MLB Thursday 4/22


Pretty much a regular
YTD +3289
4-4 last

Here's what I have learned so far this year:

Well, that's not true because what I am about to say I knew all along when it comes to "experts". They don't know their ass from third base. Never have and never will. Their "expert" opinions and predictions have cost a lot of people a lot of money.

Before the season started my old team the White Sox, SD, and the Mets were supposed to be the next coming of god. And the fact is they suck. .500 teams all. You could argue that it is still early in the season and I would listen to that for a minute or two but these teams have no hitting. Can't hit with their lineups. The "experts" thought they had stacked their pitching but what the "experts" always forget is that it is a new year and who pitched well last year doesn't mean they will pitch again well this year with maybe the exception of Bieber. These so called monster teams have no hitting and their pitching is nothing special yet the books keep setting lines that can't be justified if you just forget names and cap the numbers. Which is what a particular smart or stupid capper has been telling you for years. Better fade these "great" teams while the books are still setting big numbers on them if the numbers say so.

Make no mistake, I love the "experts". Every year they make me tons of money because they say this team or that team will be bad so the books set low season win totals for them. That has been a cash cow for me every year so thank you. And sometimes they are right but rarely. LA is as good as advertised but instead of risking some juice and taking a steady income from them most start laying runs or just avoiding them altogether. That same smart/stupid capper always said you never pay the juice if you win. I was raised a littler different back in the old days. My dad used to say if there is money sitting on the table you should pick it up but that's just me.

And another closing point... It's a damn shame that the Yankees don't have a manager. All that fire power and this guy just keeps trotting them out there every day in the same batting order and expecting a different result. Isn't that the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? Put the fucking names in a hat you idiot. They can't score fewer runs if the ball boy made the lineup. Enough of all that.

All x100 each

Cinn -130
Pitt/Det over 8 -140
NYY +100 - I know what I said but Cle can't hit shit either so I will take the dog here
Cubs +120
Ana +120
LA -170

I think the pads will hit, I understand your point tho, they were way overpriced in the milw series and could be argued they got too much respect against the Dodgers also.

seems like it supposed to be the Mets year every year then they take the field and they still the muts. Degrom the only guy in that franchise who gives a consistent good effort and they never give that poor guy any help. He should win 20+ games every year in his sleep but struggles to be over .500 thanks to no support and pen blowing games for him!! It crazy how much I bet against him when he easily the best pitcher in baseball!!

if kc could get any pitching I’d like their chances in the central but I dunno if they will? I’d expect sox are right in the mix cause central is a bunch of .500ish teams basically.
I think the pads will hit, I understand your point tho, they were way overpriced in the milw series and could be argued they got too much respect against the Dodgers also.

seems like it supposed to be the Mets year every year then they take the field and they still the muts. Degrom the only guy in that franchise who gives a consistent good effort and they never give that poor guy any help. He should win 20+ games every year in his sleep but struggles to be over .500 thanks to no support and pen blowing games for him!! It crazy how much I bet against him when he easily the best pitcher in baseball!!

if kc could get any pitching I’d like their chances in the central but I dunno if they will? I’d expect sox are right in the mix cause central is a bunch of .500ish teams basically.
Seems like when Degrom pitches a snoozefest......his pitching puts his OWN team to sleep too......
Seems like when Degrom pitches a snoozefest......his pitching puts his OWN team to sleep too......

I love watching him pitch, he filthy, straight dotting corners with 98-100mph heat!!! Not sure we have ever seen a pitcher be so pinpoint with so much velo!! That said I fade him a ton on the rl and occasionally the ml cause Mets simply don’t help him at all, no run support then when he leaves the pen implodes!

The game he pitched in Philly he not only shut them down but knocked in a run to single handedly beat them himself but being his 1st start of year he got yanked after 6 innings (he was only at 77 pitches so normally he coulda took that at least thru 8 innings, if not just went all 9!), of course the minute he leaves phils jump all over the pen! I have a theory that teams always get to pen in his starts cause he one the few starters no pen arms can match velo wise! May came in throwing mid 90s and prob felt like batting practice to phils after watching 100mph for 6 innings!
I love watching him pitch, he filthy, straight dotting corners with 98-100mph heat!!! Not sure we have ever seen a pitcher be so pinpoint with so much velo!! That said I fade him a ton on the rl and occasionally the ml cause Mets simply don’t help him at all, no run support then when he leaves the pen implodes!

The game he pitched in Philly he not only shut them down but knocked in a run to single handedly beat them himself but being his 1st start of year he got yanked after 6 innings (he was only at 77 pitches so normally he coulda took that at least thru 8 innings, if not just went all 9!), of course the minute he leaves phils jump all over the pen! I have a theory that teams always get to pen in his starts cause he one the few starters no pen arms can match velo wise! May came in throwing mid 90s and prob felt like batting practice to phils after watching 100mph for 6 innings!
Think his sliders were like in the 90’s too....I don’t think I can throw over 50 mph.....
Think his sliders were like in the 90’s too....I don’t think I can throw over 50 mph.....

I maybe hit 75-80 on one or 2 but then my arm will not be happy if it doesn’t completely fall off!!! Lol. Or I might not make it to catcher!! Who knows, been so long since I threw a baseball!
That’s so true about so called “experts”. If you listen to them they can often cost you a lot of money. Like you said most of them don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground.