MLB Sunday 4/30


Pretty much a regular
YTD +3240
7-2 last GS rained out - I am calling TB a loser to the White Sox as it is 3-1 in the 7th and I want to go to bed. It's been a long week. Not over but if TB comes back to win, I will adjust the record in the morning. Actually, I will adjust it right now.

TB loses YTD +3240 - 7-2 last
TB wins YTD +3355 - 8-1 last

There, no matter what happens to TB you have an updated record and I can fucking sleep in in the morning. You know I am an old man, right?

A rant.................

I can't stand it any longer. Did the new rules make the games go quicker? Yes, much quicker than I could have ever imagined. Good job MLB it worked. Now could you please stop with the cutesy commercials about how great the game has become?

First of all, it ain't that great. Even the no shift hasn't helped these tulips hit better. They are still guessing their asses off and swinging at pitches that are so far out of the strike zone the catcher is diving 15 feet to stop them and then you can see him say "Jesus, he fucking swung at that?"

Second, there is no suspense anymore. The games pace is so fast you don't get that buildup of tension. Bryan Cranston keeps saying there is this great "Cat and mouse game" between the batter and the pitcher. No there isn't. The hitter is jumping into the box quickly terrified the ump will call a strike on him if he's one second late and the pitcher can no longer go through a routine because of the clock. He's getting the ball and except for a couple of seconds pause he is throwing. There is no time for tension to build even in the bottom of the 9th in a tied game. And to be perfectly honest about it tension, in a lot of situations, was the one thing baseball had going for itself.

Third, Bryan Cranston just needs to shut the fuck up. I liked the guy in Breaking Bad but Mr. White needs to seriously stop sitting around and telling us all how a great game just became greater just because of their precious rule changes. I don't think this guy has ever watched a full baseball game at any level in his life.

Finally, you do realize that we have all seen those commercials ad nauseum about the rule changes and how great the game is now right? But are you aware that the only place you see those commercials is if you are already tuned in and watching a baseball game? That's like only advertising for McDonalds hamburgers on a TV monitor you can only see at the order counter inside a fucking McDonalds.

Sorry. Had to be said.

All x50 each

Cubs ML -130 - Steele is very good. Hoeing is very bad.
Balt ML -130 - Bradish lit up in his last, but I seem to remember he got all kinds of pissed off at the ump. He walked 4 in that game. I could be wrong, but I'll try the good road odds. Hope he doesn't lose his shit today as he is normally pretty decent.
Atlanta ML -160 - Nothing changed from Saturday's rainout except the odds for me are a little higher. Strider is still better than Megill.
Minn ML -200 - Not sure why but Gray has been pitching like he is possessed. Singer is hittable this year.
TB/CHW over 8 1/2 - I have no idea why I am doing this one other than one team may score 9 themselves.
SF/SD under 19 1/2 - I get this place is a band box and you will probably get a higher number than I did but both pitchers are decent, and I will try the under again.
Cinn/Oak over 7 1/2 - Both these starters are horrible.
Phil/Hou over 8 1/2 - Both starters have been hit well so since it is a late TV game and I have to bet something why not the over?

Going to pass the GS because of this Mexico bullshit. GL
I couldn’t agree more Wire. There is no tension or build up whatsoever. I really wish they would stop with the pitch clock stuff in the playoffs. I just can’t believe you’d be on a timer with the entire season on the line. Also as a fan who likes to go to some games both at Wrigley and at Busch, I don’t want to go to a 2 hour game. I want to sit and enjoy for 3 hours plus. I was at a Cards game earlier this month with 19 total runs scored that took just under 3 hours to complete. This would have taken at least 45 minutes longer without the bullshit timer.

Anyway keep posting and sharing your thoughts. I feel like I have learned a lot just following your posts and have gotten quite a few winners following as well. Thanks
What’s it say bout my add and refusal to watch commercials that I havnt seen these Cranston commercials you speak of? Lol, I guess if they only on during games I don’t watch all that many games either! Maybe a few a week, I listen to more on radio and use sites that show me pitch by pitch so I can chart pitchers. For those purposes I like the quicker pace quite a bit. I don’t like the advantage they have created for base runners, not sure why teams arnt running even more? They should be long as they successful close to 80% the time which is ridiculous, catchers don’t have a freaking chance to throw these guys out in most cases, I think that sucks.

Overall im happy w them, you right that guys still look like a blindfolded retarded kid swinging at pitches but without looking at the numbers I’d guess eliminating the shift has def raised batting averages a good 20+ points overall. You don’t see many teams with 4-5 guys in lineups below the Mendoza line like we had going on last year! There nothing can be done about these Mfers just not caring about strikeouts and swinging out their shoes no matter the count or situation, Braves probably have the best offense in the NL and they have 4-5 maybe 6 guys striking out over 30% their at bats! Shit crazy but they do damage when they actually hit the ball and long as that what gets guys paid they not changing that approach!!
I couldn’t agree more Wire. There is no tension or build up whatsoever. I really wish they would stop with the pitch clock stuff in the playoffs. I just can’t believe you’d be on a timer with the entire season on the line. Also as a fan who likes to go to some games both at Wrigley and at Busch, I don’t want to go to a 2 hour game. I want to sit and enjoy for 3 hours plus. I was at a Cards game earlier this month with 19 total runs scored that took just under 3 hours to complete. This would have taken at least 45 minutes longer without the bullshit timer.

Anyway keep posting and sharing your thoughts. I feel like I have learned a lot just following your posts and have gotten quite a few winners following as well. Thanks
I was actually thinking about this recently as I'll look to get down to CoPa once the weather improves. That is one time I generally don't care about the length of a game, I'm there to enjoy the experience.

They'll tweak it, but probably never to everyone's likings.
Thanks for the kind words Charles. I have also had hopes that they would stop the clock for playoffs but a friend of mine who used to be in the White Sox organization recently told me MLB brass considered it and said they will not get rid of the clock. Too bad as I think it would be a great idea just for the playoffs. GL

Good points Bank. As a former catcher I was shocked that catchers only had like a 60% throw out rate even before the clock. But that's mostly on pitchers. As for the batting averages those always go down over time. You might still see a ton of below Mendoza hitters come August. Thanks. GL

Thanks B.A.R. I appreciate it. You are probably right they might tweak it. Maybe 15 seconds for the hitter and 30 seconds for the pitcher in playoffs. GL
I think im seeing enough hits that were easy outs last 3 years w the shift the averages will stay up, I wasn’t w huge fan of taking the shift away but I gotta admit I find something more pleasing about the kind of hits that been hits for 100 years up until the shift taking them away being hits again! The shift did a really good job of taking away balls off the bat we had grown to expect be hits!! I found that a bit frustrating, I know it left holes that hitters should have adjusted to and made them pay but ur woulda cut into their power numbers so they simply refused and continued hitting into the shift time after time!! Since hitters had no interest of forcing them out the shift im kinda glad now that Mlb stepped in and did it, the game more aesthetically pleasing to me this way!!

you gotta think this clock thing has q good chance of wearing pitchers down as the season goes on to the point hitters won’t be seeing the same number of quality pitches the deeper we get into the summer.
It hasn’t even been really hot anywhere yet. Gotta assume pitchers gonna have a tougher time w clock as it gets hot as balls many places!
I think that's a really good point I didn't think about Bank. Pitchers wearing out as the season progresses and with heat. MLB will make changes to the clock whether they want to or not if the DL grows as the season progresses. GL

Thanks Tim. You are right Cubs now -170. Pays to shop early sometimes. GL