Mlb - sunday 9/21


Pretty much a regular
under mets/atl 6.5 (-105) (1.1 units)

over milw/pitt 8 runs (-115) (1.3 units)

over ari/col 10.5 runs (-110) (1.1 units)

toronto +132 (1.2 units)

houston +130 (1.2 units)

over phi/oak 7 runs (-120) (1.1 units)

parlay tribe/balt (risking 1.1 untis to make 1.75 units)

Last edited:
under mets/atl 6.5 (-105) 91.1 units)

over milw/pitt 8 runs (-115) (1.3 units)

over ari/col 10.5 runs (-110) 91.1 units)

toronto +132 (1.2 units)

houston +130 (1.2 units)

over phi/oak 7 runs (-120) (1.1 units)

parlay tribe/balt (risking 1.1 untis to make 1.75 units)

So I clearly made a typo on two plays above and instead of opening the parenthetical I hit the same key, the #9 key and typed 91.1 instead of (1.1.

Of course New_York_Bob sends me a private email after I lose the Mets' under saying I must love the 91.1 unit plays.

Let me guess. Over at SBR, the psycho is using his Let's Go Rangers ID to say I cheat and lost 91.1 units on these plays when a 3rd grade child would know it was 1.1.

If he is over there whining about it, he once again confirms he is the same person. I am blocked over there but I have 100 units on Bob/Ranger's/AmazingMets69 saying I lost 91.1 units.

If I am wrong, I apologize.
Email from New_York_Bob received today:

91 unit bet on Mets under and Rox over?

You must REALLY like these plays

Good luck :shake:​
Guy is a joke, you are correct on your assumption of him accusing you of using the "typo" excuse. I enjoy reading his SBR thread because it gives me a good chuckle. He basically has a thread of your plays, where he is the only one who says anything in it. Hes having a conversation with himself about how much of a "fraud" you are. Seeing how you post plays for free, and have been winning in every sport since I followed you on twitter two years ago, i would determine that you are the exact opposite of a fraud. I'm sure you really care about what the guy with multiple forum user names thinks LOL. Keep on keepin on GH.
Guy is a joke, you are correct on your assumption of him accusing you of using the "typo" excuse. I enjoy reading his SBR thread because it gives me a good chuckle. He basically has a thread of your plays, where he is the only one who says anything in it. Hes having a conversation with himself about how much of a "fraud" you are. Seeing how you post plays for free, and have been winning in every sport since I followed you on twitter two years ago, i would determine that you are the exact opposite of a fraud. I'm sure you really care about what the guy with multiple forum user names thinks LOL. Keep on keepin on GH.

One thing is for sure, it does get under GH's skin. There is only one way to stop the badgering and that is to ignore. However, that is easier said than done. Personally, if someone messed with me I would find it very hard to ignore. Further, if I was messing with someone and they were freaking out, I would ratchet it up. There in lies the rub. I have to admit I often grin at this cat fight. Keep up the good work GH.
Guy is a joke, you are correct on your assumption of him accusing you of using the "typo" excuse. I enjoy reading his SBR thread because it gives me a good chuckle. He basically has a thread of your plays, where he is the only one who says anything in it. Hes having a conversation with himself about how much of a "fraud" you are. Seeing how you post plays for free, and have been winning in every sport since I followed you on twitter two years ago, i would determine that you are the exact opposite of a fraud. I'm sure you really care about what the guy with multiple forum user names thinks LOL. Keep on keepin on GH.

Thanks. They actually blocked me over there because years ago I opened an account and never used it and then five years later, in April, I opened an account not remembering and they said since I have two accounts, I am now banned. I can't even access their forums. "Fraud" is funny!

Fraud = [FONT=arial, sans-serif]wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain. I get no financial personal gain by sharing my picks and insights so I am not sure how that moron terms that as "fraud."

Thanks for your post.
One thing is for sure, it does get under GH's skin. There is only one way to stop the badgering and that is to ignore. However, that is easier said than done. Personally, if someone messed with me I would find it very hard to ignore. Further, if I was messing with someone and they were freaking out, I would ratchet it up. There in lies the rub. I have to admit I often grin at this cat fight. Keep up the good work GH.

You are definitely right. I guess I am completely miffed how a grown man can spend hours upon hours of his life wasting on not even me, but my internet persona. It's NUTS!
I like how Bob starts the day tracking your plays, then when it looks like you're going to have a winning day, he'll erase your plays and replace it with some bullshit. Classless POS if you ask me.

And what's the back story with you two? Did you screw his wife or something? He really has it out for you.
I like how Bob starts the day tracking your plays, then when it looks like you're going to have a winning day, he'll erase your plays and replace it with some bullshit. Classless POS if you ask me.

And what's the back story with you two? Did you screw his wife or something? He really has it out for you.

Hey AC!

I am probably better off that I don't see his daily ramblings and only hear it from others. He stalked me at Covers for several years before he was banned as did his sidekick (who was also banned) who chimes in at SBR. They seem to take great pride and get joy when I lose or when I am winning, they distort it and fabricate that I have lost thousands of units and lose each year and hide the fact that I am winning. Honestly, I don't get it. I don't ask anyone for a cent. I don't profess to be the world's best handicapper. I have no ulterior motives. I have hot and cold streaks and I don't guarantee that I will win. I just try and share thoughts and views with others and try to enjoy it a little. I certainly don't talk about this stuff with my wife, kids or friends so I enjoy the anonymous comraderie of sharing with anonymous people like yourself who 100% understand the same feelings when games win or lose.

I swear. i just don't get it.