MLB Sunday 8/25


Pretty much a regular
Records tomm

Thanks Inzane. GL

Thanks Cash. GL

Thanks Indy. GL

Before I forget I am going to the mountains north of Montreal this coming Friday for a week. Back Monday 9/3. I will of course post until then.

All for 40 units each.

Atl/Mia over 7 -140
Bost/TB over 7 -140
NYY/BAlt over 8 -140
CHW/Det under 9 1/2 -130
Cle/KC under 10 -130
Hou/Ana under 9 1/2
Oakland +100
Cubs -240
AZ -180


Atl/Mia over 7 -140
Bost/TB over 7 -140
NYY/BAlt over 8 -140

CHW/Det under 9 1/2 -130
Cle/KC under 10 -130
Hou/Ana under 9 1/2

Oakland +100
Cubs -240
AZ -180

All three groups of three round robin in groups of 3 and 2 for 20 units each.

Gomber will get slapped in the face tomorrow. Anderson has been frothing at the mouth for a win and tomorrow he makes Gomber pay. That’s my angle. Don’t @ me
When I looked at Eovaldi on 4 mid 7 ERA on 4. I know he will try and he is good in the day but this looks bad for Boston
Oakland plays at Houston Monday. Neither can let the Sunday game go though

Thanks Paulsy. Good stuff. GL

Thanks Tuck. Appreciate the feedback. GL

Thanks Peelpub. Boston is puzzling me I agree. GL

Thanks Inzane. GL

Thanks Cash. GL

YTD -802

Cinn/Buff over 41 (40 units)
AZ/Dallas over 39 (40 units)


Cinn/Buff over 41
AZ/Dallas over 39

