MLB Sunday 5/1


Pretty much a regular
Record tomm but 10-3 so far with 3 pending.

Thanks B.A.R. I appreciate it. GL

Got the unders in StL and CHW Bank. Good stuff. GL

Lot not to like today. All x50 each overs -140

Bost/Bal over 7 1/2 - Both starters can and will be hit.
Toronto ML -140 - Valdez great at home but beat up on the road. Gausman very solid everywhere.
SD/Pitt over 7 - Lean SD but not sure what Musgrove's last start was when he got shelled. Those could always be a hurt pitcher. Could also just be a bad day but I usually wait a game to see. Keller allowing 4 runs in 3 of his 4 starts this year. Safest bet here is to go over.
Cubs/MLW over 6 1/2 - Stroman not too good for the Cubs but his best start of the year beat MLW in the opener so be careful on a MLW side. Burnes has been great in every started game this year but the pen has given away the win 3 out of 4 times. I will use that pen to get this over home safely at 3-3.
AZ/STL over 7 - Both starters throw very few innings and both are very generous when they are in there. 3-3 no worse than a push.
Cinn/Colo over 10 - If you are ever going to get an over to sail over a big total at Coors this is the game.
Wash/SF over 7 - Gray for as few innings as he throws walks way too fucking many hitters. Cobb hasn't settled in yet so let's try over a reasonable total here.
Cle/Oak over 7 - A ton of overs today but no other way to play this one.
Det/LA over 7 - Should just lay the -240 and bet LA to win but I have a funny feeling this one could surprise so over is safer.
Phil/Mets over 6 1/2 - Just a guess because both starters are pretty solid.

I would be very happy to go 5-5 today. I found this to be a tough card. GL
Hicks has only started 2 games thus far in his career, 1st one was ok, he only went 3 innings which was to be expected, last time I was curious to see if he could go longer but I believe he got hit by a line drive in wrist which why he left early. He has fantastic stuff and I think could turn into a really solid 3 in the rotation (with upside) once he gets fully stretched and used to starting (pretty sure he did a little in minors but been awhile). I think he outmatches this zona lineup but with last start ending prematurely cause the fluke injury I have no clue what we can expect innings/pitch count wise?

Despite taking the loss Mikolas gave them a fantastic outing yesterday so the pen should be pretty much good to go. I’m not sure dbags get the 3 you looking for? I think Davies is incredibly hittable but good god cards offense been putrid, after ya get past the 4 hole they have a bunch of dudes hitting around or below the Mendoza line! They really need a decent day from the offense and they often do step up when they need a win so I could def see them giving ya 5-6 runs, sadly it just wouldn’t be shocking to see them only score 3 either! Supposed to be nicest day of weekend with little sun and temps close to 80, it rather muggy also with a nice helping wind out which usually when the ball carries more at Busch. I might join you with a small cards/over parlay.
Thanks Bank. Good stuff. Everyone is hitting below the Mendoza line. I think Cards break out eventually though. Maybe today they get 8? GL

Thanks Cash. GL
Thanks Bank. Good stuff. Everyone is hitting below the Mendoza line. I think Cards break out eventually though. Maybe today they get 8? GL

Thanks Cash. GL

the shortened spring didnt just effect pitchers,, in fact while it did cause some starters problems the fact teams were allowed to carry extra pitchers kept the scoring down as teams simply had relievers take more innings. now the starters getting deeper and throwing 100ish pitches, need the bats to start catching up, i know one the unfortunate side effects of the new analytic approach has been averages and making contact became a afterthought but think it was worse than usual this 1st month.. i agree if cards ever gonna hit today would be a day they do so..
Bank, what you say is true except with or without a regular spring training most pitchers won't throw 100 pitches for the entire season and 90% of hitters today guess. They are taught that in the minors and it is the single reason why hitters can't hit today. Has been the same for at least the last 10 years. Like 90% of pitchers not going more than 6 innings all year there won't be 20 in all of MLB hitting .300 or higher at the end of the season. That's out of a total of at least 750 total. 2% of all hitters. That's pathetic. GL
Bank, what you say is true except with or without a regular spring training most pitchers won't throw 100 pitches for the entire season and 90% of hitters today guess. They are taught that in the minors and it is the single reason why hitters can't hit today. Has been the same for at least the last 10 years. Like 90% of pitchers not going more than 6 innings all year there won't be 20 in all of MLB hitting .300 or higher at the end of the season. That's out of a total of at least 750 total. 2% of all hitters. That's pathetic. GL

the pitchers were being pulled way early their 1st few starts even for todays game, you havnt noticed lately guys been at or exceeding 100 pitches of late and at least getting into the 6th? that wasnt happening hardly at all the 1st few weeks that i can recall. i was shocked yesterday (and kinda lucked out) that pads sent Manaea back out for the 7th when he was really close to 100 pitches, i thought for sure i was losing his k prop by 1 as he failed to punch anyone in the 6th but sure enough there he was in the 7th cashing for me!! ended up throwing 111 pitches!

far as hitters i hear ya, im not crazy enough to expect many guys to be hitting .300, honestly they have pretty much programmed me to look at obp and ops way more than average but even those are crazy low at the moment! we only have 15 teams with a .700 ops or better right now! in '19 only 3 teams were below that for the entire year!! last year 5 teams finished below that mark!! it been drastically worse so far this year, either shit has fallen off a cliff or the shortened spring def had a effect and we will hopefully get some correction soon! last year 10 teams were above .750, right now we have 3 freaking teams with a collective ops of .750 or better and the fall off after that is crazy, the 4th best ops right now is the mets at .724!! in a full season last year that would have placed them in 16th!!! there no way it possibly has gotten this much worse, is there? it has to be the lack of spring imo. or god i hope so anyways! im not sure i can watch if this the new norm!!!
not to mention in '19 pitchers spin rates were off the charts with the sticky stuff!! it insane the drop off from then to this 1st month, if it not the lack of spring training then we need to really look hard cause something going on! if it just the way it is then they gotta lower the freaking mound i guess and ive never said that was a good idea before!!
Bank, I like the way you said that. You have been programmed to look at OBP and OPS. When I played and we were in a slump we'd tell the coaches yes I'm hitting .220 but my on base is over 340. They always said just because you take a walk here or there doesn't mean you can hit. Now hit the fucking ball or we will send the bus for you. You never mentioned OBP twice and for good reason. The league invented this OPS stuff to try and hide the fact that these guys can't hit for shit. Every time you see a guy swing at a pitch 6 feet out of the strike zone a minor league hitting instructor, and I use the term very loosely, should be fired. With maybe 20 exceptions trust me this is the norm each and every year.

As for lowering the mound or banning the sticky stuff I think that's more excuses. In 2019 when, as you say, the spin rates were off the charts what were the era's? You will find that only 8 pitchers finished the season with an era under 3. Show me just 10 pitchers with and era under 3 as early as the all star break and I will believe the pitchers are anything but horrible for the last 10-15 years. But you won't. It's just that the batters are guessing and they don't come through. Now here's a puzzler for you......... If the hitting is bad with everyone hitting below .300 why aren't more of the pitching era's under 3 every year? GL
They so worried bout launch angle and whatnot you right they guessing like crazy cause they not just seeing ball hitting ball. All this stuff has taken away the art of being a hitter. None of them can or care to situational hit, choke up and advance the runners, take pride in not striking out! I remember when it was flat out embarrassing to have the number of strike outs all these guys piling up!! Now days nobody cares as long they draw some walks and hit their 30 bombs. I recall those old tigers teams with Fielder and Dear, they were blasting a bunch of home runs but they were looked at like jokes cause the painfully low averages and high number of strike outs they had every year!! Now days half the league doing exactly what they did!!
I respect the capping but come on now. The reason hitters can't hit is 90% of the bullpen comprises of completely interchangeable AAAA pitchers that basically have Nolan Ryan stuff when they are limited to throwing 20 pitches of max effort before the next nameless slug takes his spot.

My team, the 91-71 Jays used 38 different pitchers last year. Thirty years prior to that and one year before their back-to-back World Series, the also 91-71 1991 Jays used a total of 20 pitchers. The 1992 team used only 17 and three of those combined for only 6 IP so really only 14. That right there is the only stat you need to consider when looking at offense being in the shitter. A World Series caliber team should have a good enough pitching staff to only require 14 pitchers all season barring significant injuries.

The 1993 Rockies - the expansion team in pitcher hell - used 25 pitchers that year. A lot for that era but still less than two-thirds the pitchers that a playoff caliber team uses today throughout the year.

MLB let teams like the Rays game the system and introduce things like openers and BP games and now anyone less than Kershaw or Scherzer aren't even allowed to face batters more than twice. Instead of paying someone with Nolan Ryan talent good money to do that over 250 innings, they are paying league minimum to a bunch of chumps to mimic Nolan Ryan talent over 250 innings but 15 different guys are doing it over the course of a season.

Limit each team to 20 pitchers a year throughout the entire season. That would force teams to develop good pitchers who can actually face hitters four times through the order and any BP arms have to be of Rich Gossage quality over 100 innings...not Nolan Ryan quality but good for only 20 innings.
I respect the capping but come on now. The reason hitters can't hit is 90% of the bullpen comprises of completely interchangeable AAAA pitchers that basically have Nolan Ryan stuff when they are limited to throwing 20 pitches of max effort before the next nameless slug takes his spot.

My team, the 91-71 Jays used 38 different pitchers last year. Thirty years prior to that and one year before their back-to-back World Series, the also 91-71 1991 Jays used a total of 20 pitchers. The 1992 team used only 17 and three of those combined for only 6 IP so really only 14. That right there is the only stat you need to consider when looking at offense being in the shitter. A World Series caliber team should have a good enough pitching staff to only require 14 pitchers all season barring significant injuries.

The 1993 Rockies - the expansion team in pitcher hell - used 25 pitchers that year. A lot for that era but still less than two-thirds the pitchers that a playoff caliber team uses today throughout the year.

MLB let teams like the Rays game the system and introduce things like openers and BP games and now anyone less than Kershaw or Scherzer aren't even allowed to face batters more than twice. Instead of paying someone with Nolan Ryan talent good money to do that over 250 innings, they are paying league minimum to a bunch of chumps to mimic Nolan Ryan talent over 250 innings but 15 different guys are doing it over the course of a season.

Limit each team to 20 pitchers a year throughout the entire season. That would force teams to develop good pitchers who can actually face hitters four times through the order and any BP arms have to be of Rich Gossage quality over 100 innings...not Nolan Ryan quality but good for only 20 innings.
Nice post