MLB Sunday 6/4


Pretty much a regular
YTD +3815
3-1 last
1-0 GS - I could only allow 38 runs over the last 6 games to win the GS and 38 runs is exactly what was allowed. Unreal.

Thanks Mike. The books have always shaded to the over. In game totals in every sport and of course in the GS. No one wants to bet on a game and watch it rooting no one will score. It just isn't any fun and no one knows that better than the books. If you are willing to bet unders the books are there to help you. May not be fun but it can be profitable. GL

Random Thoughts..........................

- Even MLB has given up on that OPS bullshit. They and the fans know that while it may look impressive an OPS of .700 or less means you suck as a hitter. Seeing it less and less on broadcasts which is a good thing because it's a crap stat MLB was using to try and make bad hitters look impressive.

- "Interleague". Means nothing any more. I wasn't a fan to begin with but gone are the days when the only time the AFL met the NFL was in the super bowl. American league met the National in the World Series. Now every team is scheduled to play all other 29 teams. That's not interleague and it's not even interesting anymore. That's called a regular season schedule.

- I saw a game where on the commercial the talking heads were trying to sell MLB by saying "Now we have super metrics which really enhance the game!!!" Trust me if you are counting on metrics to make MLB interesting then you don't understand the game in the first place and you are missing a pretty good game while the talking heads try to sell intricacy, which doesn't exist, to young people who couldn't give a shit about baseball no matter how quick the game is.

- And for the love of God would someone please shut Bryan Cranston the fuck up? Seriously does saying the game is great now the game is great now the game is great now make the fucking game great or is just pissing people off like it is me?

NOTE: If you are going to play the GS today the first game goes at 11:30 this morning. That's 8:30 in Las Vegas and on the west coast. LVMIKE WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!

All x50 each

Wash +2 1/2 -180 - I think Williams is more consistent than Suarez.
Oakland +2 1/2 -180 - Here's a way to lose money. Bet on Oak. But Blackburn looks better than Alcantara so runs may help.
Cubs ML +100 - Stroman seriously looking good.
LA ML -150 - Bobby Miller looks really good as well.

That's it. Was tempted by Cle/ Minn over 7 because McKenzie making his first start of the year will be on a short leach and Ryan got hammered in his last. I will be back for the GS. Added totals actual is 130 1/2 at this moment but that will change. I would expect the GS to be around 136. GL
Thank you Wire!! I enjoy the write ups in which I try to analyze your brain in coming up with your selections.

Much appreciated as always!!
I'm getting the distinct impression the books don't want to put out the GS. 1 hour and 15 minutes to game time and I can't find it anywhere. C'mon out boys. Let's play. GL
Thanks Vegas. If you have any questions about my thinking just ask. We are here to beat the books. But my wife would tell you that when it comes to trying to figure out what my brain is thinking you can't analyze what isn't there. Lovely supportive woman. GL

Grand Salami under 136 1/2 -220/+200

From BOL. Maybe you good bookies should have stayed under the porch. Yes, I know the gambling gods will make me pay for my arrogance, but it is fun to do every once in a while. GL
The next question is why are some of my GS bets 500 and some 200? That depends on what I saw when I capped each game. Today for instance I saw about half the games had the potential to score a ton, so I went slow. Plus, I just poked my finger in the gambling gods eye and that is something I would never do if I had a big bet riding. GL
Wow, DK has 138.5, im so hung over I havnt really capped anything yet but just looking real quick I see plenty of games w low scoring potential.
If it's 138 1/2 Bank it's well worth a couple of bucks. GL

Yea im gonna hit it soon as I make it across the river. So annoying I can’t just bet from my house! Lol. Doesn’t really shock me they would have it juiced even more to the over since they probably have really square clientele for most part!!
I would agree Bank. Odd that 5dimes had the same 136 1/2 BOL had. I have never met anyone as sick as I am when it comes to betting unders. I really love them in college hoops but everyone else hates them and I can't blame them, so the books just keep jacking totals. I have to get a DK account. GL
YTD +3815
3-1 last
1-0 GS - I could only allow 38 runs over the last 6 games to win the GS and 38 runs is exactly what was allowed. Unreal.

Thanks Mike. The books have always shaded to the over. In game totals in every sport and of course in the GS. No one wants to bet on a game and watch it rooting no one will score. It just isn't any fun and no one knows that better than the books. If you are willing to bet unders the books are there to help you. May not be fun but it can be profitable. GL

Random Thoughts..........................

- Even MLB has given up on that OPS bullshit. They and the fans know that while it may look impressive an OPS of .700 or less means you suck as a hitter. Seeing it less and less on broadcasts which is a good thing because it's a crap stat MLB was using to try and make bad hitters look impressive.

- "Interleague". Means nothing any more. I wasn't a fan to begin with but gone are the days when the only time the AFL met the NFL was in the super bowl. American league met the National in the World Series. Now every team is scheduled to play all other 29 teams. That's not interleague and it's not even interesting anymore. That's called a regular season schedule.

- I saw a game where on the commercial the talking heads were trying to sell MLB by saying "Now we have super metrics which really enhance the game!!!" Trust me if you are counting on metrics to make MLB interesting then you don't understand the game in the first place and you are missing a pretty good game while the talking heads try to sell intricacy, which doesn't exist, to young people who couldn't give a shit about baseball no matter how quick the game is.

- And for the love of God would someone please shut Bryan Cranston the fuck up? Seriously does saying the game is great now the game is great now the game is great now make the fucking game great or is just pissing people off like it is me?

NOTE: If you are going to play the GS today the first game goes at 11:30 this morning. That's 8:30 in Las Vegas and on the west coast. LVMIKE WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!

All x50 each

Wash +2 1/2 -180 - I think Williams is more consistent than Suarez.
Oakland +2 1/2 -180 - Here's a way to lose money. Bet on Oak. But Blackburn looks better than Alcantara so runs may help.
Cubs ML +100 - Stroman seriously looking good.
LA ML -150 - Bobby Miller looks really good as well.

That's it. Was tempted by Cle/ Minn over 7 because McKenzie making his first start of the year will be on a short leach and Ryan got hammered in his last. I will be back for the GS. Added totals actual is 130 1/2 at this moment but that will change. I would expect the GS to be around 136. GL
Im fucking awake and bol has it up 136.5. Lol Little leary as missed last 2 days that would have won. But going to bet it. Gl today
I would agree Bank. Odd that 5dimes had the same 136 1/2 BOL had. I have never met anyone as sick as I am when it comes to betting unders. I really love them in college hoops but everyone else hates them and I can't blame them, so the books just keep jacking totals. I have to get a DK account. GL

I’m a huge under guy also, always have been on ncaa hoops and fb, nfl, and bases! Only thing I play overs is the props
Well good morning Sunshine! GL :)

I know you like unders Bank. Us sickos have to stick together. 137 1/2 is still better than what I got. My numbers never moved right up to game time. GL
Well good morning Sunshine! GL :)

I know you like unders Bank. Us sickos have to stick together. 137 1/2 is still better than what I got. My numbers never moved right up to game time. GL

I barely got it in, bad day for me to have early Ass start as I got pretty smashed last night, I don’t do much drinking these days so the next day is brutal! Lol
Funny you say that I have a glass of wine when I cook at night, but I rarely drink a lot in one sitting. Wife and I will have a few if we are in Las Vegas but at home I don't drink much anymore. GL
Funny you say that I have a glass of wine when I cook at night, but I rarely drink a lot in one sitting. Wife and I will have a few if we are in Las Vegas but at home I don't drink much anymore. GL

I can’t even the last time I was actually drunk! It been years probably, I was pushing it last night, I was def on the high side of buzzed! Told friend I’d come over for a drink but he kept giving me a guilt trip when I said I was leaving, ended up staying to 11 and taking bunch of American honey and Yeager shots (hate that shit!) had to call a Uber and leave the car, lol.
Yeah, unders only way to go usually. I've learned to bet them with confidence. This GS is easy - I just bet it and check when games are over (one of the benefits of not capping myself). I'm going to flat bet it blind and see what happens. Hopefully it will hold up over remaining 4 months. Should be 2-0 since Friday but bad luck. Will risk 5 units. If betting it blindly loses a net of 5 units then so be it. I'll know it has to be capped.

Have friend on here who bets professionally for a living and he says BOL is the dumb book. BM the smart one. That being said, he once estimated BOL clears $1M a day likely. I hope so. I hope they make a killing on idiots betting the GS Over and let us win betting under. we'll see.
Smart to take an uber Bank. Good decision. GL

Mike, I promise you no matter how many times the GS goes under the books will keep padding it and the folks will keep betting the over. No matter how many times they lose in a row. People just won't bet under.

One thing though, I would bet the GS under every day June, July, and August but once September comes stop. Too many call ups and first time starters that really don't belong in the majors but teams, especially those that are out of the hunt, will start these guys just to see what's in their minors. They will intentionally leave them in too long to see how they react. One team can easily give up 20 runs. Dangerous to keep betting the GS under in Sept. August is still safe but never September.

But September is a great time to take these big dogs +2 1/2 runs. Books think every year bettors will always lay -300 or more on teams in the hunt because some genius said teams in the playoff race will win more than teams already eliminated. Could not be more wrong because teams out of it are still playing for their jobs and they are loose while teams trying to win are tight. Trust me you just can't play baseball well tight. That's why Bank and I make a killing every Sept betting those eliminated teams at +2 1/2 runs for no more than -140. Doesn't matter who the teams are those runs are gold. Even Oak will make you rich every game in Sept. GL
I’ve grown much wiser at my old age! Can’t help but think how incredibly dumb I was always being the designated drunk driver!

I never used to like playing bases in sept cause I’m not interested laying those -300 lines and the dogs generally don’t win enough to be worth it, taking those +2.5 runs at super low odds has totally changed things for me tho!
Smart to take an uber Bank. Good decision. GL

Mike, I promise you no matter how many times the GS goes under the books will keep padding it and the folks will keep betting the over. No matter how many times they lose in a row. People just won't bet under.

One thing though, I would bet the GS under every day June, July, and August but once September comes stop. Too many call ups and first time starters that really don't belong in the majors but teams, especially those that are out of the hunt, will start these guys just to see what's in their minors. They will intentionally leave them in too long to see how they react. One team can easily give up 20 runs. Dangerous to keep betting the GS under in Sept. August is still safe but never September.

But September is a great time to take these big dogs +2 1/2 runs. Books think every year bettors will always lay -300 or more on teams in the hunt because some genius said teams in the playoff race will win more than teams already eliminated. Could not be more wrong because teams out of it are still playing for their jobs and they are loose while teams trying to win are tight. Trust me you just can't play baseball well tight. That's why Bank and I make a killing every Sept betting those eliminated teams at +2 1/2 runs for no more than -140. Doesn't matter who the teams are those runs are gold. Even Oak will make you rich every game in Sept. GL
Yeah tend to agree on padding the over. Like i said hopefully the books are killing it and will let us continue to win on the unders. It is telling that most of my books dont offer it. It's amazing there's even a possibility you can blindly bet something at a profit in this day and age. But i swear every time ive come into this thread this year it was a winner.

Thanks on September tip. Sounds good. Hopefully up 20 units by then. I remember the +2.5 runs well.

Looks good today so far. Hopefully not another rain out. Takes so much to lose it. Like u said nobody hits for shit anymore. Im from san diego and still root for pads. Cant hit for shit. Think fucking Nola is under .100 now. How is that possible. Soto wants $50m per year to walk 100 times. But its everywhere. Lindor Correa. No one hits .300 anymore
Gs easy winner. Should be 3 0 but will take 1st win. Thanks again Wire. Best angle ive seen in a long time

Even with a few high scoring games it wasn’t even close! God damn I can’t believe I’ve never paid attention to this!! Wire on point it gonna be incredibly rare there not a handful of low scoring games on a full card with way all these Ass holes swing out their shoes, don’t care about striking out, and don’t have the 1st clue how to play situational baseball to push runs across. Look at the Braves, by all accounts one the best freaking teams in baseball and they don’t score unless they hit bombs. Today they had bases juiced no outs in 9th and couldn’t get the guy home from 3rd to st least tie game but then they get bailed out by a grand slam. It really is terrible baseball. I saw a few extra inning games this past week where the road team failed to score then the home team still didn’t play small ball to get that guy home from 2md! That should be game over 90% the time, you bunt him to 3rd then they gotta pull the infield in, fly ball or punch a single and gane over but instead they come up and swing out their shoes and don’t move runner over, it so pathetic! As wire always ranting about the changes not making the game better, all they would really have to do is go back to teaching these pricks how to play the right way, I don’t care how fast the game goes, sitting around waiting for everyone to hit a home run, walk or strike out isn’t that enjoyable! Makes for some nice strike out props and apparently the salami unders tho!
Yeah tend to agree on padding the over. Like i said hopefully the books are killing it and will let us continue to win on the unders. It is telling that most of my books dont offer it. It's amazing there's even a possibility you can blindly bet something at a profit in this day and age. But i swear every time ive come into this thread this year it was a winner.

Thanks on September tip. Sounds good. Hopefully up 20 units by then. I remember the +2.5 runs well.

Looks good today so far. Hopefully not another rain out. Takes so much to lose it. Like u said nobody hits for shit anymore. Im from san diego and still root for pads. Cant hit for shit. Think fucking Nola is under .100 now. How is that possible. Soto wants $50m per year to walk 100 times. But its everywhere. Lindor Correa. No one hits .300 anymore

I cashed the last 2 cubs pitcher out totals easy, it baffling to me pads lineup can’t score runs, spent all that money and snakes have passed them with a lot more talent still waiting to come up to the show while I assume pads have depleted their farm system with the recent trades! Pads on track to go down as one the bigger failures at trying to buy a championship! Right there with the Mets! Lol. Don’t get me wrong I appreciate a team spending money and going for it but damn that has gone horribly wrong in sd! Lad never really wins it all (unless you wanna count the fake covid ship which I don’t) but at least they win 100 games every year, as you should w a monster payroll.
I cashed the last 2 cubs pitcher out totals easy, it baffling to me pads lineup can’t score runs, spent all that money and snakes have passed them with a lot more talent still waiting to come up to the show while I assume pads have depleted their farm system with the recent trades! Pads on track to go down as one the bigger failures at trying to buy a championship! Right there with the Mets! Lol. Don’t get me wrong I appreciate a team spending money and going for it but damn that has gone horribly wrong in sd! Lad never really wins it all (unless you wanna count the fake covid ship which I don’t) but at least they win 100 games every year, as you should w a monster payroll.
Yeah im from San Diego and grew up with pads. It is nice they have an owner willing to spend. But so far this year is a disaster for sure. No one hitting over .260.
Even with a few high scoring games it wasn’t even close! God damn I can’t believe I’ve never paid attention to this!! Wire on point it gonna be incredibly rare there not a handful of low scoring games on a full card with way all these Ass holes swing out their shoes, don’t care about striking out, and don’t have the 1st clue how to play situational baseball to push runs across. Look at the Braves, by all accounts one the best freaking teams in baseball and they don’t score unless they hit bombs. Today they had bases juiced no outs in 9th and couldn’t get the guy home from 3rd to st least tie game but then they get bailed out by a grand slam. It really is terrible baseball. I saw a few extra inning games this past week where the road team failed to score then the home team still didn’t play small ball to get that guy home from 2md! That should be game over 90% the time, you bunt him to 3rd then they gotta pull the infield in, fly ball or punch a single and gane over but instead they come up and swing out their shoes and don’t move runner over, it so pathetic! As wire always ranting about the changes not making the game better, all they would really have to do is go back to teaching these pricks how to play the right way, I don’t care how fast the game goes, sitting around waiting for everyone to hit a home run, walk or strike out isn’t that enjoyable! Makes for some nice strike out props and apparently the salami unders tho!
Yeah first 2 scores i saw were 13 and 11. But then there was a 2 1, 2 1, and 2 0 and i knew probably a winner. Agree an amazing angle. I fully expect draw downs and some losers but think this should be consistent winner. Lets hope so. Books dont offer those but once in a blue moon. Thanks again Wire.