MLB Sunday


Calculated Risk Taker
Real Quick...

Dbacks +163 to win 1 unit.........Thats too much for O Perez against a more than competent line-up for the Dbacks.....Strictly a play on value.............

GL....Be Back Later for more......

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
GL today big guy..Bumping what Renew says..You on Cormier today? Cubs are tough to back right now even if they were playing the Nationals or Yankees =)
I think your taking your chances with a Rehabed starter coming back, I also think the cubs are gonna be fired up to avoid the sweep...I think the braves game is really a toss-up with Marshall. He has been solid and the Braves historically have problems with LH pitching, but with the addition of Escobar and Diaz Bobby can stack the lineup with hard hitting righties....I think you roll the Dice with Cormier on his first start back, but I think you have a chance even if he gets shelled the way the young braves bats are hitting, ill probably drop a unit on them just as a homer pick.....