MLB Sunday 8/19


Pretty much a regular
Records later. The NFL is not done screwing me yet. At least they could have bought me a few drinks or dinner first.

Opinion: If you want to make an argument about Joe Paterno not doing all he could about one of his coaches I will disagree with you but because it involved kids who couldn't protect themselves I can't say you're wrong. But Urban Meyer is not responsible for doing a fucking thing about his coach who ALLEGEDLY abused his wife. I say allegedly because that was between his wife and the coach. Did Urban Meyer beat the wife? of course not. And I don't give a fuck whether Meyer's wife knew or Urban knew or any of that shit. Frankly, it's none of Meyer's business and trying to make it their business and responsibility is just plain stupid. It is not the university's business either. The wife is perfectly capable of calling the police and letting them do their job. How in the hell can any of this fall on a head coach or university? We have fucking lost our minds as a society.

I will never be convinced this has anything to do with Meyer. I don't give a fuck about Ohio State either so don't go saying it's because I'm a Buckeye fan. I don't care who the head coach is or what college or university he represents. It is not their responsibilty to stick their nose into peoples homes. But keep in mind if you think otherwise and if you know of a guy that beats his wife, and I'm sure some of you do, if you don't report it you will lose your job? That's the worst kind of bullshit ever. Oh and fuck you NFL for the same horse shit.


Already in Calgary/Sask over 48 (80 units)
Adding.... Calgary/Sask over 47 (100 units)

All MLB is part of parlays again. All for 10 units each. All keying Calgary/Sask over 47 with each of the following in two teamers.

NYY -230
Boston - whatever. Line not out yet
Pitt -110
LA - whatever. Line not out yet
Phil -180

JoePa will always be my guy. As a Penn Stater it’s painful to see his legacy pretty much erased with the snap of the fingers. The best way to sum my feelings up are “confused”.

It’s crazy to praise these guys’ character and then all of a sudden they’re thrown under the bus and not given any benefit of the doubt at all. I remember before the whole Paterno thing, them doing that sit down with JoePa and Coach K and basically saying they’re the best to ever do it “the right way”. That 50 years of doing it “the right way” went out the window real quick in most peoples eyes. You’re right about it involving kids. If you don’t stand up for the kids, in most peoples eyes you fall into that same category as the abuser. But then again, people still hate Tim Tebow just because he’s a good man.

Not much in today’s society makes any sense to me.
Well, Sandusky didn‘t abuse any kid before retiring and nothing happened on PSU‘s campus so there was little Paterno could have done. Especially compared to police who investigated S in 1998 and deemed that he didn‘t fit the profile of a pedo. Paterno reported hearsay to the AD and head of campus police which per PA state law had the same authority as PA municipal police. People don‘t get that had he done more he would have endangered the investigation. He did all he could. That‘s why he was cleared of all wrong-doing by prosecutor Frank Finna and all the other legal experts involved in the case. And I hate when people quote him bc they don‘t do so fully. With the benefit of hindsight* he wish he had done more. He already delivered the damning testimony that sent „his friend“ (big media lie!) to jail bc his memory after so many years was infiltrated by the garbage that McQueary told when he changed his story for the 200th time
I see it as a sick witch hunt mentality. A perverse desire to drag down those who have the most fame and authority.
We live in a world where a Muslim who supports Hamas and Jihad can run for governor, Muslims shoot kids and get off free, and football players can kneel during the anthem to promote a racial agenda but Tebow gets crap for kneeling to pray and a baker‘s life is ruined for refusing to make a wedding cake that goes against his beliefs
I wonder how many of the virtue signalers who cry about the kids don‘t bat an eye when they‘re murdered before birth
@HonestD I didn‘t know you were a Penn Stater. My older brother went there. I am a big believer in Joe‘s innocence and more that I won‘t post here lol
We might crash the forum servers with this conversation Mike :chop:

We can go on and on and on and on, and I'm sure once people wake up, it will.
We might crash the forum servers with this conversation Mike :chop:

We can go on and on and on and on, and I'm sure once people wake up, it will.

Im deleting my posts soon, this forum goes insane about Paterno everyone else hates him and everyone‘s mind is made up. Don‘t discuss Paterno i‘m telling you
Yuppers. I started going to games when I was about 12. Went to their wrestling and kicking camps in high school. I was pretty involved as a kid and was raised to bleed blue and white
Yuppers. I started going to games when I was about 12. Went to their wrestling and kicking camps in high school. I was pretty involved as a kid and was raised to bleed blue and white

Feel free to contribute to the big ten thread in the cfb forum i also wrote a massive psu preview article
Oh snap. I definitely will. I haven't been as involved in football in general the past two years. I don't know why but I'll check that article out for sure. Is it for this season?
My co-worker, guy I'm living with here in OK is a Sooner grad. He calls Penn State a JV school LOL
Well, they're ONLY a football schoool and shit, we've won as many national titles as they have in the same time span. Those noobs still live off 50+ year old reputation.
We're the best, and it's not even close. We're probably top 5 or so in overall national championships. Pretty well rounded. Can't believe we've sucked at basketball for so long though.

Wearing a Penn State wrestling sweatshirt right now !
Our coach though, is the only D-1 wrestler to ever go undefeated. He was coaching for Iowa State, but came to Penn State because he didn't like all the PA talent leaving our state to go to other schools. I saw a stat three or so years ago at the NCAA Championships. Almost half of the field went to high school in PA.
We're the best, and it's not even close. We're probably top 5 or so in overall national championships. Pretty well rounded. Can't believe we've sucked at basketball for so long though.

Wearing a Penn State wrestling sweatshirt right now !

I feel like basketball gets increasingly promising tho. Some strong performances and tight games against great teams like Purdue and Sparty. Losing to Rider was awful tho. Tony Carr is awesome
I agree 100% !!! Why is Meyer responsible for one of his coaches allegedly thumping his wife??? I have been saying the same thing to all that will listen, its horse shit that the university is holding him accountable for someone else domestic abuse, what a joke.
The administration covers it up because they don't want bad publicity towards their university. They put in a clause for coaches to disclose any wrong doing they know of so when something comes out years later, the university admin will always use the HC as their fall guy . HC's have ZERO leverage to ever tell the whole story for fear of being blackballed. When it doesn't add up just look at the $$$
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BTW Wire if I have a bad week in mlb its your fault!!! Why should I be responsible for my actions?? Absolute joke what our society has turned into.

Just wait til open borders happen and our collective iq drops to the global average of barely functioning. We won‘t even be smart enough then to realize it all