Mlb thursday 5/30/13


Where the cash flows, matters
4-4 & -.30 units on weds action, now 125-95-8 +33.19 units ytd.

COLORADO -1.5 runs (-106)

OVER 10 houst/colo


UNDER 9 az/tex


PITT +120

UNDER 10 wash/balt (-115)

CINCI -128

MIAMI +170

ALL plays for 1 unit each today

GL on the action
gluck - like pitt, played the wash/balt over- hard to trust those two to keep it in the park
gluck - like pitt, played the wash/balt over- hard to trust those two to keep it in the park

GSRO: Pitt should win easy imo. I certainly understand your over play on wash/balt, all my #'s say it is an over play but a new system I am trying with mlb totals says for me to play under. GL on your action
GSRO: Pitt should win easy imo. I certainly understand your over play on wash/balt, all my #'s say it is an over play but a new system I am trying with mlb totals says for me to play under. GL on your action

fair enough buddy, gotta back that system you're trying to develop. Have already played pitt :)
CHOPZ : At least one of us gets the $$$, gl on ur action

MROB : Just tryin to grind out profits, gl on the action

GSRO : Go Pirates!!!