a fastball slides over the heart of the plate? A curve? A pitch in the dirt? Or one 30 feet out of the strike zone so you can take a good hack at it. Un-fucking believable. But let's make sure we undress pitchers every inning. Yeah, that will make the hitters much better.

See? They think we are that stupid.

All x50 each - only 10 games so no GS.

NYY ML -180
Minn ML -180
Pitt +2 1/2 -150
Cubs/LA over 7 -140

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