MLB - Thursday 5/8


Pretty much a regular
astros +176 (0.75 units)
astros +1.5 runs (-125) (0.75 units)

under mia/sd 7 runs (-120)

kc +115 (1.25 units)

toronto -141 (1.25 units)

texas -137 (1.25 units)

cubs +108 (1.25 units)

Big disagreement on Seattle.
Iwakuma used 81 pitches in his first game back
Seattle is home playing off a loss. They have won the first game of every home game. KC crushed Padres in the last game which is a red flag to Seattle Iwakuma is super on 4 days rest. KC handedness here stinks and Duffy showed nothing in his first game but that he may be nothing.
What you are doing is betting against a team that is playing very well with a young kid that has shown something last year but has not been starting and when you known Seattle will fight for him. WHY. I could be wrong but betting on Iwakuma over time is just money. You have to have a very good reason to do it. That is not here in this game.
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Aren't u the same New_York_Bob who was warned if you ever post my thread again, you would be banned?

How would you know what message a mod sent me via private message.

I was told not to cause drama.

I simply replied to the poster above me a reason could be a D / N doubleheader.

In your defense you obviously aren't trying to get away with anything otherwise you would have shown bigger wagers.

The plays are legit
How would you know what message a mod sent me via private message.

I was told not to cause drama.

I simply replied to the poster above me a reason could be a D / N doubleheader.

In your defense you obviously aren't trying to get away with anything otherwise you would have shown bigger wagers.

The plays are legit


Your M.O. Is old. You don't like me. I'm cool with that. I could care less but you stalked me on one site and now another. If you don't like me, don't read my threads. A mod wrote in the thread you stalked me in a few weeks ago and gave you a warning about posting in my threads in the future. Let's look at your comment above. Did you really think it might be a day/night double header or were you being a wise ass trying to bring up the point that I had only posted the play on Twitter and not here. None of us are stupid enough to buy into your BS.

You're supposedly a grown man. Why are you so obsessed with me? Is it because when you post something barely anyone reads it or cares? Why bother reading my threads? I am not asking you for anything. I am not asking anyone for anything. You take great joy when I lose for some reason and act like a grade school child. STAY OUT OF MY THREADS!!!!!!
Big disagreement on Seattle.
Iwakuma used 81 pitches in his first game back
Seattle is home playing off a loss. They have won the first game of every home game. KC crushed Padres in the last game which is a red flag to Seattle Iwakuma is super on 4 days rest. KC handedness here stinks and Duffy showed nothing in his first game but that he may be nothing.
What you are doing is betting against a team that is playing very well with a young kid that has shown something last year but has not been starting and when you known Seattle will fight for him. WHY. I could be wrong but betting on Iwakuma over time is just money. You have to have a very good reason to do it. That is not here in this game.

Thx Tuck. Your thoughts are always welcomed. Your thongs on Iwakuma were dead. On. my first reason for KC was SEATTLE shows no power against hard throwing lefties. I expected Duffy to throw a. Good game and thought Iwakuma would only go 6 innings and KC has a definite bullpen advantage. I should have interpreted it into an UNDER. Well played on your end.

Your M.O. Is old. You don't like me. I'm cool with that. I could care less but you stalked me on one site and now another. If you don't like me, don't read my threads. A mod wrote in the thread you stalked me in a few weeks ago and gave you a warning about posting in my threads in the future. Let's look at your comment above. Did you really think it might be a day/night double header or were you being a wise ass trying to bring up the point that I had only posted the play on Twitter and not here. None of us are stupid enough to buy into your BS.

You're supposedly a grown man. Why are you so obsessed with me? Is it because when you post something barely anyone reads it or cares? Why bother reading my threads? I am not asking you for anything. I am not asking anyone for anything. You take great joy when I lose for some reason and act like a grade school child. STAY OUT OF MY THREADS!!!!!!

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Your M.O. Is old. You don't like me. I'm cool with that. I could care less but you stalked me on one site and now another. If you don't like me, don't read my threads. A mod wrote in the thread you stalked me in a few weeks ago and gave you a warning about posting in my threads in the future. Let's look at your comment above. Did you really think it might be a day/night double header or were you being a wise ass trying to bring up the point that I had only posted the play on Twitter and not here. None of us are stupid enough to buy into your BS.

You're supposedly a grown man. Why are you so obsessed with me? Is it because when you post something barely anyone reads it or cares? Why bother reading my threads? I am not asking you for anything. I am not asking anyone for anything. You take great joy when I lose for some reason and act like a grade school child. STAY OUT OF MY THREADS!!!!!!
This will be the last post of mine in this thread because you are making it into drama.
I'll try to address your points in order.


I don't stalk you.
As far as one site to another...look at our join dates...YOU FOLLOWED ME HERE ....
If talking about interaction while at the site ...
I believe this is only one of a handful of times I've entered your threads.... IN 6 YEARS..
hardly stalking.


I don't know what a mod said to me in that thread because I didn't revisit the thread...
I saw your plays, I saw someone bash you, I defended you saying what a dick Wally was...and that was it....
I closed the thread, never looked back.
I then got an infraction from a mod and PM.
I only know what a mod told me via a PM.
Nothing about staying out of your threads, only not to start shit.

Did I think DH?
Yes, I thought I must have missed something.

You have said many times the reason you post plays is to help others win and beat the books.

Posting a game we cant bet on doesn't help us beat the books.
Posting it to keep an accurate record of units won or lost would make sense if you were tracking this seasons record, but since I can't remember the last time you tracked this season's progress, that didn't make sense either...

So I assumed there was still an Astros game to bet.
Why wouldn't I assume there was an Astros game left?
Someone questioned it before I did...and that was first reason I could think of ( I guess I could have checked before posting, but I did not .
There was nothing malicious about my post )

Is it because when you post something barely anyone reads it or cares?

Of the few threads I've started, most have over a dozen replies, many threads enough replies for a 2nd page.
Maybe not many views, but we all know views mean nothing...if anyone wanted to just reload a page they could do that all day.
The number of responses and interaction is the best indicator of an interesting thread.

Why bother reading your threads?
Because I value your insight into baseball.

As dirty Harry said
" A man has to know his limitations"

I know I kick ass in football ( 3 seasons made it through 17 weeks here in "Survivor" )

I also know I suck at baseball.
I'm down probably 20 units in the daily baseball thread.

I know I miss more than I look into threads of people who have won in the past.


Don't get me wrong, I cap the games first myself but then I look at you guys.

If you are with me on my plays....
I place my wagers.
If you are on other side...more often then not I back off my plays.

If a majority of you guys are on the other side ...
I'll switch completely.

I read your threads for the same reason I read others, an informed opinion.

Take pride in your losing.
No, I dont.
Like I said above I've only posted in your threads a few times and none of them doing anything negative after you lost a game or 2.

Remember you were the one who PMd me on several occasions calling me names, not the other way around.
I don't berate and insult you, you did that to me via a PM.


No problem
I'll continue to read your threads, but I won't comment again because it obviously upsets you.

Continued good luck this season, nice 6-1 night, keep up the good work.
Okay, enough of this.

We'll make it simple this time...

Bob, no POSTING in GH threads at all.

Simple enough. Now there is no grey area.